Static maps with matplotlib =========================== Download datasets ----------------- Before we start you need to download (and then extract) the dataset zip-package used during this lesson `from this link <../_static/data/L6/>`_. You should have following Shapefiles in the ``Data`` folder: - population_square_km.shp - schools_tartu.shp - roads.shp .. code:: population_square_km.shp.xml schools_tartu.cpg population_square_km.shx schools_tartu.csv roads.cpg schools_tartu.dbf roads.dbf schools_tartu.prj roads.prj schools_tartu.sbn roads.sbn schools_tartu.sbx roads.sbx schools_tartu.shp schools5.csv population_square_km.cpg roads.shp schools_tartu.shp.xml population_square_km.dbf roads.shp.xml schools_tartu.shx population_square_km.prj roads.shx schools_tartu.txt.xml population_square_km.sbn population_square_km.sbx population_square_km.shp Static maps in Geopandas ------------------------ We have already seen during the previous lessons quite many examples how to create static maps using Geopandas. Thus, we won't spend too much time repeating making such maps but let's create one with more layers on it. Let's create a static neighbourhood map with roads and schools line on it and population density as a background. First, we need to read the data. .. code:: ipython3 import geopandas as gpd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline # Filepaths grid_fp = "population_square_km.shp" roads_fp = "roads.shp" schools_fp = "schools_tartu.shp" # Read files grid = gpd.read_file(grid_fp) roads = gpd.read_file(roads_fp) schools = gpd.read_file(schools_fp) Then, we need to be sure that the files are in the same coordinate system. Let's use the crs of our travel time grid. .. code:: ipython3 gridCRS = roads['geometry'] = roads['geometry'].to_crs(crs=gridCRS) schools['geometry'] = schools['geometry'].to_crs(crs=gridCRS) .. code:: # in Jupyter Notebook don't forget to enable the inline plotting magic import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline Let's check the histgram first: .. code:: ipython3 # Plot grid.hist(column="Population", bins=100) # Add title plt.title("Amount of population km2 Tartumaa histogram") plt.tight_layout() .. image:: img/L6_static_maps_3_0.png Finally we can make a visualization using the ``.plot()`` -function in Geopandas. The ``.plot()`` function takes all the matplotlib parameters where appropriate. For example we can adjust various parameters - ``ax`` if used, then can indicate a joint plot axes onto which to plot, used to plot several times (several layers etc) into the same plot (using the same axes, i.e. x and y coords) - ``column`` which dataframe column to plot - ``linewidth`` if feature with an outline, or being a line feature then line width - ``markersize`` size of point/marker element to plot - ``color`` colour for the layers/feature to plot - ``cmap`` `colormaps (*cmap* - parameter) `_ - ``alpha`` transparency 0-1 - ``legend`` True/False show the legend - ``scheme`` one of 3 basic classification schemes ("quantiles", "equal_interval", "fisher_jenks"), beyond that use PySAL explicitly - ``k`` number of classes for above scheme if used. - ``vmin`` indicate a minimal value from the data column to be considered when plotting (also affects the classification scheme), can be used to "normalise" several plots where the data values don't aligh exactly - ``vmax`` indicate a maximal value from the data column to be considered when plotting (also affects the classification scheme), can be used to "normalise" several plots where the data values don't aligh exactly .. code:: ipython3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 13)) # Visualize the population density into 5 classes using "Quantiles" classification scheme # Add also a little bit of transparency with `alpha` parameter # (ranges from 0 to 1 where 0 is fully transparent and 1 has no transparency) grid.plot(column="Population", ax=ax, linewidth=0.03, cmap="Reds", scheme="quantiles", k=5, alpha=0.8, legend=True) # Add roads on top of the grid # (use ax parameter to define the map on top of which the second items are plotted) roads.plot(ax=ax, color="grey", linewidth=1.5) # Add schools on top of the previous map schools.plot(ax=ax, color="cyan", markersize=9.0) # Remove the empty white-space around the axes plt.title("population km2 Tartumaa in relation to schools and major roads") ax.set_ylabel('Northing in EPSG:3301 Estonian grid (metres)') ax.set_xlabel('Easting in EPSG:3301 Estonian grid (metres)') plt.tight_layout() .. image:: img/L6_static_maps_4_0.png .. code:: ipython3 outfp = "static_map.png" plt.savefig(outfp, dpi=300) This kind of approach can be used really effectively to produce large quantities of nice looking maps (*though this example of ours isn't that pretty yet, but it could be*) which is one of the most useful aspects of coding and what makes it so important to learn how to code. EarthPy DEM and Hillshade raster with normal GeoDataFrame vector data --------------------------------------------------------------------- We introduced EarthPy in the lesson about working with raster data. EarthPy also explicitly relies on matplotlib for plotting operations. However, most of EarthPy's practical plotting operations aim at raster data. This adds some neat features on top of rasterio.plot for convenience again. In this example I demonstrate how to combine raster plots from EarthPy and our standard GeoPandas vector plots: Let's load the DEM via rasterio and start with all the imports. .. code:: ipython3 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import earthpy as et import earthpy.spatial as es import earthpy.plot as ep import rasterio as rio dtm = '../L5/dem.tif' # Open the DEM with Rasterio src = elevation = Now we load the vector datasets. polygons and points. We will also visualize the point-in-polygon query for the Idaoja subcatchment. .. code:: ipython3 import geopandas as gpd catchments = gpd.read_file('../L5/porijogi_sub_catchments.geojson') subcatch = catchments.loc[catchments['NAME_1']=='Idaoja'] # protected species under class 3 monitoring sightings species_fp = "../L3/category_3_species_porijogi.gpkg" species_data = gpd.read_file(species_fp, layer='category_3_species_porijogi', driver='GPKG') The actual spatial analysis is now not so scary anymore. .. code:: ipython3 pip_mask = species_data.within(subcatch.loc[0, 'geometry']) pip_data = species_data.loc[pip_mask] However, for legends we will plot the elevation colorbar from EarthPy plot, but we should also add information about the observed species records. So we will stitch together a custom legend info: .. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import collections patchList = [] data_key = mpatches.Patch(color="gold", label="Selected Idaoja species") patchList.append(data_key) For effects, we add the hillshade to the plot. It gives us some nice tactile pattern for the DEM image. .. code:: ipython3 hillshade = es.hillshade(elevation) The tricky bit to combine the raster and vector plots here in this example is that they have different spatial extents. They should be in the same CRS anyway, but in order to align the gridded, array-based images with the discrete vector shapes is in providing spatial context. For this we need to provide a tuple/list, that holds minx, maxx, miny and maxy coordinate values like so: .. code:: ipython3 # to define the bounds of the map (important for the raster layers plot) extent = (src.bounds.left, src.bounds.right, src.bounds.bottom, Now we can combine these plots nicely together. .. code:: ipython3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8)) ep.plot_bands(elevation, ax=ax, cmap="terrain", extent=extent, title="Lidar Digital Elevation Model (DEM)\n overlayed on top of a hillshade" ) ep.plot_bands(hillshade, cmap='Greys', extent=extent, ax=ax, alpha=0.3, cbar=None) catchments.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor='black', lw=0.7) subcatch.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='red', alpha=0.2) pip_data.plot(ax=ax, color='gold', markersize=10, legend=True) plt.legend(handles=patchList, loc='lower center', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.5, -0.1), ncol=1) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('DEM_hillshade_etc.png') .. image:: img/L6_static_maps_13_0.png Special plots types with Geoplot -------------------------------- .. note:: From the website: Geoplot is a high-level Python geospatial plotting library designed for data scientists and geospatial analysts that just want to get things done. It is an extension to cartopy and matplotlib which makes mapping easy. Geoplot provides a few handy plot types, that would be very complicated to manually describe in matplotlib. In the following some examples are shown, that use data from earlier lesson. **Using web tile layer as background and mapclassify directly** We want to create a choropleth plot and use one of those shiny web basemaps in a static plot. Then of course we want to provide a reclassified visualisation of our polygon data, in this case the population in administrative units. Let's load the dataset and, again, convert that column into numbers. .. code:: ipython3 import geopandas as gpd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd fp = "../L4/population_admin_units.shp" acc = gpd.read_file(fp) acc['pop_int'] = acc['population'].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce').dropna() acc_wgs84 = acc.to_crs(4326) Now let's import a couple useful helpers here and get going with Geoplot, which ties these things nicely together: For te background layr we can use a small package, named *contextily* that provides that functionaly. For the classification we use of course mapclassify. .. code:: ipython3 import geoplot as gplt import as gcrs import mapclassify as mc import contextily as ctx The Geoplot library works a bit different in that way, that it takes over the axes object. We sort of have to pass it around downstream: .. code:: ipython3 # receive the **ax** object from a ``geoplot gplt.*`` function ax = gplt.webmap(df=acc_wgs84, projection=gcrs.WebMercator(), zoom=8, provider=ctx.providers.CartoDB.Positron, figsize=(15,12)) # create classifier scheme = mc.FisherJenks(acc_wgs84[['pop_int']], k=5) # create choropleth plot, inserting the classifieras scheme and the ax object like we are used to gplt.choropleth( acc_wgs84, hue='pop_int', projection=gcrs.WebMercator(), edgecolor='white', linewidth=1, alpha=0.7, cmap='viridis', legend=True, ax=ax, scheme=scheme ) # set a title plt.title("Population per municipality", fontsize=20) .. image:: img/L6_static_maps_20_1.png **GeoPlot cartogram, using a variable as scale for size of polygon** I'd like to demonstrate the cartographic method of a **cartogram**. A cartogram distorts (grows or shrinks) polygons on a map according to the magnitude of some input data. A basic cartogram specifies data, a projection, and a scale parameter. Here I also show, that you can have a dark background, is a option to set in matplotlib. STrong colors and contrasts work well on a dark background. .. code:: ipython3 # set dark background for matplotlib-based plots'dark_background') # again, we need to take the ax object with us to the next plot # we also reuse the scheme mc classifier # hue tells from which column to take the value ax = gplt.cartogram( acc_wgs84, scale='pop_int', projection=gcrs.AlbersEqualArea(), legend=True, legend_kwargs={'bbox_to_anchor': (1, 0.9)}, legend_var='hue', hue='pop_int', scheme=scheme, cmap='viridis', limits=(0.5, 1), figsize=(15,12) ) # for comparison we also plot the original size boundaries gplt.polyplot(acc_wgs84, facecolor='white', edgecolor='white', alpha=0.8, ax=ax) plt.title("Population per municipality as cartogram", fontsize=20) .. image:: img/L6_static_maps_22_1.png **GeoPlot making a static KDE plot as contour or filled** Geoplot provides a variety of practical use-case-based plot types. The last one I'd like to show here is the KDEplot. Kernel density estimation (KDE) is a technique that non-parameterically estimates a distribution function for a sample of point observations. It is not a heatmap as such, as we don't scale based on parameter values from the point data, but only the number of points close together. KDEs are a popular tool for analyzing data distributions. A basic kdeplot takes pointwise data as input. For spatial context, let’s also plot an underlying basemap. For completeness we also set title and save the plot. .. code:: ipython3 # reset the background to default / white again'default') The underlying webmap plot function has a few limitations, for example that it interpretes geomtries as WGS84 rto calculate extent etc. Also, the webmap only plots tiles in WebMercator projection. So we reproject the data to WGS84. .. code:: ipython3 c4 = catchments.to_crs(4326) s4 = species_data.to_crs(4326) Now we build up the whole plot example. We can initialize our matplotlib *plt* handle, but not the *ax* object. As you see, we have to take the *ax* object from each function and pass it to the next. With the *plt* handle we have the context to save the image to a file. .. code:: ipython3 fig = plt.figure() proj = gcrs.WebMercator() ax = gplt.webmap(df=gpd.overlay(c4, s4, how='union'), projection=proj, zoom=10, provider=ctx.providers.Stamen.Toner, figsize=(15,12)) ax = gplt.pointplot(s4, projection=proj, color='green', edgecolor='white', linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.8, ax=ax) ax = gplt.kdeplot(s4, projection=proj, cmap='YlOrRd', shade=False, linewidths=5, alpha=0.7, ax=ax) ax.set_title("Distribution of recorded specimen in south Tartu county", fontsize=18) plt.savefig("species-kde.png", bbox_inches='tight') .. image:: img/L6_static_maps_26_1.png The KDEplot function provides a *shade* parameter, that allows us to switch between contour lines and filled contours. .. code:: ipython3 proj = gcrs.AlbersEqualArea() ax = gplt.pointplot(s4, projection=proj, color='green', edgecolor='white', linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.8, figsize=(15,12)) ax = gplt.polyplot(c4, projection=proj, edgecolor='black', linewidth=2, alpha=0.7, ax=ax) ax = gplt.kdeplot(s4, projection=proj, cmap='YlOrRd', shade=True, alpha=0.7, ax=ax) .. image:: img/L6_static_maps_27_1.png .. todo:: **Task:** Try to change your plotting parameters, colors and colormaps and see how your results change! Change the order of plotting the layers and vector plotting criteria and see how they change the results. **Launch in the web/MyBinder:** .. image:: :target: