Reede, 11. juuni / Friday, June 11th | ||
saabumine & sport / arrival & sports | ||
14:00-15:00 | lõunasöök / lunch | |
15:00-16:45 | Roman Jagomägis | Privacy-Preserving Frequent Itemset Mining With the SecreC Language |
Jaak Ristioja | An analysis framework for SecreC | |
Aivo Jürgenson /
Jan Willemson | On (im)possibility of quantitative security assessment | |
16:45-17:15 | paus / break | |
17:15-19:00 | Vahur Kotkas | Modeling and simulation in the service of cyber security |
Rain Ottis | Conflicts in Cyberspace | |
Risto Vaarandi | Classification of IDS Alerts with Data Mining Methods | |
19:00-20:00 | õhtusöök / dinner | |
20:00- | saun & diskussioon / sauna & discussion | |
Laupäev, 12. juuni / Saturday, June 12th | ||
08:30-09:30 | hommikusöök / breakfast | |
09:30-11:50 | Riivo Talviste | A prototype of an online privacy-preserving questionnaire system |
Margus Niitsoo | Highly optimized 3-party protocols for Sharemind | |
Bingsheng Zhang | Efficient Primitive Protocols for Sharemind | |
Sven Laur | Sharemind: Roadmap for future research | |
11:50-14:00 | swimming and other sports | |
14:00-15:00 | lõunasöök / lunch | |
15:00-16:45 | Dusko Pavlovic | On unreasonable ineffectiveness of security engineering: the example of adverse selection of trust certificates |
Eero Vainikko | F2F Computing — A friendly modular and secure environment for spontaneous distributed computing | |
16:45-17:15 | paus / break | |
17:45-19:00 | Dominique Unruh | CoSP: A framework for computational soundness proofs |
Risto Laanoja | Tighter Security Proofs for Linking-Based Time-Stamping Schemes | |
19:00-20:00 | õhtusöök / dinner | |
20:00- | saun & diskussioon / sauna & discussion | |
Pühapäev, 13. juuni / Sunday, June 13th | ||
08:30-09:30 | hommikusöök / breakfast | |
09:30-11:15 | Madeline González Muñiz | Strong forward security in signcryption schemes |
Helger Lipmaa | Multi-Query Computationally-Private Information Retrieval with Constant Communication Rate | |
Henri Lakk | A Model-driven Security Development | |
11:15-11:45 | paus / break | |
11:45-12:55 | Dinh Thuc Nguyen | A lightweight solution for wireless LAN: letter-envelope protocol |
Peeter Laud | On the (Im)possibility of Perennial Message Recognition Protocols without Public-Key Cryptography | |
13:00-14:00 | lõunasöök / lunch | |
sport & ärasõit / sports & departure |
Liina Kamm