|  |  | 14.2 Benthic-pelagic coupling and eutrophication |
14.2 Benthic-pelagic coupling and eutrophication
Oxygen deficiency in temperate coastal waters has led to an increased
awareness of vertical particle flux to bottom waters. In recent years,
particular attention has been paid to coupling and energy transfer between the benthos and plankton.
It has been postulated that
suspension-feeding communities can self-organize to enhance the
efficiency of food capture and thus establish boundary systems capable
of successfully exploiting the less structured planktonic system
[172]. Others studies demonstrated that in temperate coastal
waters the most prominent event in the annual flux of organic material
to the benthos is usually the spring diatom bloom [433][213][488][352].
In coastal (and also temperate and polar) seas this rapidly sinking
phytoplankton is often dominated by diatoms that reach the sea floor
relatively intact without being ingested by zooplankton (see
[433] for a review; [4]). Seasonally sedimented
phytoplankton blooms are a major source of nutrients that are
processed rapidly through the benthic system in open coastal areas
[172][183]. Information from field studies supports the
hypothesis that suspension feeders ingest a wide spectrum of particle
sizes [389][98][372]. Many suspension feeders are capable
of utilizing any type of food, and are limited only by morphological
constraints [394].
For the case of suspension-feeding bivalves, food quality and quantity
have been shown by Willdish and Kristmanson [496] and
Rosenberg and Loo [399] to be a limiting factor. For
example, infaunal bivalve growth was shown to be positively correlated
with both the chlorophyll input to the sediment and the diatom
availability in the near-bottom waters [466][297][496]. It
has been widely recognized that benthic suspension feeders, which are
among the main contributors to the biomass of benthic communities of
coastal and estuarine ecosystems world-wide, benefit directly from
pelagic primary production in the overlying water column
[183][88]. Thus, suspension
feeders are responsible for a considerable share of the energy flow
from the pelagic to the benthic system, in addition to secondary
production in benthic environments [370][172].
Figure: Graphical comparison of water mass residence time and
clearance time in suspension feeder-dominated ecosystems.
Ecosystems situated in the shaded area are potentially
regulated by suspension feeders where clearance time is
shorter than clearance time. AS: Askš Bay. SSF: South San
Francisco Bay. OS: Oosterschelde. CBO: Chesapeake Bay, past.
BB: Bay of Brest. MO: Marennes-OlŽron Bay. RA: Ria de
Arosa. WW: Western Wadden Zee. NI: North Inlet. NB:
Naragansett Bay. SY: Sylt, Eastern Wadden Zee. DB: Delaware
Bay. CBP: Chesapeake Bay, Present. In Dame
[115]. From
Grall and Chauvaud
There are strong indications that phytoplankton biomass may be
severely reduced or regulated by active suspension feeders in shallow
ecosystems [93][426][232][84]. From these studies, it
can be concluded that the secondary trophic level is dominated by the
benthic ecosystem where active suspension feeders can even regulate
pelagic primary production when the water body is shallow, the
residence time is long, and the suspension-feeding biomass is high
[94]. Figure 1 illustrates the
fact that suspension feeders are able to consume potentially high
amounts of suspended food where the clearance time is shorter than the
residence time of the water in the bay. Rates of suspension-feeding
are a function of food supply for a variety of taxa, but since the
process of filter-feeding uses a variety of different
particle-trapping mechanisms and ranges from passive to active filter
feeding, the relation between suspension feeders abundance and
distribution is highly complex. Hydrodynamic factors may be critical
in determining the food supply. The availability of food depends on
the three-dimensional nature of the fluid and particulate fluxes to
the benthic ecosystem [160]. Herman and Scholten
[228] proposed three reasons why benthic suspension
feeders may have a stabilising influence in benthic ecosystems.
First, benthic suspension feeders are a stable component of the
ecosystem. Secondly, the filtration rate of suspension feeders does
not stabilise as food availability increases. Finally, the biomass of
suspension feeders has a slow turnover rate. Together these three
observations suggest that suspension feeders may limit the intensity
and duration of phytoplankton blooms. In contrast, the zooplankton
biomass increases in response to phytoplankton blooms and thus do not
reach such an effective filtration level during the bloom period.
Mussel or clam beds and oyster reefs may also supply nutrients in high
amounts to the overlying water column and promote phytoplankton
production. Thus suspension feeders are not only important in terms
of direct control, but also affect nutrient recycling and
sedimentation or resuspension of organic particulate matter (Figure
2). When the amount of food filtered by
bivalves exceeds the needs of the individual,
pseudofaeces are produced that incorporate the
excess particulate organic matter. The formation of these
pseudofaeces facilitates the sedimentation of POM and thus increases
the overall sedimentation rate. Biodeposits are also a source of food
for benthic organisms such as bacteria, meiofauna and macrofauna
[182]. Faeces and pseudofaeces contribute to enhance
bacterial activity on a day scale basis, while meiofauna and
macrofauna populations rather respond on a week and month scale basis
respectively [199][425]. Fauna may either feed directly on
the organic matter of the biodeposits or on bacteria, which
contributes to secondary production in the benthos but also to
increase the turnover of nutrients ([182]; see below).
Kautsky and Evans [263] argued that the role of
suspension feeders in energy transfer may be minimal compared with the
role they have in carbon and nutrient cycling in coastal ecosystems.
In areas controlled and stabilized by suspension feeders and subject
to increasing nutrient loads, the ecosystem is then highly vulnerable
to changes in the suspension feeder community [84, see also].
Figure: Schematic representation of the nutrient fluxes and
pelagic primary production dynamics in a suspension
feeder-dominated ecosystem. PP = Primary Production. RPP =
Regenerated Primary production. From Grall and Chauvaud
Several studies have shown experimentally that degradation of organic
matter was faster and more efficient in sediments with macrofauna
populations. It has been suggested by various authors that the
proportion of nutrient export from the benthic ecosystem to the water
column due to macrofaunal activity supplies a significant proportion
of the phytoplankton requirements [26][425]. However, there
is no clear agreement on the amount published estimates range from 0
to 100%, with a mean of 28 - 30% [134]. A recent study by
Grenz et al. [198] showed that during a
phytoplankton bloom, nutrient fluxes from the sediment represented
20% (Si), 16%, (P) and 9% (N) of the primary production demand.
Experimental studies in mesocosms with an intact benthos have showed
that measured annual apparent primary production increased by 23%
relative to mesocosms lacking benthos. Furthermore, in another
experimental study, Christensen et al. [87]
showed that nutrient release to the water column depends on the
species function (both behavior and biology) in the system;
NH(4 and NO3 release were 3 times higher in sediments
which had the polychaete Nereis diversicolor as suspension
feeder, and were just 1.5 times higher in sediments which included
N. virens as a deposit feeder. The
presence of Nereis in the sediment increased both NO2
and silicate fluxes by two orders of magnitude. Magni et al.
[303] showed that macrofauna rapidly and efficiently
recycle the inorganic forms of nitrogen and phosphorus, thus playing a
role in the process of nutrient regeneration. Using an open
flow-through system, Asmus and Asmus [23] have shown
that the potential for primary production induced by the nutrient
release of an intertidal mussel bed was higher than the uptake of
phytoplankton by the mussel bed itself. Thus, if benthic communities
are able to reduce significantly the phytoplankton biomass, then they
also have the potential to maintain eutrophication [119].
Oviatt et al. [358] note that as primary
production increases, respiration and thus recycling of nutrients in
the water column also increases. The pelagic production fuelled by
nutrients derived from the benthos could then result in higher pelagic
recycling rates. De Casabianca et al. [119]
argued that the concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen did not
vary much as a function of the presence or absence of a benthos, but
rather in recycling of nutrients either in bottom sediments or in the
water column. Thus, the effects of the benthos on pelagic production
are two fold: supplying nutrients directly, and indirectly increasing
regeneration rates in the overlying water column.
In the following section, we will explore the influence of benthic
suspension-feeders on phytoplankton dynamics, in an ecosystem (the Bay
of Brest, France) experiencing both excessive N inputs from the
watersheds (leading to silicic acid limitation) and the proliferation
of an invasive suspension-feeder, Crepidula fornicata (leading to
enhanced biodeposition). Short-term ecological and long-term
biogeochemical consequences of such an interaction will be explored in
Section 14.4 of this chapter.
 |  |  | 14.2 Benthic-pelagic coupling and eutrophication |