Thesis topic areas

Available theses topics (2024/2025)

Click on each topic to see its description

1. An Approach for Engineering Software Ecosystems - Industrial Case Study - reserved

2. A Framework for Evaluating the Quality of Conceptual Models

3. Cracking the Privacy Paradox: Towards a Realistic Privacy Behavior Scale (PrBeS)

4. Developing, Testing, and Validating Design Principles for Responsible Privacy Heuristic

5. From Monolithic to Microservices and Back: A Study of Estonian Software Architecture Practices

6. On the Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms for Fairness

7. Citizens as Data Donors (CaDD) - a method for maximizing participation through privacy assurance and behavioral change

Available theses topics (2023/2024)

Click on each topic to see its description

1. Towards a Usable Privacy Notice - reserved

2. A Metrics-based Approach for Evaluating the Quality of Microservices-based Systems - reserved

3. A Modeling Language for Designing Web-based Applications - reserved

4. An Approach for Modeling and Analyzing Emotional Requirements - reserved

5. An Approach for Deriving ``Integration Requirements''' for Enterprise Systems - reserved

6. Towards a Novel Taxonomy for Requirements Interdependencies - reserved

7. Construction and Evaluation of a Cyber-security-aware User Experience (UX) Measure - reserved
