2014 Hiiesalu I, Pärtel M, Davison J, Gerhold P, Metsis M, Moora M, Öpik M, Vasar M, Zobel M & Wilson SD (2014) Species richness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: associations with grassland plant richness and biomass. New Phytologist 203:233-244 Reitalu T, Helm, A, Pärtel M, Bengtsson K, Gerhold P, Rosén E, Takkis K, Znamenskiy S & Prentice HC (2014) Determinants of fine-scale plant diversity in dry calcareous grasslands within the Baltic Sea region. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 182:59-68 Reitalu T, Gerhold P, Väli V, Poska A, Pärtel M & Veski S (2014) Palynological richness, evenness, phylogenetic and functional diversity over the entire post-glacial period in NE Europe. 9th European Palaeobotany - Palynology Conference. Padova, Italy. pp 225-226 (talk) 2013 Gerhold P, Price JN, Püssa K, Kalamees R, Aher K, Kaasik A & Pärtel M (2013) Functional and phylogenetic community assembly linked to changes in species diversity in a long-term resource manipulation experiment. Journal of Vegetation Science 24:843-852 Davis RB, Õunap E, Javoiš J, Gerhold P & Tammaru T (2013) Degree of specialization is related to body size in herbivorous insects: a phylogenetic confirmation. Evolution 67:583-589 Gerhold P, Price JN, Hiiesalu I & Pärtel M (2013) Community assembly rules above- and belowground in a natural grassland: functional and phylogenetic insights. 56th Annual Symposium of the IAVS. Tartu, Estonia. p 71 (talk) Reitalu T, Gerhold P, Väli V, Pärtel M & Veski S (2013) Diversity components of 14000-year palynological record: richness, evenness and phylogenetic diversity. 56th Annual Symposium of the IAVS. Tartu, Estonia. p 202 (talk) 2012 de Bello F, Price JN, Münkemüller T, Liira J, Zobel M, Thuiller W, Gerhold P, Götzenberger L, Lavergne S, Lepš J, Zobel K & Pärtel M (2012) Functional species pool framework to test for biotic effects on community assembly. Ecology 93:2263-2273 Price JN, Hiiesalu I, Gerhold P & Pärtel M (2012) Small-scale grassland assembly patterns differ above and below the soil surface. Ecology 93:1290-1296 Reitalu T, Helm A, Znamenskiy S, Prentice H, Takkis K, Gerhold P, Bengtsson K, Rosen E & Pärtel M (2012) Determinants of small-scale plant diversity in calcareous semi-natural grasslands of the Baltic Sea region. 55th Annual Symposium of the IAVS. Mokpo, Korea. p 186 (talk) 2011 Gerhold P, Pärtel M, Tackenberg O, Hennekens SM, Bartish I, Schaminée JHJ, Fergus AJF, Ozinga W & Prinzing A (2011) Phylogenetically poor plant communities receive more alien species, which more easily coexist with natives. American Naturalist 177:668-680 2010 de Bello F, Lavorel S, Gerhold P, Reier Ü & Pärtel M (2010) A biodiversity monitoring framework for practical conservation of grasslands and shrublands. Biological Conservation 143:9-17 2009 Gerhold P, Pärtel M, Hennekens S, Bartish I, Schaminée J & Prinzing A (2009) Fewer lineages, more aliens: Phylogenetically clustered plant communities are more open to alien species. 94th ESA Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, USA (talk) 2008 Gerhold P, Pärtel M, Liira J, Zobel K & Prinzing A (2008) Phylogenetic structure of local communities predicts the size of the regional species pool. Journal of Ecology 96:709-712 Laanisto L, Urbas P & Pärtel M (2008) Why does the unimodal species richness-productivity relationship not apply to woody species: a lack of clonality or a legacy of tropical evolutionary history? Global Ecology and Biogeography 17:320-326 2007 Helm A, Urbas P & Pärtel M (2007) Plant diversity and species characteristics of alvar grasslands in Estonia and Sweden. Urbas P, Araújo MVJr, Leal IR & Wirth R (2007) Cutting more from cut forests – edge effects on foraging and herbivory of leaf-cutting ants in Brazil. Biotropica 39:489-495 2006 Urbas P & Pärtel M (2006) Flower color diversity in Europe. International Conference on Macroecological Tools for Global Change Research. Potsdam, Germany. p 132 (poster) 2005 Costa UAS, Urbas P, Wirth R & Leal IR (2005) Increased growth rates of Atta cephalotes colonies in response to forest fragmentation. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Uberlândia, Brazil. p 126 (poster) Araújo MVJr, Urbas P, Wirth R & Leal IR (2005) Cutting more from cut forests – effects of habitat fragmentation on leaf-cutting ant herbivory in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Uberlândia, Brazil. p 136 (poster) 2004 Urbas P (2004) Effects of forest fragmentation on bottom-up control in leaf-cutting ants. Dissertation zur Erlangung des naturwissenschaftlichen Doktorgrades. Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslauten. Online Publication Urbas P, Bieber L, Leal IR, Nascimento MS & Wirth R (2004) What leaf-cutting ants want? Interplay between plant defensive compounds and sugar in the diet of a dominant herbivore. 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology (GTÖ). Bayreuth, Germany. p 222 (poster) 2003 Urbas P, Almeida WR, Barbosa V, Falcão PF, Knoechelmann CM, Silveira ÚA, Vieira-Jr MA, Leal IR & Wirth R (2003) Increase of leaf-cutting ant colony density through forest fragmentation: a result of altered trophic structure? 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology (GTÖ). Rostock, Germany. p 75 (talk) Wirth R, Almeida WR, Barbosa V, Falcão PF, Knoechelmann CM, Silveira ÚA, Urbas P, Vieira-Jr MA & Leal IR (2003) Forest fragmentation process increases density of leaf-cutting ants in the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest. 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology (GTÖ). Rostock, Germany. p 209 (poster) Urbas P, Meyer N, Wirth R & Leal IR (2003) Processo de fragmentação afeta a qualidade do forrageamento de herbívoros dominantes do neótropico – evidências das características das folhas. 54° Congresso Nacional de Botânica. Belém, Brazil (poster) 2002 Urbas P, Falcão PF, Almeida WR, Vieira-Jr MA, Barbosa V, Silveira ÚA, Knoechelmann CM, Leal IR & Wirth R (2002) Processo de fragmentação aumenta a densidade de formigas cortadeiras. 53° Congresso Nacional de Botânica. Recife, Brazil (poster) 2000 Ryser P & Urbas P (2000) Ecological significance of leaf life span among Central European grass species. Oikos 91:41-50 Urbas P & Zobel K (2000) Adaptive and inevitable morphological plasticity of three herbaceous species in a multi-species community: field experiment with manipulated nutrients and light. Acta Oecologica 21:139-147 About our research Sugden AM (2007) Editor's Choice, Ecology/Evolution: Smaller harvests than expected. Science 317:296 Lawrance WF (2003) Rainforests at risk from altered ant ecology. BioMedNet Top Stories Online (March 28) |