13.4 Release mechanisms of phosphorus from sediment to water13 Benthic phosphorus release from sediment to water13.2 Significance of benthic phosphorus flux13.3 Binding of phosphorus in sediments

13.3 Binding of phosphorus in sediments

The phosphate ion (PO43-) is a highly particle-reactive anion and thus the sorption properties of sediment are crucial for P-retention capacity. Generally, aerobic conditions are considered to promote P sorption and anoxic conditions to favour P release. After the dissolution of particulate P into inorganic form in sediments, PO43- ion is easily sorbed into inorganic particulate form. The storage of surplus P by microorganisms can, however, compete with the chemical immobilization of P [239]. Normal bacteria have a low P content in living cells but some bacteria accumulate polyphosphate (poly-P) intracellularly in very large amounts, up to ca. 20% of their dry weight. These bacteria store P under aerobic conditions and release intracellular P via enzymatic hydrolysis when conditions turn anaerobic [125]. In organic-rich lake sediments, microorganisms are able to take up and release P, depending on redox conditions, and sterilization of oxic sediments can reduce the microbial take up of P [167]. Both nonbiological and biological binding mechanisms of P are able to keep the pore water P concentration low and reduce the release of P from sediment to water.

Owing to surface area effects, the sorption reactions of P caused by inorganic particles are enhanced as a function of decreasing sediment grain size. The main fine-grained (<2 µm) constituents of sediments are silicates, i.e. clays, carbonates, Fe and Al oxides, and humic acids. The surfaces of fine-grained minerals such as Fe and Al oxides, clay minerals with surficial Fe and Al (hydr)oxides, and possibly also Mn oxides adsorb P efficiently. Humic compounds containing Fe and Al can also sorb P. Silicates and carbonates in larger particles such as sand adsorb P poorly.

It is widely accepted that sedimentary P cycling is linked mainly to the Fe cycle in lake (e.g. [146][323][324]) and marine systems [250][448]. In marine sediments, however, most of the total Fe (60-80%) is bound to sheet silicates (e.g. chlorite). Adsorption of P by silicate-bound Fe is insignificant compared to that by Fe(III) oxides, which are considered to be the main Fe compounds in P binding. Sediments contain a multitude of Fe(III) oxides, often in complexed mixtures, that range widely in degree of crystallinity, particle size, available surface area, reactivity and oxidation state [292]. The P sorption capacity of amorphous, i.e. poorly crystallized, Fe(OH)3 and lepidocrocite (-FeOOH), is about 20 times that of crystalline Fe(III) oxides such as goethite (%-FeOOH) and hematite (%-Fe2O3).

Other negatively charged anions can also compete with the PO43- of adsorption sites in sediments. For example, the effect of pH can be related to competition for adsorption sites, because desorption of P from clay minerals and Fe and Al (hydr)oxides is based on ligand exchange, in which P is substituted for by OH-. An increase in pH can also increase the negative charge of the sorbing oxides [215]. A significant decrease in P sorption to Fe(III) oxides occurs at pH >6.5. Silicon (Si) may also compete with P for adsorption sites [452]. Silicate (SiO4) and P are sorbed onto the surfaces of hydrated Al and Fe oxides by the same specific mechanism and, thus, SiO4 may chemically compete with PO43- for adsorption sites.

13.4 Release mechanisms of phosphorus from sediment to water13 Benthic phosphorus release from sediment to water13.2 Significance of benthic phosphorus flux13.3 Binding of phosphorus in sediments