MessageBox'i kujundamise lipukesed: MB_OK Display with an OK button MB_OKCANCEL Display with an OK and a cancel button MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE Display with abort, retry, ignore buttons MB_RETRYCANCEL Display with retry and cancel buttons MB_YESNO Display with yes and no buttons MB_YESNOCANCEL Display with yes, no, cancel buttons MB_ICONEXCLAMATION Display with exclamation icon MB_ICONINFORMATION Display with information icon MB_ICONQUESTION Display with question mark icon MB_ICONSTOP Display with stop icon MB_TOPMOST Make messagebox topmost MB_SETFOREGROUND Set foreground MB_RIGHT Right align text MB_DEFBUTTON1 Button 1 is default MB_DEFBUTTON2 Button 2 is default MB_DEFBUTTON3 Button 3 is default MB_DEFBUTTON4 Button 4 is default Võimalikud tagastusväärtused: IDABORT - Abort button IDCANCEL - Cancel button IDIGNORE - Ignore button IDNO - No button IDOK - OK button IDRETRY - Retry button IDYES - Yes button