Installation and verifying setup for Python + GIS ================================================= .. note:: In the University computer lab you DO NOT have to install Anaconda or Miniconda or any other Python distribution. If you are attending the course in the University computer lab, please jump to `Verifying the installation `_ This section only for general info if you want to install Python on your own computer, and for remote students. Install Python + GIS on Windows ------------------------------- **How to start doing GIS with Python on a computer?** Well, first you need to install Python and necessary Python modules that are used to perform various GIS-tasks. The purpose of this page is to help you out installing Python and all those modules into your own computer. Even though it is possible to install Python from their `homepage `_, **we highly recommend using** `Miniconda `_ or `Anaconda `_ which is an open source distribution of the Python and R programming languages for large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, and scientific computing, that aims to simplify package management and deployment. In short, it makes life much easier when installing new tools on your Python to play with. .. note:: **Miniconda** is an encapsulated versatile virtual python environment installer, that works under the hood of the big Anaconda python distribution. Miniconda is basically a mini version of Anaconda that includes only the conda package manager and its dependencies! Following steps have been tested to work on Windows 7 and 10 with Anaconda/Miniconda 64 bit. `Download Miniconda installer (64 bit) `_ a Python 3.6, 64-bit (exe installer) for Windows. .. admonition:: BEWARE: - To install miniconda SYSTEM-WIDE for ALL users, this does require administrator permissions; every users can then create their own environments with the conda tool. - Please do NOT make Conda the default python for the system if you don't want it to interfere with other Python installations you might have, eg. Pythons of ArcGIS and QGis etc Install Miniconda on your computer by double clicking the installer and install it into a directory you want. Install it to **all users** and use default settings. Additional install information: Verifying the installation -------------------------- In order to test that the ``conda`` package manager works we have to go through a few more steps: After successful installation you should have a menu entry in the Windows Start Menu: ``Anaconda Prompt`` This is a Windows CMD (Commandline window, that "knows" about, where your Miniconda/Anaconda installation lies, and where to find the ``conda`` tool (without interfering other Python installations on your computer). After it opens it should display somehow like so: .. code:: (base) C:\Users\Alexander> or (C:\dev\conda3) C:\Users\Alexander> On the command line type command ``conda --version`` in order to see if the command is successful, it should show the version of the conda tool. .. code:: (base) C:\Users\Alexander> conda --version conda 4.5.11 Creating environments and install packages ------------------------------------------ How to use the conda command? Open the Anaconda/conda command prompt from the Start menu: ``conda`` basically represents a typical Python virtualenv command. You can create a several distinct environments, with different Python version, and with different packages to be installed. This will come in very handy to *try out* new libraries/packages/tools, without breaking you working installation. We want to use a Python version 3.6 because some of the libraries/tools we want to work with might not yet work with the latest Python 3.7. Here it becomes obvious how practical virtual environments can be. They help you to keep various Python versions around without messing up your system. .. code:: (C:\dev\conda3) conda create --name geopython-environment python=3.6 In order to show all environments that have already been created you can ask conda to list these: .. code:: (C:\dev\conda3) conda env list Now we want to activate that environment and start working with it: .. code:: (C:\dev\conda3) activate geopython-environment (geopython-environment) Install GIS related packages with conda (and pip) by running in command prompt following commands (in the same order as they are listed). Make sure you are in the correct enviroment (don't install into ``base``, install new packages ideally only into your designated created environments) .. code:: # Install numpy conda install numpy # Install pandas conda install pandas # Install scipy conda install scipy # Install matplotlib conda install matplotlib #Install Jupyter Notebook conda install jupyter # Install scikit-learn conda install scikit-learn # Install statsmodels conda install statsmodels # Install Geopandas conda install -c conda-forge geopandas # Install cartopy conda install -c conda-forge cartopy # Install seaborn conda install seaborn # Install geoplot conda install geoplot # Install bokeh conda install bokeh # Install Folium conda install -c conda-forge folium .. commented out # Install networkx (v 1.11) --> bundled with decorator (v 4.1.2) conda install networkx # Install PySpark (v 2.2.0) --> bundled with py4j (v 0.10.6) conda install pyspark # Install osmnx (v 0.5.4) --> bundled with altair, bleach, branca, colorama, entrypoints, folium, geopy, html5lib, ipykernel, ipython, ipython_genutils, jedi, jsonschema, jupyter_client, jupyter_core, mistune, nbconvert, nbformat, notebook, pandoc, pandocfilters, pickleshare, prompt_toolkit, pygments, pyzmq, simplegeneric, testpath, traitlets, vega, vincent, wcwidth, webencodings conda install -c conda-forge osmnx # Install Dash using Pip pip install dash==0.19.0 # The core dash backend pip install dash-renderer==0.11.1 # The dash front-end pip install dash-html-components==0.8.0 # HTML components pip install dash-core-components==0.14.0 # Supercharged components pip install plotly --upgrade # Plotly graphing library Test that everything works ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can test that the installations have worked by running following commands in a Python console. At first start the Python console: .. code:: (geopython-environment) python Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> .. code:: python import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy import statsmodels import sklearn import shapely import geopandas as gpd import pysal import bokeh import cartopy import geoplot import folium .. commented out import osmnx import dash If you don't receive any errors, everything should be working! Final Remarks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We saw that in some installations importing of ``import matplotlib.pyplot as plt`` crashed the Python. If that happens we had success in re-installing **matplotlib** again: ``conda install matplotlib``. Furthermore, a warning can appear, that a package (mkl-random) might require "cython" and complain that it is not installed. So far we can ignore that. Also, a warning occured in some instances that ``pip`` was in an older version (9.x) and it was recommended to upgrade pip to a newer version (10.x). The warning shows the command to update pip in this conda environment. In order to close the Python interpreter type ``exit()`` or press **Ctrl+Z** plus Return to exit. .. code:: (geopython-environment) >>> exit()