Ahmed Sabir
I'm a postdoctoral researcher interested in language grounding, natural lanauge understanding, and semantics similarity.
I obtained my Ph.D. from the department of computer science at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech in 2020,
Spain, where I worked with the TALP Research Group under the supervision of Prof. Lluís Padró and Dr. Francesc Moreno Noguer (CSIC-UPC).
I did my MSc at the Masuda AI lab at the Kanagawa Institute of Technology under
the supervision of Prof. Michiko Matsuda/Hiroshi Tanaka. Now, I'm a member of the Computational Social Science Group
at the Institute
of Computer Science at the University of Tartu, under the supervision of Prof. Rajesh Sharma.
My previous research was on gesture recognition, sign languages, OCR correction via visual semantics and image captioning.
Now, I'm working on AI Ethics (Biases, Fairness and Explainability in AI). Before that, I used to work as measurement electronic specialist (Class 3/A) to do programming, service maintenance, and testing for reservoir mapping while drilling tools.
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I'm interested in Natural Languages Processing, Computer Vision, and Machine learning.
My current research focuses on understanding biases, with a primary goal of enhancing fairness
and explainability in Large Language Models (LLMs).