Here is the list of publications by research areas. The complete list of publications can be found in ETIS (Estonian Research Information System).

Cultural differences. This ongoing research deals with culture as a pattern of values, attitudes and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another. We can study cultural differences between countries, but also between within-country regions. In years 2019-2023 work on this topic was also supported by the Estonian Research Council grant PUT PRG380 (project webpage). See also:

Various cultural dimensions, their conceptualisation and measurement are studied in the following articles:

The impact of culture on various phenomena is discussed in the following articles:

Social capital. This research covers the nature of social capital, its different dimensions, measurement and sources as well as its influence on economy.

Social capital in the context of students organisations:

Welfare and inequality. The research focused on measuring welfare and regional inequality as wel as more specifically on factors of income inequality.