Estonian Computer Scientists

Influencial Papers

Here I will include the most cited papers of NGECS, as extracted from the ResearchIndex in the order of ``expected citations in this year''. Note that this list is manually updated (the last time: Dec 23 2001, with + is denoted the delta compared to Nov 13 2001 if available) and that RI only collects indices from on-line papers (and not from all of them!).
  1. 55.5 (+3.4) C. Fermuller, A. Leitsch, Tanel Tammet, N. Zamov, ``Resolution Methods for the Decisional Problem'', book, 1993. [Springer]
  2. 48.0 (+0.0) H. Ganziger, C. Meyer, Margus Veanes, ``The Two-variable Guarded Fragment with Transitive Relations'', LICS, 1999.
  3. 43.4 (+5.1) Grigori Mints, ``Gentzen-Type Systems and Resolution Rules'', 1990.
  4. 37.4 (+2.6) Erich Mikk, ``Compilation of Z specifications in C for automatic test result evaluation'', 1995.
  5. 36.2 (+3.8) A. Brazma, I. Jonassen, Jaak Vilo, E. Ukkonen, ``Predicting gene regulatory elements in silico on a genomic scale'', 1998.
  6. 32.6 (+6.0) Ahto Buldas, Peeter Laud, Helger Lipmaa, ``Accountable Certificate Management Using Undeniable Attestations'', ACM CCS 2000.
  7. 31.1 (+0.0) Erich Mikk, Y. Lakhnech, and M. Siegel, ``Hierarchical automata as model for statecharts'', 1997.
  8. 30.1 (+0.0) Erich Mikk, Y. Lakhnech, C. Petersohn, and M. Siegel, ``On formal semantics of Statecharts as supported by statemate'', 1997.
  9. 29.7 (+2.2) Mati Pentus, ``Lambek Grammars Are Context Free'', LICS, 1993.
  10. 27.6 (+0.0) Grigori Mints, ``Normal Forms for Sequent Derivations'', 1996.
  11. 24.9 (+2.9) Tanel Tammet, ``A Resolution Theorem Prover for Intuitionistic Logic'', CADE-13, 1996.
  12. 21.4 (+1.3) Tanel Tammet, ``Proof Strategies in Linear Logic'', Jour. of Automated Reasoning, 1994.
  13. 20.9 (+0.0) Kazumaro Aoki, Helger Lipmaa, ``Fast Implementations of the AES Candidates'', AES3, 2000.
  14. 20.9 (+1.9) Ahto Buldas, Peeter Laud, Helger Lipmaa, Jan Villemson, ``Time-stamping with Binary Linking Schemes'', Crypto 98.
  15. 28.1 (+0.0) Tanel Tammet, ``Using Resolution for Deciding Solvable Classes and Building Finite Models'', Baltic Computer Science, 1991.
  16. 19.2 (+7.9) Helger Lipmaa, Phil Rogaway, David Wagner, ``Comments to NIST concerning AES Modes of Operation: CTR-Mode Encryption'', 2000.
  17. 16.1 (+4.4) A. Brazma, I. Jonassen, E. Ukkonen, Jaak Vilo, ``Discovering Patterns and Subfamilies in Biosequences'', 1996.
  18. 14.7 (+0.0) Kalev Kask, Rina Dechter, ``GSAT and local consistency,'' 1995.
  19. 14.1 (+0.0) Helger Lipmaa, ``IDEA: A Cipher for Multimedia Architectures?", Selected Areas in Cryptography, 1999.
  20. 12.9 (+2.6) Kalle Karu, A. K. Jain, ``Fingerprint classification''.
  21. 12.0 (0.0) Helger Lipmaa, ``Secure and Efficient Time-stamping systems'', PhD thesis, 1999.
  22. 10.7 (+0.0) Tanel Tammet, ``Proof Search Strategies in Linear Logic'', TR, 1993.
  23. 10.6 (+0.0) Ahto Buldas, Helger Lipmaa, Berry Schoenmakers, ``Optimally Efficient Accountable Time-stamping'', PKC 2000.
  24. 10.2 (+0.0) Margus Veanes, ``Uniform Representation of Recursively Enumerable Sets with Simultaneous Rigid E-Unification'', TR, 1996.
  25. 9.8 (+0.0) Margus Veanes, ``On Simultaneous Rigid E-Unification''. PhD Thesis, 1997.
  26. 9.8 (+0.0) Erich Mikk, Yassine Lakhnech, Michael Siegel, Gerard J. Holzmann, ``Implementing Statecharts in Promela/SPIN'', 1997.
  27. 9.7 (+0.0) Tanel Tammet, ``Gandalf'', Journal of Automated Reasoning, 1997.
  28. 8.8 (+0.0) Grigori Mints, ``Resolution strategies for the intuitionistic logic'', Constraint PRogramming, 1994.
  29. 7.9 (+0.0) Y. Zhong, Kalle Karu, and A.K. Jain, ``Locating text in complex color images'', 1995.
  30. 7.6 (+0.0) Eddie Schwalb, Kalev Kask, and Rina Dechter, ``Temporal reasoning with constraints on fluents and events'', 1994.
  31. 7.6 (+0.0) Tarmo Uustalu, ``Natural Deduction for Intuitionistic Least and Greatest Fixedpoint Logics'', PhD thesis, 1998.
  32. 8.1 (+1.6) Grigori Mints, ``Indexed systems of sequents and cut-elimination'', Journal of Philosophical Logic, 1997.
  33. 5.8 (+0.0) Grigori Mints, ``Resolution calculus for the first order linear logic'', JoLLI 1993.
  34. 5.7 (+0.0) Ahto Buldas, Peeter Laud, ``New Linking Schemes for Digital Time-stamping'', ISICS, 1998.
  35. 5.3 (+0.0) Tarmo Uustalu, ``Aspects of structural synthesis of programs'', Lic. thesis, 1995.
  36. 5.1 (+0.0) Helger Lipmaa, Shiho Moriai. ``Efficient Algorithms for Computing Differential Properties of Addition'', 2000.