8.1 a) lim(sqrt(x)-5), x to 25 b) lim(1/x), x to 0 c) lim(|x|/x), x to 0- d) lim(x*sin(1/x)), x to 0 e) lim(2x^2+sqrt(x)-sin x^3), x to inf f) lim(arctan(1-x)), x to inf g) lim(ln(sin(x))), x to 0+ h) lim(0.1^(pi/x)), x to 0+ i) lim(e^(1/x)), x to 0- j) lim(3^x/2^(1/x)), x to 0- 8.2 a) lim(((x-2)^2-1)/(2x-2)), x to 1 b) lim((x^2-9)/(x^2-3x)^2), x to 3 c) lim((x^3-8)/((2x^2-8)x^2)), x to 2 d) lim(((x+2)sqrt(x))/(x-sqrt(x))), x to 0+ e) lim((sqrt(x-4)-1)/(x-5)), x to 5 f) lim((x+2)/(1-sqrt(x+3))), x to -2 g) lim((sqrt(x)-3)/(sqrt(2x+7)-5)), x to 9 8.3 a) lim((3x)/(x-4)), x to inf b) lim((x^2)/(x+1)), x to inf c) lim((2x^2+4)/(x^4-x+1)), x to inf d) lim((2x^3+3)/(5x^2+7)), x to -inf e) lim((sqrt(x^2))/(x+1)), x to -inf f) lim((sqrt(4x^4+5))/(x*sqrt(x^2+x-3))), x to -inf g) lim((x*(3x+2)*(x^2-x+7))/(2x+1)^3), x to inf 8.4 a) lim(log_10(x)-log_10(2x)), x to 0+ b) lim(1/x-1/x^2), x to 0 c) lim(sqrt(x^2+x)-x^2), x to inf d) lim(sqrt(x^2+3x)-x), x to inf e) lim((arctan(x))/(x-sqrt(x^2-x))), x to inf f) lim(sqrt(9-x)-sqrt(4-x)), x to -inf g) lim((sqrt(x^2-4x)+x)/(x+sqrt(x^2+5x))), x to -inf 8.5 a) Plot[Piecewise[{{x^3, x<2}, {6, 2.1>x>=2}, {4x, x>=2.1}}],{x,0,4}] b) Plot[Piecewise[{{pi/2+arctan(1/x), x<0}, {0, 0.1>x>=0}, {2*e^(ln(3x)), x>=0.1}}],{x,-2,2}] 8.6 a) Plot[Piecewise[{{(2x-6)^2/(x^3-9x), x<=3}, {0*x^2, x>3}}],{x,0,6}] b) Plot[Piecewise[{{ln(3-1*x), x<=2}, {(x-2)/(x-1*1), x>2}}],{x,0,6}] c) Plot[Piecewise[{{ln(2*e^2*x)-ln(1+x), x<=1}, {2^x, x>1}}],{x,0,6}]