
J.Billing, S.Wehmeier. Rule-based Simplification of Expressions.  mathPAD, Band 11, Ausgabe 1, August 2002, 36-43.

9. S.Burris, K.Yeats. The Saga of the High School Identities. 1-17.

5. B.F.Caviness. On Canonical Forms and Simplification. Journal of ACM. Vol 17, No 2, 1970. 385-396.

6. J.H.Davenport. Equality in Computer Algebra and Beyond. Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol 34, No 4, Oct 2002.

J.H.Davenport. Mathematical Knowledge Representation (Extended abstract)

1. T.Fisher. Probabilistic Checks for the Equivalence of Mathematical expressions. Senior Thesis. 1999. 1-25.

7. G.H.Gonnet. Determining Equivalence of expressions in Random Polynomial Time.   334-341.

S.Langley, D.Richardson. What can we do with a Solution? Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 66, No.1 (2002). 14pp.

4. D.Richardson. How to Recognize Zero. 1-23.

2. D.Richardson, A.El-Sonbaty. A practical deterministic method for zero recognition of polynomial terms. 2002, 1-18.

3. D.Richardson. Testing The Uniformity Conjecture. 2002. 1-23.

8. A.J.Wilkie. On Exponentiation – A Solution to Tarski’s High School Algebra Problem.
Connections between Model Theory and Algebraic and Analytic Geometry, Quadermi di Matematica, vol.6, Naples, 2000, 107-129.
M.Davis, H.Putnam, J.Robinson. The decision problem for exponential Diophantine equations. Annals of Mathematics, 74 (1961), 425-436.
A.Tarski. A decision method for elementary algebra and geometry. 1951.

D.Richardson. Some unsolvable problems involving elementary functions of a real variable. J.Symbolic Logic 33 (1968), 514-520.
(veebis kättesaadav TÜ Raamatukogu kaudu EBSCO abil)

D.Richardson. Solution of the Identity Problem for Integral Exponential Functions. Zeitschr. Math. Logik Grundl. Math., 15, 1969, 333-340.  (TÜ Raamatukogus olemas)

W.S.Brown. Rational Exponential Expressions and a Conjecture Concerning 'PI' and 'E'. The American Mathematical Monthly, 76, No 1, 1969, 28-34. (EBSCO)

A.Macintyre, A.J.Wilkie. On the decidability of the real exponential field.
Kreiseliana: about and around Georg Kreisel, ed. By P.Odifreddi, 441-467, A.K.Peters, 1996.
(saadud RVL kaudu)
------------------ Pisut kõrvalseisev teema -------------------------------------------------
B.Buchberger. The PCS Prover in Theorema.

B.Buchberger. Theorema: Extending Mathematica by Automated Proving.

R.Chuaqui, P.Suppes. An Equational Deductive System for the Differential and Integraal Calculus. LNCS 418, 1989, 29-49.

------------------ Üldisemaid allikaid ------------------------------------------------------
D.Marker . Introduction to Model theory. Model Theory, Algebra, and Geometry. MSRI Publications. 39, 2000.
(meid huvitavat valdkonda silmas pidades kirjutatud sissejuhatus)
N.Shankar, Moura, H.Ruess, A.Tiwari. Little Engines of Proof. Kursuse slaidid, umbes pool pühendatud võrdusele.

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