Norwegian Computer Scientists - Ordered by Citations

Norwegian Computer Scientists - Ordered by Citations


NB! If you have just stumbled into this page by accident (e.g., looking up your name from Google) and wonder what is this page about, please check this page one level upwards that has explanations and some additional information

Disclaimer: All information has been gathered from public sources. If you want to add or delete some information about you, please email me. I do this all from my free time. But I welcome information that will help me in updating this page.

Disclaimer 2. Do not take those numbers too seriously without actually studying how Google collects the citations. Moreover, bear in mind that citations differ significantly in subfields of computer science, with practical areas getting a bulk of the citations. Also, for some of the authors, a majority of citations comes from authored textbooks, or even worse, from self-citations. Thus, be careful.

Note: "cites per #authors" divides the number of citations each paper has got by the number of authors it has. This increases fairness in interdisciplinary comparisons (e.g., papers in biology have 20+ coauthors and thousands of citations, papers in mathematics have 1 author and tens of citations). We note that this parameter is not perfect, since Google Scholar omits some authors in their page, but the same is also true in say the "Publish and Perish" program.

Links to Google citations profiles are fetched automatically when updating the database...

All links are clickable. For example, you can sort people according to Cites, H-Index, compare institutions to each other, or see people only from a certain institution.

Institutions with less than 0 citations or less than 0 recent citations are not displayed (this can adjusted with url suffix "&cutoff=xxx&rcutoff=xxx"). Added sorting by H-Index.


Greyed out persons do only partially belong to this table (for various reasons), or they have namesakes that contribute to majority of their citations.
InstitutionCites per authorCites
1. 33298359
2.Agder 3342676579
3.Agder.retired 00
4.Bergen 56954149085
5.DFF 00
6.DNV 1634374630
7.Equinor 413
8.Estonia.UT 31575675
9.FMC FoodTech 4882
10.Forest Glen Research 00
11.Google 21973569
12.HVL 1229136884
13.Kristiania 1128424523
14.Molde 8282562
15.NNSA/Bergen 341815
16.NORCE/Bergen 714
17.NORUT 816
18.NTNU 124640304925
19.NTNU.Associate Professor Emeritus 39
20.NTNU.CS 12643200
21.NTNU.Professor Emeritus 494656
22.NTNU/SINTEF 12684234
23.Netherlands.Delft 17394343
24.Noroff University College 434214010
25.Norway 618
26.OUH 14944712
27.OUH/Oslo 658823232
28.Oslo 113381278165
29.Oslo.Adjunct associate professor 24
30.OsloMet 1981849782
31.Retired 3501165966
32.SINTEF 1054331056
33.SINTEF/Oslo 622415129
34.Simula 40737106040
35.Simula UiB 468310781
36.Simula/Oslo 302902
37.South-Eastern Norway 161651
38.Stavanger 2232159702
39.Tellu IoT AS 21417029
40.Trolltech 22
41.Tromso 586014649
42.U Oslo 00
43.UNIK 1278730961
44.UNIK.Guest Researcher 168442
45.USA.U Miami 606914996
46.UiT 934825774
47.UiT.Visiting Professor 17835809
48.UiT/Oslo 272898 6881244

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