================================================================ Amadeus_AlgJava vers. 80516 ================================================================ --- Windows XP Linux SunOS --- FIRST TIME (install and start): Suppose, AlgJavaStarter.jar has been downloaded to an AlgJava_home_folder, e.g. D:\AlgJava (Windows) /home/me/AlgJava (Linux / SunOS) 1. Make sure that the environment variable PATH includes the path to the executables javac.exe, java.exe, and jar.exe 2. Start Amadeus_AlgJava: AlgJava_home_folder>java -jar AlgJavaStarter.jar ------------- --- If the try ends with --- ERROR>jar: '-u' mode unimplemented --- then the current version of Java1.5 is not able to perform --- > jar -u --- However, if the command --- > zip --- is available, the system can be started with an extra --- argument z: --- AlgJava_home_folder>java -jar AlgJavaStarter.jar z ------------ EVERY NEXT TIME (restart): 1. Make sure Amadeus_AlgJava is not currently running (and javac.exe, java.exe, jar.exe are still accessible). 2. Run: AlgJava_home_folder>java -jar AlgJavaStarter.jar Files in the home_folder are preserved, except some system files, which may be updated. NB! It is not recommended to restart directly AlgJava_home_folder>java -jar Amadeus_AlgJava.jar in which case the system and its properties are not updated. Before the restart one may change (using a text editor) the system properties (e.g. font) in the file Amadeus.properties in the home_folder In particular, the initial interface language can be set to English: locale= ENG DEMO PROGRAMS: AlgJava demo programs belong to the project AlgJavaDemo and are located in the sub-folder 'demo'. 1. Open project: File>Import project ... AlgJavaDemo.html 2. Open program: triple left mouseclick on the name of the program 3. Execute: in the program frame File>Save (or Ctrl+S) TO DEVELOP A NEW PROGRAM: 1. Open (if not already open) the project AlgJavaWorks: File>Import project ... AlgJavaWorks.html. The programs developed under this project will be located in the sub-folder 'workspace'. 2. In the project frame, write the name of the new program, e.g. p.algjava . 3. Save project File>Export ... AlgJavaWorks.html. 4. Triple left mouseclicking on the name of the new program opens a new program frame and loads an empty program. 5. Fill in (or modify) the statements of the new program. 6. In order to process (including save): File>Save (or Ctrl+S) [7. Continue from 5.] HELP: Help>Tutorial or use a common stand-alone web-browser, e.g. Mazilla (which ensures the best rendering): Mozilla>File>Open file http://www.cs.ut.ee/~kiho/Amadeus_AlgJava/Tutorial/ENG.html ================================================================