.id V1 1 AGEP Age 2 CIT Citizenship status 3 COW Class of worker 4 DDRS Self-care difficulty 5 INTP Interest, dividends, and net rental income past 12 months (signed) 6 LANX Language other than English spoken at home 7 MAR Marital status 8 MARHT Number of times married 9 MIG Mobility status (lived here 1 year ago) 10 MIL Military service 11 SCHL Educational attainment 12 SEX Sex 13 WAGP Wages or salary income past 12 months 14 WKHP Usual hours worked per week past 12 months 15 ESR Employment status recode 16 INDP Industry recode 17 OCCP Occupation recode 18 PINCP Total person's income (signed) 19 RAC1P Recoded detailed race code