Spatial join ============ `A Spatial join `_ is yet another classic GIS problem. Getting attributes from one layer and transferring them into another layer based on their spatial relationship is something you most likely need to do on a regular basis. The previous materials focused on learning how to perform a `Point in Polygon query `_. We could now apply those techniques and create our own function to perform a spatial join between two layers based on their spatial relationship. We could for example join the attributes of a polygon layer into a point layer where each point would get the attributes of a polygon that ``contains`` the point. Luckily, `spatial joins `_ (``gpd.sjoin()`` -function) is already implemented in Geopandas, thus we do not need to create it ourselves. There are three possible types of join that can be applied in spatial join that are determined with ``op`` -parameter: - ``"intersects"`` - ``"within"`` - ``"contains"`` Sounds familiar? Yep, all of those spatial relationships were discussed in the `previous materials `_, thus you should know how they work. Let's perform a spatial join between the species monitoring data GeoPackage file, `category_3_species_porijogi.gpkg <../_static/data/L3/category_3_species_porijogi.gpkg>`_ and a Polygon layer that is extracted Corine Landuse Cover for the Porijogi region. Download and clean the data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For this lesson we will be using publicly available `Corine Landuse Cover for the Porijogi region <../_static/data/L3/>`_ in Tartumaa. - Unzip the file into into your L3 folder .. code:: porijogi_corine_landuse.dbf porijogi_corine_landuse.shp porijogi_corine_landuse.prj porijogi_corine_landuse.shx You should now have the files listed above in your Data folder. - Let's read the data into geopandas and see what we have. .. ipython:: python import geopandas as gpd # Filepath fp = "source/_static/data/L3/porijogi_corine_landuse.shp" # Read the data lulc = gpd.read_file(fp) .. ipython:: python # See the first rows lulc.head() Okey so we have multiple columns in the dataset but the most important one here is the column ``clc_int`` (*corine landuse code*) that tells the type of landuse cover under that polygon. Download the codes `lookup table <../_static/data/L3/corine_landuse_codes.csv>`_ In order to know what the codes mean, we will merge a lookup table to our spatial landuse cover GeoDataframe. .. ipython:: python import pandas as pd codes = pd.read_csv('source/_static/data/L3/corine_landuse_codes.csv', sep=';') codes This table contains a field ``CLC_CODE`` which we use to connect the correct mapping to our landuse cover GeoDataframe, which has a field ``clc_int``. We will now merge the lookup table ``codes`` (a Pandas dataframe) into our ``lulc`` GeoDataframe, based on the identifiers in the mentioned fields: .. ipython:: python lulc = lulc.merge(codes, left_on='clc_int', right_on='CLC_CODE') lulc.sample(10) .. ipython:: python # See the column names and confirm that we now have a column called LABEL2, that gives us some textual description for the landuse codes lulc.columns - Let's also get rid of all unnecessary columns by selecting only columns that we need i.e. ``Landuse``, ``LABEL2`` and ``geometry`` .. ipython:: python # Columns that will be sected selected_cols = ['Landuse', 'LABEL2','geometry'] # Select those columns lulc = lulc[selected_cols] # Let's see 10 randomly sampled rows lulc.sample(10) Now we have cleaned the data and have only those columns that we need for our analysis. Join the layers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now we are ready to perform the spatial join between the two layers that we have. The aim here is to get information about **how many species sightings (of which species) happened in which landuse types?** . Thus, we want to join attributes from the landuse layer we just modified into the already used and prepared monitoring GeoPackage file, `category_3_species_porijogi.gpkg <../_static/data/L3/category_3_species_porijogi.gpkg>`_. - Read the category_3_species_porijogi.gpkg layer into memory .. ipython:: python :okwarning: # protected species under class 3 monitoring sightings species_fp = "source/_static/data/L3/category_3_species_porijogi.gpkg" # Read data species = gpd.read_file(species_fp, layer='category_3_species_porijogi', driver='GPKG') - Let's make sure that the coordinate reference system of the layers are identical .. ipython:: python # Check the crs of landuse # Check the crs of species layer in case we need to reproject the geometries to make them comparable # Do they match? - We can test that == They are identical. Thus, we can be sure that when doing spatial queries between layers the locations match and we get the right results e.g. from the spatial join that we are conducting here. - Let's now join the attributes from ``lulc`` (2) GeoDataFrame into ``species`` GeoDataFrame (1) by using ``gpd.sjoin()`` -function .. ipython:: python # Make a spatial join join = gpd.sjoin(species, lulc, how="inner", op="within") # Let's check the result join.head() Awesome! Now we have performed a successful spatial join where we got two new columns into our ``join`` GeoDataFrame, i.e. ``index_right`` that tells the index of the matching polygon in the ``lulc`` layer and ``species``. - Let's save this layer into a new Shapefile .. code:: python # Output path outfp = "source/_static/data/L3/landuse_per_species.shp" # Save to disk join.to_file(outfp) Do the results make sense? Let's evaluate this a bit by grouping and querying the resulting ``join`` for largest landuse type and species types combinations: .. ipython:: python join['NIMI'].value_counts() .. ipython:: python join['LABEL2'].value_counts() .. ipython:: python # initialise empty list data_list = [] for species_id, species_group in join.groupby('NIMI'): lulc_count = species_group['LABEL2'].value_counts() top = lulc_count.head(1) # add info to list data_list.append({'species_id':species_id, 'all_sights': len(species_group), 'top_lulc': top.index[0], 'sights_in_top': top[0]}) # Creates DataFrame from now filled list wit hdata items. top_sights = pd.DataFrame(data_list) # Print the data top_sights.sort_values(by=['all_sights','sights_in_top'], ascending=False).head(10) .. ipython:: python :suppress: plt.close('all') **Launch in the web/MyBinder:** .. image:: :target: