DOUBLE PENDULUM SENSITIVE DEPENDENCE Theory A double pendulum consists of one simple pendulum suspended from another, with no friction and with motion confined to a single plane. The Double Pendulum Sensitive Dependence simulation demonstrates chaos by simultaneously determining the motion of two identical double-pendulum systems with slightly different initial conditions. The simulation varies the initial angular velocity of the upper pendulum, but any other system parameter could have been chosen to demonstrate the "butterfly effect" (sensitive dependence upon initial conditions). The two double pendulums are independent systems (they are not coupled in any fashion), but to emphasize the exponentially rapid divergence of the two systems, the simulation superimposes their images. Therefore, until the pendulums achieve significantly different configurations the two images will appear as one. To the right of the animation is a graph of the difference in angular configuration of the two systems as a function of time. This difference is defined, somewhat arbitrarily, as the square root of the sum of the squares of the differences between the two angles between corresponding pendulums of the two systems. This quantity is small only when the two double pendulums are in nearly identical configurations. Parameters The upper pendulum is #1; the lower pendulum is #2. Ratio of length 2 to length 1 [default = 2.0] Ratio of mass 2 to mass 1 [default = 0.5] Initial velocity of mass 1 of first double pendulum [default = 7.0 radians/second] Initial velocity of mass 1 of second double pendulum [default = 7.01 radians/second] Integration stepsize [default = 0.02 sec] Commands -- Simulation -- The simulation starts automatically. To pause until any key is pressed, press the "p" key. To display the violation of the conservation of energy (as a percentage of the original energy), press "t" (press any key to resume the simulation). To enter new parameter values, press "n". To double the integration stepsize, press "2". To halve the integration stepsize, press "5". To exit the simulation, press the "Esc" key. -- Display -- To clear the screen and continue calculating, press "c". To speed up the display (without changing the integration stepsize), press "+" one or more times. To slow down the display (without changing the integration stepsize), press "-" one or more times. To reset the default display speed, press "r". To toggle drawing the spheres, press "o" (omitting the spheres increases the simulation speed). To display the help screen, press "h". -- Output -- To print the current screen image, press "g". Things to Try Study the energy dependence of chaos in the system. To detect chaos look for a rapid divergence in the behavior of the two systems in the animation or in the angular difference graph. At what point in the motion (that is, in what configuration) is this divergence most likely to occur? Vary the difference in initial velocities and make a graph of time to diverge (choose a threshold) versus initial velocity difference. With this graph you can confirm that sensitive dependence grows exponentially fast. Vray construction parameters and initial velocities for the double pendulum and find chaotic and nonchaotic states.