Welcome to Jüri Kiho's Home Page!
Who am I?
Professor emeritus
I have been teaching advanced programming-related subjects
(Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures, Software Engineering).
My scientific interests were earlier in molecular graph processing. In the last years I am
focused on program/texts visualization.
The current versions of program/texts multiviewers
Amadeus3 for Win/Solaris
AmadeusJ vers. 99
as students' group works under development, are available.
My latest research work was focused on developing the
System for Rapid Editor Development (System fRED)
An overview (in Estonian)
and related problems of
software conversion
Particular versions of Amadeus
Java source viewer Amadeus-Jasovi
Java1.5 source viewer Amadeus-Jasovi-5
Family base editor Amadeus-Famibase
Amadeus_AlgJava: Algorithmic Java for Beginners
the conversion framework AmadeusJSN
are available.
New features (AlgJava-OOP, tutorial:
in Estonian
) supporting object-oriented programming in Amadeus_AlgJava were integrated at the end of year 2010. Java-package
developed in Amadeus_AlgJava is
with source codes of public classes
Amadeus_AlgPython: handling sketchified Python programs
Curriculum development
E-copies of some latest publications
My Music
Fall 1996
Computer Programming II
Fall 1996 Software Systems (Oberon)
Spring 1997
Software Systems: Java
Spring 1997
Algorithms and Data Structures
Spring 1998
Object-Oriented Programming
Fall 1998
Computer Programming (Java)
Fall 1998
Software Systems: SPS
Fall 1998
Algorithms and Data Structures (C++)
Spring 1999
Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 1999
Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 1999
Computer Programming (Java)
Fall 1999
Software Engineering
Spring 2000
Algorithms and Data Structures
Spring 2000
Software Systems: XML
Spring 2000
Software Engineering Project
Fall 2000
Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 2000
Computer Programming (Java)
Fall 2000
Software Engineering
Spring 2001
Software Systems:XML
Spring 2001
Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 2001
Computer Programming (Java)
Fall 2001
Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 2001
Software Engineering
Fall 2002
Computer Programming (Java)
Fall 2002
Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 2002
Software Engineering
Spring 2003
XML-Based Data Handling
Spring 2003
Magistriseminar (IBM vahevara)
Open University
Fall 2003
Computer Programming (Java)
Fall 2003
Software Engineering
Spring 2004
Software Engineering Project
Fall 2004
Computer Programming (Java)
Fall 2004
Practical work: Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 2004
Software Engineering
Fall 2005
Computer Programming (Java)
Spring 2005
Magistriseminar (AOP)
Fall 2006
Computer Programming (Java)
Fall 2007
Computer Programming (Java)
Fall 2008
Algorithms and Data Structures
Spring 2009
Objektorienteeritud programmeerimine
Spring 2010
Algorithms and Data Structures
Spring 2011
Algorithms and Data Structures
Spring 2012
Algorithms and Data Structures
Spring 2013
Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 2013
Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 2014
Algorithms and Data Structures
Curriculum development
Diploma studies in applied computer science (ACS) and information technology (IT)
Tempus Joint European Project 2006 Russian Higher Education in Information Technology:an international approach
Curriculua 2008
IT curriculum 2006
IT curriculum
ACS curriculum (in Estonian)
study plan (in Estonian)
practical placement (in Estonian)
practical placement plan (in Estonian)
practical placement report (in Estonian)
A proposal (in Estonian
) to create Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Some curricula
in Latvia
E-copies of some latest publications:
J.Kiho. Quasi-Structured Programs.
4th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools. Visegrad, Hungary, June 8-14, 1995, pp. 67-78
J.Kiho, A.Oja. Designing a Program Multiviewer.
Programming Methodology Group Report no.86, Jan. 1996, Göteborg University and Chalmers University of Technology, pp. 165-184
J.Kiho, D.Brodski, A.Podlipski. Control Structure Transformations in the Program Multiviewer.
5th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools. Jyväskylä, Finland, June 7-8, 1997, pp. 61-71
J.Kiho, V.Hagu, M.Sutt. A Text Model for the Java-Based Model-View Multieditor.
8th Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research. Bergen/Ronneby, Norway/Sweden, June 14-16/August 21-23, 1998. University of Bergen, Informatics report No 152, Information science report No 66, pp. 221-225, 1998.
J.Kiho, R.Ustitch, M.Tudre. Designing Computer Texts with AMADEUS.
In: J.Penjam (Ed.) Software Technology. Proceedings of the Fenno-Ugric Symposium FUSST'99. Technical Report CS 104/99. Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn Technical University. Tallinn 1999. Pp. 151-162.
J.Kiho. SKM. Sketchy Modeling of Computer Texts. Tartu, 2000, 64 p.
(recompiled in 2004)
J.Kiho. Sketchy Modeling for XML.
7th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools. Szeged, Hungary, June 15-16, 2001, pp. 183-197
Programming Tutorial. Tartu, 2001, 256 p.
(in Estonian)
Programming Tutorial. Tartu, 2002, 265 p.
(in Estonian)
J.Kiho, S.Solopova. Heterogeneous File Projects in the Sketchy Modeling Environment.
The Tenth Nordic Workshop on Programming and Software Development Tools and Techniques. IT-University, Copenhagen, August 18-20, 2002, pp. 71-79
N. Tomassova, J. Kiho. Grammar-Based Visual Software Converter Development.
The 9th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools SPLST'2005. Tartu, Estonia, August 13-14, 2005, pp. 206-219
H. Hein, J. Kiho, R. Palm, E. Tõnisson. Programmeerimise eksamiülesannete kogu.
Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, Tartu, 2007, 57 lk.
J. Kiho. Informaatikast ja informaatikutest.
Matemaatika-informaatikateaduskond 40. Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, Tartu, 2007, 159-169.
A. Põder, J. Kiho. Programmeerimisharjutuste lähteülesannete kogu.
Tartu Ülikool.Arvutiteaduse instituut. E-pub, Tartu, 2021, 122 lk.
My Music
Look inside
Institute teaching staff workload 2000/2001
Institute teaching staff workload 2001/2002
Institute teaching staff workload 2002/2003
Institute teaching staff workload 2003/2004
Chair of Software Systems anno 2003
Institute teaching staff workload 2004/2005
Chair of Software Systems anno 2004
Chair of Software Systems anno 2005
Institute teaching staff workload 2005/2006
Institute teaching staff workload 2006/2007
Institute teaching staff workload 2007/2008
Institute teaching staff workload 2008/2009
Institute teaching staff workload 2009/2010
Institute teaching staff workload 2010/2011
Institute teaching staff workload 2011/2012
Themes for theses.
Lġputööde teemasid
A sample LaTex framework for student works.
Version 2
A sample MS Word file for student works.
(prepared by Heli Uibo)
Author's agreement
My e-coordinates