Konverents toimub ASTRA projekti "Väärtusahelapõhine biomajandus" raames. Talk Abstracts in pdf Program in pdf
Aftermath: ammm ... the statistics has spoken (fig left).
Some photo emotions
I take back my words that the winners do't learn anything. This year it was different!
We all had a fair chance to learn. And to learn a lot. Depending our intellectual capacity. I personally think the coaching by Gleb was par excellence.
Every talk should contain this 2-3 min pitch part, with all the essential components is right proportions [who we are, what we do, why we do, the broad context], right viber, movements, footwork, handwork ...
The rest of the 7 min we can use to deliver our science in more detail. This is our responsibility. If we are good - we do not loose the audience at this part.
Even if the science details are perfect, failing in the first part is like multiplying with zero.
If the first part is perfect, and we the science details, it will still be a very good talk.
... on arendada teaduskommunikatsiooni oskusi, treenida doktorante esitama oma tööd ja eriala reaalteaduste haridusega tavakuulajale:
Suulise ettekande ajalimiit on 10 min (+ piisav aeg küsimusteks ja aruteluks)
Ettekandele järgneva arutelu fookuses on:
Oma doktoritöö teema võib ju tunduda kuitahes igav, aga nüüd tuleb seda esitleda kui maailma kõige põnevamat ja elu edasiviivamat.
Teised doktorandid peavad tundma kadedust -- just seda oleks ma ise teha tahtnud! Siht on valdkonna doktorantide koostöö arendamine, tulevase teadlaskonna ja ühiskonna ning meedia sidususe suurendamine.
is to give a short presentation of your PhD project so that people outside your area will comprehend, and feel it's cool. Your talk should be:
The talk should not exceed 10 min + there will be sufficient time for feedback and questions.
The feedback focuses on:
Note, there is no hurry, it is understandable and interesting. Just in 15 minutes.
Secret to great public speaking
How_to_speak_so_that_people_want_to_listen Has good hints, e.g. how to use pauses and silence.
Ööbimine ja head söögid kohapeal, ise ei pea maksma.
Nii esinemiseks kui kuulamiseks registreeru ASAP kalle.olli 'at' ut.ee
Food will be given, housing is reserved, you do not have to pay
To register send e-mail ASAP to kalle.olli 'at' ut.ee
Ardi Loot | Tapashi Binte Mahmud Chowdhury | Sandhra-Mirella Valdma | Oleksandr Karasov |
Laurits Puust | Taavi Riit | Ulvi Selgis | Iuliia Burdun |
Viktorija Kukuškina | Yauhen Yakimenka | Diana Pungar | Miina Rikka |
Robin Ehrminger | Kaarel Krjutškov | Tatevik Yezekyan | Liisa Kübarsepp |
Meelis Härmas | Maria Naeem | Heiki Lill | Hamim Syed |
Anette Kalnapenkis | Jinfeng Zhao | Siiri Külm | Kätlin Pitman |
Kreete Lüll | Marko Eltermann | Martti-Jaan Miljan | Lilian Leetsi |
Faiza Summer | Ronald Väli | Olivier Etebee Nonga | Annika Meitern |
Janek Urvik | Timo Tõnis Sikka | Jonathan Willow | Marju Himma |
Martin Kala | Kristian Kuppart | Friedrich Kaasik | Gleb Maltsev |
Burak Öglü | Margot Sepp | Ronald Laarmaa | Maidu Silm |
Upendra Bhele | Margus Voode | Nasime Janatian Ghadikolaei | Kairi Raime |