![]() Townhall in Hagen/Westfalen Dr. habil. Stefan Groote
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"Mathematischer Vorkurs Frühjahr 2005" (in German)
My habilitation thesis (Habilitationsschrift)
The second subject of my thesis, the anomalous dimension in the calculation of two-loop corrections to the mesonic and baryonic vertex, was result of a collaboration between Prof. Körner, Dr. Oleg I. Yakovlev and me. Using these results, we calculated first order radiative corrections to to the two-point correlator for the baryonic current related to this the radiative corrected diagonal and non-diagonal QCD sum rules.
On February 21, 1997, I passed my PhD examination with "magna cum laude".
Since March 1996 I co-supervised the work of Dr. Alfonso Leyva, at that time PhD student at Prof. Körner, whos first subject was gluon polarization effects. For the second subject, namely the calculation of spin-spin correlations in electron-positron annihilations into quarks and gluons, we were joined by Prof. Körner's PhD student Volker Kleinschmidt since February until he left the Institute, since April by Marcus Mauser and at approximately the same time by Martin Fischer.
In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Karl Schilcher and Prof. Dr. J. Körner I worked on the improvement for the accuracy of the QED coupling constant on the Z pole. We were joined by Dr. Alexei A. Pivovarov, who was guest at Mainz for several times. We extended the analysis to high order relations between physical observables as test for perturbative QCD and analyzed the resummation techniques in tau decays. We also searched for new calculation techniques for sunset diagrams. In this course we were able to find some configuration space techniques to handle sunset-rise diagrams, also called water melons, and could reproduce the transcendental numbers obtained in the tetrahedron diagrams of three-loop bubbles within easier topologies. We shall continued the collaboration also by incorporating calculations on radiative corrections to massive baryonic correlators.
In summer 1997 and 1998, Dr. Andrei G. Grozin was guest at the ThEP working group. In cooperation with him we started a project for calculating electric and magnetic formfactors for massive quarks.
A CV about my Tartu time can be found here.
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, M.M. Tung
(MZ-TH / 95-09):
"Longitudinal contribution to the longitudinal polarization of quarks
produced in electron-positron-annihilation: an O(alpha_s) effect",
Z. Phys. C70 (1996) 281-290
S. Groote, J.G. Körner
(MZ-TH / 95-17):
"Transverse polarization of top quarks produced in
electron-positron-annihilation at O(alpha_s)",
Z. Phys. C72 (1996) 255-261
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, M.M. Tung
(MZ-TH / 95-19):
"Polar angle dependence of the alignment polarization of quarks
produced in electron-positron-annihilation",
Z. Phys. C74 (1997) 615-629
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, O.I. Yakovlev
(MZ-TH / 96-06):
"Two-loop anomalous dimensions of heavy baryon currents
in heavy quark effective theory",
Phys. Rev. D54 (1996) 3447-3456
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, O.I. Yakovlev
(MZ-TH / 96-21):
"QCD sum rules for heavy baryons at next-to-leading order in alpha_s",
Phys. Rev. D55 (1997) 3016-3026
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, J.A. Leyva
(MZ-TH / 96-34):
"Gluon polarization in electron-positron to top-antitop-gluon",
Phys. Rev. D56 (1997) 6031-6034
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 97-03):
"Resummation analysis of the tau decay width using the four-loop
Mod. Phys. Lett. A13 (1998) 637-650
S. Groote,
(MZ-TH / 97-05):
"Two-loop anomalous dimensions of heavy baryon currents in heavy quark
Talk given on the
2nd Triangle School in Particle Physics,
Prague, Czech Republic, September 2-10, 1996
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, A.A. Pivovarov, K. Schilcher
(MZ-TH / 97-09):
"New high order relations between physical observables in perturbative
Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (1997) 2763-2766
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 97-16):
"Perturbative relations between electron-positron annihilation and tau decay
observables including resummation effects",
Phys. Lett. 407 B (1997) 66-72
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, J.A. Leyva
(MZ-TH / 97-17):
"Gluon polarization in electron-positron to electron-positron to
top-antitop-gluon: polar angle dependence and beam polarization effects",
Eur. Phys. J. C7 (1999) 49-59
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, O.I. Yakovlev
(MZ-TH / 97-19):
"An analysis of diagonal and non-diagonal QCD sum rules for heavy baryons at
next-to-leading order in alpha_s",
Phys. Rev. D56 (1997) 3943-3954
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, J.A. Leyva
(MZ-TH / 97-27):
"O(alpha_s) corrections to longitudinal spin-spin correlations in
electron-positron to quark-antiquark",
Phys. Lett. 418 B (1998) 192-198
S. Groote
(MZ-TH / 97-34):
"Analyzing QCD sum rules for heavy baryons at next-to-leading order in
alpha_s", Proceedings of the IVth International Workshop "Progress in
Heavy Quark Physics", Rostock, September 20-22, 1997, pages 195-198
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, J.A. Leyva
(MZ-TH / 97-39):
"On the rigidity of back-to-back top quark pairs in electron-positron
Nucl. Phys. B527 (1998) 3-20
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, K. Schilcher, N.F. Nasrallah
(MZ-TH / 98-02):
"QCD sum rule determination of alpha(M_Z) with minimal data input",
Phys. Lett. 440 B (1998) 375-385
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 98-09):
"On the evaluation of sunset-type Feynman diagrams",
Nucl. Phys. B542 (1999) 515-547
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 98-12):
"A new technique for computing the spectral density of sunset-type
diagrams: integral transformation in configuration space",
Phys. Lett. 443 B (1998) 269-275
M. Fischer, S. Groote, J.G. Körner and M.C. Mauser, B. Lampe
(MZ-TH / 98-47):
"Polarized top decay into polarized W",
Phys. Lett. 451 B (1999) 406-413
J.G. Körner and S. Groote
(MZ-TH / 98-63):
"Heavy Baryons: Status and overview (theory)",
Invited talk given by J.G. Körner at the 8th International Conference on
the Structure of Baryons (BARYONS'98), Bonn, Germany, 22-26 September 1998,
published in the Proceedings "BARYONS '98", edited by D.W. Menze and
B. Metsch (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999) pages 232-245.
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 99-07, CLNS / 99-1606):
"Configuration space based recurrence relations for sunset-type
Eur. Phys. J. C11 (1999) 279-292
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 99-13, CLNS / 99-1613):
"Transcendental numbers and the topology of three-loop bubbles",
Phys. Rev. D60 (1999) 061701
S. Groote
(MZ-TH / 99-18, CLNS / 99-1619):
"Local and global duality and the determination of alpha(M_Z)", Proceedings
of the conference "High Energy Physics at the Millennium (MRST'99)", Ottawa,
Canada, May 10-12, 1999, pages 124-131
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 99-49, CLNS / 99-1647):
"O(alpha_s) corrections to the correlator of finite mass baryon
Phys. Rev. D61 (2000) 071501
M. Fischer, J.G. Körner, M.C. Mauser and S. Groote
(MZ-TH / 99-27):
"Inclusive decays of B mesons into D_s and D^* and D_s^* at O(alpha_s)
including D_s^* polarization effects",
Phys. Lett. 480 B (2000) 265-272
S. Groote and J. Shigemitsu
(MZ-TH / 99-64):
"One-loop self energy and renormalization of the speed of light for some
anisotropic inproved quark actions",
Phys. Rev. D62 (2000) 014508
S. Groote and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 00-07):
"Threshold expansion of Feynman diagrams within a configuration space
technique", Nucl. Phys. B580 (2000) 459-484
J.G. Körner and S. Groote
(MZ-TH / 00-08):
"Theory of Heavy Baryon Decay",
Invited talk given by J.G. Körner at the 3rd International Conference
on B Physics and CP Violation (BCONF99), Taipei, Taiwan, 3-7 Dec 1999,
published in the Proceedings, edited by H.Y. Cheng and W.S. Hou
(World Scientific, 2000).
Stefan Groote
(MZ-TH / 00-24):
"QCD sum rules as applied to heavy baryons", Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on "Heavy Quark Physics", Dubna, Russia, April 6-8,
2000, p.26-30
S. Groote and O.I. Yakovlev
(MZ-TH / 00-33, CLNS / 00-1686):
"Top quark mass definition and t anti-t production near threshold at the
NLC", Phys. Rev. D63 (2001) 074012
S. Groote and O.I. Yakovlev
(MZ-TH / 00-36):
"A dynamic mass definition near the t anti-t threshold", talk given by
Stefan Groote at the Laboratory of Nuclear Studies, Cornell Univ., Ithaca,
N.Y., 23 Aug 2000
O.I. Yakovlev and S. Groote
(MZ-TH / 00-38, CLNS / 00-1690):
"Top quark production near threshold at NLC", talk given by Oleg Yakovlev at
PHENO 2000: Symposium on Phenomenology for the Nu Century, Madison,
Wisconsin, 17-19 Apr 2000
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 00-41, CLNS / 00-1693):
"Analytical calculation of heavy baryon correlators in NLO of perturbative
QCD", contribution to the "VII International Workshop on Advanced Computing
and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT2000)", Fermi National
Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, USA, 16-20 Oct 2000, to appear in the
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and J.A. Leyva
(MZ-TH / 00-41, CLNS / 00-1693):
"O(alpha_s) corrections to the polar angle dependence of the longitudinal
spin-spin correlation asymmetry in electron + positron -> quark + anti-quark"
M. Fischer, S. Groote, J.G. Körner and M.C. Mauser
(MZ-TH / 00-50):
"Longitudinal, transverse plus and transverse minus W bosons in unpolarized
top quark decays at O(alpha_s)", Phys. Rev. D63 (2001) 031501
O.I. Yakovlev and S. Groote
(MZ-TH / 00-57, MCTP-00-10):
"On top anti-top threshold and top quark mass definition", talk given by
Oleg Yakovlev on the Linear Collider Workshop 2000, Fermilab, October 2000,
to appear in the Proceedings
M. Fischer, S. Groote, J.G. Körner and M.C. Mauser
(MZ-TH / 99-10):
"Complete angular analysis of polarized top decay at O(alpha_s)",
Phys. Rev. D65 (2002) 054036
S. Groote and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 01-06):
"Low-energy gluon contributions to the vacuum polarization of heavy quarks",
JETP Lett. 75 (2002) 221 [Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 75 (2002) 267]
S. Groote and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 01-10):
"Heavy quark induced effective action for gauge fields in the
SU(N_c) x U(1) model and the low-energy structure of heavy quark
current correlators", Eur. Phys. J. C21 (2001) 133-143
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 01-15):
"Spectral moments of two-point correlators in perturbation theory and
beyond", Phys. Rev. D65 (2002) 036001
M. Fischler et al. (FERMILAB-CONF-01-237-T):
"Summaries of recent computer-assisted Feynman diagram calculations",
prepared for the 7th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and
Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT 2000), Batavia, Illinois,
16-20 Oct 2000
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 01-31):
"An interpolation of the vacuum polarization function for the evaluation of
hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment",
Eur. Phys. J. C24 (2002) 393-405
M. Fischer, S. Groote, J.G. Körner and M.C. Mauser
(MZ-TH / 02-03):
"Leptonic mu and tau decays: mass effects, polarization effects and O(alpha)
radiative corrections",
Phys. Rev. D67 (2003) 067311
H.S. Do, S. Groote, J.G. Körner and M.C. Mauser
(MZ-TH / 01-03):
"Electroweak and finite width corrections to top quark decays into
transverse and longitudinal W-bosons", Phys. Rev. D67 (2003) 091501
S. Groote
(MZ-TH / 02-29):
"Polarization effects in e+ e- annihilation processes"
S. Groote
(MZ-TH / 02-30):
"The electron-positron annihilation cross section used for high precision
tests of the Standard Model"
S. Groote
(MZ-TH / 03-10):
"Lectures on configuration space methods for sunrise-type diagrams",
invited lecture series given at the International Research Workshop
"Calculations for Modern and Future Colliders
(Calc2003)", June 13-21, 2003, Dubna, Russia
M. Fischer, S. Groote, J.G. Körner and M.C. Mauser
(MZ-TH / 03-06):
"Semi-inclusive decays Lambda_b -> X_c + D_s^* at O(alpha_s) including
Lambda_b and D_s^* polarization effects",
Phys. Rev. D70 (2004) 094026
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and J. Maul
(MZ-TH / 03-14):
"QCD improved determination of the hadronic contribution to the anomalous
magnetic moment of the muon"
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 04-03):
"Laurent series expansion of sunrise-type diagrams using configuration space
techniques", Eur. Phys. J. C36 (2004) 471-482
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 05-08):
"On the evaluation of a certain class of Feynman diagrams in x-space:
Sunrise-type topologies at any loop order",
Annals of Physics (2007)
S. Groote, W.S. Huo, A. Kadeer and J.G. Körner
(MZ-TH / 05-13):
"Azimuthal correlation between the (p_l,p_Xb) and (p_l,P_t) planes in the
semileptonic rest frame decay of a polarized top quark: An O(alpha_s)
S. Groote, M. Knodel
(MZ-TH / 05-17):
"Evaluating massive planar two-loop tensor vertex integrals",
Eur. Phys. J. C46 (2006) 157-178
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 06-06):
"Large next-to-leading order QCD corrections to pentaquark sum rules",
Phys. Rev. D74 (2006) 017503
S. Groote and C. Beck
(MZ-TH / 06-07):
"Scaling behavior of non-hyperbolic coupled map lattices",
Phys. Rev. E74 (2006) 046216
S. Groote and C. Beck
(MZ-TH / 06-09):
"Scaling properties of invariant densities of coupled Chebyshev maps",
Dyn. Sys. 22(2) (2007) 219-248
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 07-20):
"Next-to-Leading Order perturbative QCD corrections to baryon correlators in
matter", Phys. Rev. D78(3) (2008) 034039
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 07-21):
"Heavy baryon properties with NLO accuracy in perturbative QCD",
Eur. Phys. J. C58(3) (2008) 355-382
S. Groote and H. Veermäe
(MZ-TH / 08-11):
"Short chaotic strings and their behaviour in the scaling region",
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 41(5) (2005) 2354-2359
S. Groote and J.G. Körner
(MZ-TH / 98-23, superseded by MZ-TH / 08-39):
"Analytical results for O(alpha_s) radiative corrections to
electron-positron annihilation into antitop and polarized top up to a given
energy cut", Phys. Rev. D80(3) (2009) 034001
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and J.A. Leyva
(MZ-TH / 00-49, superseded by MZ-TH / 09-18):
"O(alpha_s) corrections to the polar angle dependence of the longitudinal
spin-spin correlation asymmetry in e^+ e^- -> q q-bar",
Eur. Phys. J. C63(3) (2009) 391-406
S. Groote, H. Liivat, I. Ots and T. Sepp
(MZ-TH / 09-29):
"Probing scalar particle and unparticle couplings in e+ e- -> t tbar with
transversely polarized beams", Eur. Phys. J. C66(1) (2010) 271-281
S. Groote, J.G. Körner
(MZ-TH / 09-42):
"O(alpha(s)) spin effects in e+ e- ---> q anti-q (g)",
Proceedings of 13th Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DSPIN-09),
Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia, 1-5 Sep 2009
R. Saar, S. Groote, H. Liivat and I. Ots
(MZ-TH / 10-20):
"Gauge and Lorentz transformation placed on the same foundation",
Adv. Math. Phys. 2011 (2011) 652126
S. Groote, H. Liivat and I. Ots
(MZ-TH / 10-29):
"Symmetries and similarities for spin orientation parameters in
e^+ e^- -> ZH, Z\gamma, ZZ at SM thresholds",
Nucl. Phys. B843 (2011) 213-222
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, B. Melić and S. Prelovsek
(MZ-TH / 10-47):
"A survey of top quark polarization at a polarized linear e^+ e^- collider",
Phys. Rev. D83 (2011) 054018
R. Saar, S. Groote, H. Liivat and I. Ots
(MZ-TH / 09-30):
"`Dynamical' interactions and gauge invariance",
Phys. Rev. D84(6) (2011) 065022
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 11-17):
"Calculation loops without loop calculations: NLO computation of pentaquark
Phys. Rev. D86(3) (2012) 034023
S. Groote and J.G. Körner
(MZ-TH / 11-45):
"Quark polarization at a polarized linear e^+ e^- collider",
Proceedings of the conference DSPIN-11, Dubna, Russia,
Sept 20-24, 2011
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 12-15):
"A numerical test of differential equations for one- and two-loop sunrise
diagrams using configuration space techniques",
Eur. Phys. J. C72(7) (2012) 2085
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and P. Tuvike
(MZ-TH / 12-16):
"O(alpha_s) corrections to the decays of polarized W^+- and Z bosons into
massive quark pairs",
Eur. Phys. J. C72(10) (2012) 2177
S. Groote, H. Veermäe and C. Beck
(MZ-TH / 12-35):
"Renormalization group approach to chaotic strings",
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 53 (2013) 18-33
S. Groote, J.G. Körner, B. Melić and S. Prelovsek
(MZ-TH / 12-41):
"Single top quark polarization at O(alpha_s) in t t-bar production at a
polarized linear e^+ e^- collider", extended version of a talk given at the
LC Forum Munich 2011, to be published as a DESY-123 LC review report
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and A.A. Pivovarov
(MZ-TH / 12-53):
"Understanding perturbative results for decays of tau leptons into hadrons",
contribution to the Festschrift published on the occasion of the 60th
birthday of Dmitri Kazakov, Phys. Part. Nucl. 44 (2013) 285--298
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and P. Tuvike
(MZ-TH / 12-55):
"Fully analytical O(alpha_s) results for on-shell and off-shell polarized
W-boson decays into massive quark pairs",
Eur. Phys. J. C73 (2013) 2454
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and P. Tuvike
(MITP / 13-009):
"The decays of on-shell and off-shell polarized gauge bosons into massive
quark pairs at NLO QCD", invited talk given by J.G. Körner at the 20th
International Symposium on Spin Physics, September 17-22, 2012, Dubna Russia.
Published in the Proceedings, Phys. Part. Nucl. 45 (2014) 214-216
S. Groote, J.G. Körner and D. Niinepuu
(MITP / 14-003):
"Perturbative O(alpha_s) corrections to the correlation functions of light
tetraquark currents",
Phys. Rev. D90 (2014) 054028
L. Kaldamäe and S. Groote
(MITP / 14-032):
"Virtual and real processes, the Källén function, and the
relation to dilogarithms",
J. Phys. G42 (2015) 085003
S. Groote, H. Veermäe and C. Beck:
"Renormalization aspects of chaotic strings", talk given at the conference
"QQQ12 - 3Quantum: Algebra Geometry Information", Tallinn, Estonia,
July 10-14, 2012, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 532 (2014) 012008
S. Groote and R. Saar:
"Group theory aspects of chaotic strings", talk given at the conference
"QQQ12 - 3Quantum: Algebra Geometry Information", Tallinn, Estonia,
July 10-14, 2012, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 532 (2014) 012006
S. Groote, R. Saar and H. Liivat:
"Lorentz invariance and gauge equivariance", talk given at the conference
"QQQ12 - 3Quantum: Algebra Geometry Information", Tallinn, Estonia,
July 10-14, 2012, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 532 (2014) 012007
S. Berge, S. Groote, J.G. Körner and Lauri Kaldamäe
(MITP / 15-034):
"Lepton-mass effects in the decays H -> ZZ* -> l+ l- τ+ τ- and
H -> WW* -> l ν τ ν_τ",
Phys. Rev. D92 (2015) 033001
R. Saar and S. Groote
(MITP / 16-055):
"Mass, zero mass and ... nophysics",
Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras 27 (2017) 2739
L. Kaldamäe, S. Groote and J.G. Körner
(MITP / 16-057):
"Analytical O(alpha_s) corrections to the beam frame double-spin density
matrix elements of e+ e- -> t tbar",
Phys. Rev. D94 (2016) 114003
Sergey Koshkarev and Stefan Groote (arXiv:1611.08149): "Double quarkonium production at high Feynman-x", Nucl. Phys. B915 (2017) 384-391
Stefan Groote and Sergey Koshkarev (arXiv:1704.02850): "Production of doubly charmed baryons nearly at rest", Eur. Phys. J. C77 (2017) 509
Stanley J. Brodsky, Stefan Groote and Sergey Koshkarev (arXiv:1709.09903): "Resolving the SELEX--LHCb Double-Charm Baryon Conflict: The Impact of Intrinsic Heavy-Quark Hadroproduction and Supersymmetric Light-Front Holographic QCD", Eur. Phys. J. C78 (2018) 483
Stefan Groote and Jürgen G. Körner (MITP-17 / 072): "Bread and butter physics: NLO electroweak corrections to polarized top quark decays", Contribution to the proceedings of the XVII Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics DSPIN-17, September 11-15, Dubna (Russia): Journal of Physics, Conference Series 938 (2018) 012053
Stefan Groote and Jürgen G. Körner (MITP-17 / 084): "Positivity bound on the imaginary part of the right-chiral tensor coupling g_R in polarized top quark decay", Phys. Rev. D96 (2017) 111301
Sergey Koshkarev and Stefan Groote (arXiv:1711.07252): "Signals of the double intrinsic heavy quark at the current experiments", Contribution to the proceedings of the XVII Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics DSPIN-17, September 11-15, Dubna (Russia): Journal of Physics, Conference Series 938 (2018) 012054
M. Fischer, S. Groote and J.G. Körner (MITP-18 / 002): "T-odd correlations in polarized top quark decays in the sequential decay t(^) -> X_b + W+ +(l + ν_l) and in the quasi-three-body decay t(^) -> X_b + l+ +ν_l", Phys. Rev. D97 (2018) 093001
A. Czarnecki, S. Groote, J.G. Körner and J.H. Piclum, (MITP-18 / 008): "NNLO QCD corrections to the polarized top quark decay t(^) -> X_b + W+", Phys. Rev. D97 (2018) 094008
Sergey Koshkarev and Stefan Groote (arXiv:1803.07034): "Analysis of the baryonic state |[qc]c>", submitted to Nucl. Phys. B
S. Groote and J.G. Körner (MITP-18 / 032): "Coordinate space calculation of two- and three-loop sunrise-type diagrams, elliptic functions and truncated Bessel integral identities", Nucl. Phys. B938 (2018) 416-425
S. Groote and J.G. Körner (MITP-18 / 087): "NLO and NNLO corrections to polarized top quark decays", contribution to "QCD@Work 2018", International Workshop on QCD Theory and Experiment. 25-28 June 2018. Matera, Italy
Sergey Koshkarev and Stefan Groote (arXiv:1811.01941): "Resolving the SELEX-LHCb double-charm baryon conflict: the impact of intrinsic heavy-quark hadroproduction and supersymmetric light-front holographic QCD", Baldin seminar 2018, Dubna (Russia): EPJ Web of Conferences 204 (2019) 08007
Veiko Palge, Jacob Dunningham, Stefan Groote and Hannes Liivat (arXiv:1409.1316): "Relativistic entanglement of two particles driven by continuous product momenta", Phys. Rev. A98 (2018) 052322
Andrei Gridin, Stefan Groote, Alexey Guskov and Sergey Koshkarev (arXiv:1901.01712): "Phenomenological study for the search of evidence for intrinsic charm at the COMPASS experiment", Phys. Part. Nucl. Lett. 17 (2020) 826-833
Stefan Groote and Sergey Koshkarev (arXiv:1901.04193): "On the kinematic limit of the charm production in fixed-target experiments with the intrinsic charm from the target"
Veiko Palge, Jacob Dunningham, Stefan Groote and Hannes Liivat (OSID2019): "Maps generated by entangled momenta: exploring spin entanglement in relativity", Open Sys. Inf. Dyn. 26 (2019) 1950001
Stefan Groote, Thomas Mannel and Alexei A. Pivovarov
"Hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous moment"
S. Groote and J. G. Körner and B. Melić (MITP / 19-042): "A new angle on an old problem: Helicity approach to neutron beta decay in the Standard Model", Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) 948
Priidik Gallagher, Stefan Groote and Maria Naeem
"Gauge Dependence of the Gauge Boson Projector",
Particles 3 (2020) 543-561
Stefan Groote, Mikhail A. Ivanov, Jürgen G. Körner,
Valery E. Lyubovitskij, Pietro Santorelli, Chien-Thang Tran
(MITP / 21-005):
"Form-factor-independent test of lepton universality in semileptonic heavy
meson and baryon decays", Phys. Rev. D 103 (2021) 093001
Marco Frasca, Anish Ghoshal, Stefan Groote,
"Novel evaluation of the hadronic contribution to the muon's g-2 from QCD",
Phys. Rev. D 104 (2021) 114036
Marco Frasca, Anish Ghoshal, Stefan Groote,
"Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model correlation functions from QCD", Contribution to
the 24th High-Energy Physics International Conference in Quantum
Chromodynamics (QCD 21), 5-9 July 2021. Montpellier, France,
Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. 318-323 (2022) 138-141
S. Groote and J. G. Körner (MITP / 21-070): "Topological tensor invariants and the current algebra approach: analysis of 196 nonleptonic two-body decays of single and double charm baryons -- a review", Eur. Phys. J. C 82 (2022) 297
Dmitri Martila, Stefan Groote,
"Evaluation of the Gauss integral", Stats 5 (2022) 2, 538-545
Marco Frasca, Anish Ghoshal, Stefan Groote,
"Confinement in QCD and generic Yang-Mills theories with matter
representations", Phys. Lett. B 846 (2023) 138209
G. D. Alexeev et al. [COMPASS collaboration],
"Double J/ψ production in pion-nucleon scattering at COMPASS'',
Phys. Lett. B 838 (2023) 137702
Martin Fischer, Stefan Groote,
"O(alpha_s) perturbative and nonperturbative corrections to polarized
semileptonic Lambda_b decay distributions",
Phys. Rev. D 106 (2022) 014003
Stefan Groote, Lauri Kaldamäe, Maria Naeem,
"Identical particle and lepton mass effects in the decay
H -> Z*( -> τ+ τ-) + Z*( -> τ+ τ-)",
Brazilian Journal of Physics 53(4) (2023) 107
Sergey Koshkarev and Stefan Groote,
"Double J/ψ production as a test of parton momentum correlations in
double parton scattering", Phys. Lett. B 847 (2023) 138296
Stefan Groote and Rein Saar,
"A solvable algebra for massless fermions", Symmetry 16(1) (2024) 97
Viktor Abramov, Stefan Groote and Priit Lätt,
"Algebra with ternary cyclic relations, representations and quark model",
Proc. Est. Acad. Sci. 72 (2023) 61-76
Marco Frasca, Anish Ghoshal and Stefan Groote,
"Quark confinement in QCD in the 't Hooft limit", Contribution to the
25th International Conference in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD 22), 4-7 July
2022, Montpellier, France,
Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. 324-329 (2023) 85-89
Arpan Chatterjee, Marco Frasca, Anish Ghoshal and Stefan Groote,
" Renormalisable non-local quark-gluon interaction: mass gap, chiral
symmetry breaking & scale invariance", Particles 7(2) (2024)
Dmitri Martila, Stefan Groote,
"Analytic error function and numeric inverse obtained by geometric means",
Stats 6(1) (2023) 431-437
Marco Frasca, Stefan Groote,
"Some exact Green function solutions for non-linear classical field
theories", Symmetry 16(11) (2024) 1504
Maria Naeem, Stefan Groote,
"First order electroweak radiative corrections to the decay of the
polarised W boson", submitted to Eur. Phys. J. C
Arpan Chatterjee, Marco Frasca, Anish Ghoshal and Stefan Groote,
"Dynamical generation of electroweak scale from the conformal sector: A
strongly coupled Higgs via the Dyson-Schwinger approach", submitted to
Fortsch. Phys.
Arpan Chatterjee, Marco Frasca, Anish Ghoshal and Stefan Groote,
"Finite temperature QCD crossover at non-zero chemical potential: A
Dyson-Schwinger approach".
I love Hagen, the town I am born in 1963, although visitors told me that it is ugly and not as representative as other towns in the Ruhrgebiet like e.g. Dortmund, my former place of studies. To give you a small insight in my town, I display a picture of our townhall, only twenty years old. I have painted it for the "Kirchentag im Ruhrgebiet" in 1991, when tenthousands of children came to Hagen to see the Musical "Zack" there. Because of this favour for my town I frequently use the Deutsche Bahn to get from here to there. But on holidays, my favorite country is Sweden or Sverige. After my engagement with Edith Vohu from Tartu on August 12th, 2001, or registration on August 13th, 2003, the birth of our daughter Linda-Reet on January 24th, 2004 and Ediths and my marriage on August 28th, 2004 you will find us more or less in Estonia. On January 1st, 2006 our second daughter Elo-Maarja was born. So be aware to meet me in Tartu (earlier name: Dorpat) at Tartu Ülikoolil!
My hobbies are the following: