Seventh Workshop on
Formal and Computational Cryptography
FCC 2011
Program committee
Martín Abadi, Microsoft Research, Sillicon
Valley; University of California, Santa Cruz; and Collège de France
Michael Backes, MPI and Saarland University, Germany
Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid
Bruno Blanchet, CNRS, ENS, INRIA, France
Hubert Comon-Lundh, CNRS - ENS Cachan, France
Véronique Cortier, LORIA - CNRS
Cédric Fournet, Microsoft Research, UK
Dennis Hofheinz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Dominique Unruh, University of Tartu, Estonia (chair)
Bogdan Warinschi, University of Bristol
Page maintained by
Dominique Unruh,
last modified on March 10, 2011.