V.Palm (jun.): Teaduspublikatsioonide nimekiri
(seisuga 01.2022)
Complete List of Academic Publications
(Last update: 01.2022)
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Articles in Journals of International Circulation
A.A.Gorokhovskii, Ya.V.Kikas., V.V.Palm, L.A.Rebane, “Characteristics
of hole burning in the spectra of organic molecules in glassy matrices”,
Sov. Phys.-Solid State (USA), 23, 4, 602-606, (1981) [Transl. of
Fiz. Tverd. Tela (USSR), 23, 4,1040-1047, (1981)].
A.A.Gorokhovskii, Ya.V.Kikas, V.V.Palm, L.A.Rebane, “Peculiarities
of dip (hole) burning in the spectra of organic molecules in vitreous matrices”,
Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR Phys.Ser. (USA), 46, 5, 116-120, (1982) [Transl.
of Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. (USSR), 46, 5, 952-956, (1982)].
A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.V.Palm, “Contraction of, and hole burning
in, a phosphorescence line corresponding to the forbidden T1
S0 transition in the spectrum of pyrene in a glassy matrix”,
JETP Lett. (USA), 37, 5, 237-241, (1983) [Transl. of Pis’ma
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. (USSR), 37, 5, 201-204, (1983)].
K.K.Rebane, V.V.Palm, “Use of the Doppler effect to study
narrow photochemical holes in spectra”, Opt. Spectrosc. (USA), 57,
3, 229-231, (1984) [Transl. of Opt. Spektrosk. (USSR), 57, 3, 381-383,
A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.Kh.Korrovits., V.V.Palm, M.A.Trummal,
“Photochemical burning of a gap in the spectrum of an impurity in an
amorphous polymer at 0.05 - 1.5 K”, JETP Lett. (USA), 42, 6, 307-310,
(1985) [Transl. of Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. (USSR), 42, 6,
249-252, (1985)].
A.Gorokhovskii, V.Korrovits., V.Palm, M.Trummal, “Temperature
broadening of a photochemical hole in the spectrum of H2-octaethylporphin
in polystyrene between 0.05 and 1.5 K”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 125,
4, 355-359, (1986).
A.A.Gorokhovskii, G.S.Zavt., V.V.Palm, “Photoinduced spectral
diffusion in organic glasses with impurities”, JETP Lett. (USA), 48,
6, 369-373, (1988) [Transl. of Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. (USSR),
48, 6, 334-337, (1988)].
A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.V.Palm, “Resonance fluorescence of
an impurity in an amorphous polymer: measurement using a filter based on
photochemical hole burning”, Opt. Spectrosc. (USA), 64, 5, 577-579,
(1988) [Transl. of Opt. Spektrosk. (USSR), 64, 5, 969-972, (1988)].
K.K.Rebane, A.A.Gorokhovskii, Ya.V.Kikas., E.I.Malkin., V.V.Palm,
“Visualization and storage of stress field by a method of spectral hole
burning”, Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. (USA), 14, 5, 414-416, (1988)
[Transl. of Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. (USSR), 14, 10, 935-939, (1988)].
A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.V.Palm, “Resonance fluorescence of
the impurity in an amorphous polymer measured using an optical filter based
on spectral hole burning”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 153, 4, 328-331,
H.Sõnajalg, A.Gorokhovskii, R.Kaarli, V.Palm, M.Rätsep,
P.Saari, “Optical pulse shaping by filters based on spectral hole burning”,
Opt. Commun., 71, 6, 377-380, (1989).
A.A.Gorokhovskii, R.K.Kaarli, V.V.Palm, M.L.Ryatsep, Kh.R.Synayalg,
“Shaping of picosecond pulses by filters synthesized by photo-burnout
of spectral dips”, Sov. Phys.- Tech. Phys. (USA), 34, 10, 1187-1188,
(1989) [Transl. of Zh. Tekh. Fiz. (USSR), 59, 10, 158-160, (1989)].
V.Palm, L.Rebane, “H2-octaethylporphin in amorphous
polystyrene matrix: spectral hole burning and spectral diffusion”, Mol.
Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 217, 113-118, (1992).
V.Palm, K.K.Rebane, A.Suisalu, “Line width study in fluorescence
excitation spectra of single pentacene molecules introduced as impurities
in p-terphenyl crystal”, J. Phys. Chem., 98, 9, 2219- 2221, (1994).
V.V.Palm, K.K.Rebane, A.P.Suisalu, “Study of zero-phonon
linewidth in the luminescence excitation spectrum of a single impurity
molecule”, Phys. Solid State (USA), 36, 4, 654-655, (1994) [Transl.
of Fiz.Tverd.Tela (St. Petersburg), 36, 4, 1193-1196, (1994)].
W.E.Moerner, T.Plakhotnik, T.Irngartinger, M.Croci, V.Palm,
U.P.Wild, “Optical probing of single molecules of terrylene in a Shpol'skii
matrix: a two-state single-molecule switch”, J. Phys. Chem., 98,
30, 7382-7389, (1994).
U.P.Wild, F.Güttler, V.Palm, T.Plakhotnik, K.Rebane, “Some
problems in spectroscopy of a single impurity molecules”, Opt. Spectrosc.
(USA), 77, 6, 839-846, (1994) [Transl. of Opt. Spektrosk. (St. Petersburg),
77, 6, 933-940, (1994)].
T.Plakhotnik, W.E.Moerner, V.Palm, U.P.Wild, “Single molecule
spectroscopy: maximum emission rate and saturation intensity”, Opt.
Commun., 114, 83-88, (1995).
M.Croci, V.Palm, U.P.Wild, “Single molecule
spectroscopy: terrylene in the polymorphic matrix benzophenone”, Mol.
Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 283, 137-142, (1996).
A.Osvet, V.Palm, I.Sildos, “Spectral hole burning and uniaxial
stress study of radiation-induced defects in diamond”, J. Appl. Phys.,
79, 11, 8290-8293, (1996).
V.Hizhnyakov, J.Kikas, An.Kuznetsov, A.Laisaar, V.Palm, P.Reineker,
“High Pressure Narrowing of Zero-Phonon Lines in Polymer Glasses at Different
Temperatures”, J. Lumin., 72-74, 415-416, (1997).
K.K.Rebane, O.Ollikainen, V.V.Palm, “Fluorescence Excitation
Spectra of a Single Impurity Terrylene Molecule in n-Decane”, Opt.
Spectrosc. (USA), 84, 3, 374-380, (1998) [Transl. of Opt. Spektrosk.
(St. Petersburg), 84, 3, 431-438, (1998)].
N.Caspary, V.Palm, K.K.Rebane, V.E.Bondybey, “Single Molecule
Spectroscopy of Terrylene in n-Alkane Mixtures”, Chem. Phys. Lett.,
283, 5-6, 345-349, (1998).
V.Palm, “Compact simplified design of optical cell for
single-molecule spectroscopy”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 70, 7, 2957-2959,
V.V.Palm, K.K.Rebane, “On the role of spectral diffusion
in single-molecule spectroscopy”, Phys. Solid State (USA), 42,
3, 477-480, (2000) [Transl. of Fiz. Tverd. Tela (St. Petersburg), 42,
3, 467, (2000)].
V.Palm, K.Rebane, “On the role of spectral diffusion in
single-molecule spectroscopy”, J. Lumin., 86, 3-4, 207-209, (2000).
V.Kiisk, V.Palm, A.Suisalu, I.Sildos, “Peculiarities of
SHB in the 637nm line of N-V defects in CVD-grown diamond films”, J.
Lumin., 86, 3-4, 349-353, (2000).
E.A.Donley, S.Bonsma, V.Palm, V.Burzomato, U.P.Wild, T.Plakhotnik,
“Zero-phonon lines of single molecules in polyethylene down to millikelvin
temperatures”, J. Lumin., 87-89, 1-4, 109-114, (2000).
V.Hizhnyakov, A.Laisaar, J.Kikas, An.Kuznetsov, V.Palm, A.Suisalu,
“Transformation of soft localized modes in glasses under pressure”,
Phys. Rev. B, 62, 17, 11296-11299, (2000).
T.Plakhotnik, V.Palm, “Interferometric Signatures of Single
Molecules“, Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 18, 183602, (2001).
T.Plakhotnik, T.Nonn, V.Palm, “Saturation spectroscopy
of vibronic transitions in single molecules“, Chem. Phys. Lett., 357,
5-6, 397-402, (2002).
V.Palm, M.Pärs, J.Kikas,
“Hole burning and single-molecule spectroscopy of terrylene in incommensurate biphenyl”,
J. Lumin., 107, 1-4, 57-61, (2004).
V.Palm, N.Palm, M.Pärs, J.Kikas,
“Terrylene-doped biphenyl monocrystals for optical single-molecule spectroscopy”,
Proc. SPIE, 6029, 60291N, (2006).
A.Laisaar, An.Kuznetsov, V.Palm, M.Pärs, J.Kikas,
“Optical study of terrylene molecules in crystalline biphenyl:
Effects of pressure and temperature on the luminescence”,
High Pressure Res., 26, 4, 361-367, (2006).
M.Pärs, V.Palm, An.Kuznetsov, J.Kikas,
“Selective spectroscopy of terrylene in incommensurate matrix of biphenyl”,
J. Lumin., 122-123, 241-243, (2007).
V.Palm, M.Pärs, J.Kikas, M.Nilsson, S.Kröll,
“Single-molecule linewidths of terrylene in incommensurate biphenyl:
thermocycling and time-resolved experiments”,
J. Lumin., 127, 1, 218-223, (2007).
M.Pärs, V.Palm, M.Rähn, N.Palm, J.Kikas,
“Room-temperature single-molecule fluorescence imaging
for terrylene in biphenyl single crystals”,
J. Lumin., 128, 5-6, 838-841, (2008).
M.Rähn, M.Pärs, V.Palm, R.Jaaniso, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Mesoscopic effect of spectral modulation for the light
transmitted by a SNOM tip”,
Opt. Commun., 283, 11, 2457-2460, (2010).
V.Palm, M.Rähn, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Modal Dispersion Due to Photon-Plasmon Coupling in a SNOM Tip”,
Opt. Commun., 285, 21-22, 4579-4582, (2012).
V.Palm, M.Rähn, J.Jäme, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Excitation of surface plasmons in Al-coated SNOM tips”,
Proc. SPIE, 8457, 84572S (2012).
M.Pärs, V.Palm, J.Kikas,
“Transient spectral hole burning observed on the single-molecule level in terrylene-doped biphenyl”,
J. Lumin., 152, 121-124, (2014).
A.Loot, V.Palm, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Numerical simulation of light propagation in metal-coated SNOM tips”,
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 66, 4, 430-436, (2017).
E.Jalviste, V.Palm, V.Peet,
“Vortex light beams in a degenerate two-crystal cascade conical refraction”,
J. Opt., 20, 1, 015601, (2018).
E.Jalviste, V.Palm, V.Peet,
“Conically refracted Gaussian beam transformed by a lens”,
J. Mod. Opt., 67, 3, 252-260, (2020).
E.Jalviste, V.Palm, V.Peet,
“M2 factor of conically refracted Gaussian beams”,
J. Mod. Opt., 69, 1, 24-33, (2022).
Muud teadusartiklid
Other Academic Articles
K.Rebane, V.Palm, “Doppler effect spectrometer for measurement
of narrow photochemical holes in inhomogeneously broadened spectra”,
Proc. Acad. Sci. Est. SSR, Phys. Mathem., 33, 4, 461-463, (1984)
(in Russian).
А.А.Гороховский, В.В.Пальм, “Bыжигание
провала и сужение линии фосфоресценции
на запрещенном
S0 переходе в спектре примесной органической
молекулы”, Сборник ‘Современные аспекты
тонкоструктурной и селективной спектроскопии
(к 30-летию эффекта Шпольского)’, Москва,
69-74, (1984).
A.Gorokhovskii, V.Korrovits., V.Palm, M.Trummal, “Temperature
broadening of a photochemical hole in the spectrum of H2-octaethylporphin
in polystyrene between 0.05 and 1.5 K”, Proc. Acad. Sci. Est. SSR,
Phys. Mathem., 35, 2, 150-156, (1986) (in Russian).
A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.Kh.Korrovits., V.V.Palm, M.A.Trummal,
“Dephasing of impurities in organic glasses between 0.04 and 1.5 K via
spectral hole photoburning”, Proceedings of the third binational USA
- USSR symposium on Laser optics of condensed matter (June 1-5, 1987, Leningrad),
Eds. J.L.Birman, H.Z.Cummins, A.A.Kaplyanskii, Plenum Press, New York,
411-419, (1988).
A.A.Gorokhovskii, G.S.Zavt, V.V.Palm, “Optical heating
of dielectric glasses: hole-burning study”, Phonons’89, Proceedings
of the Third International Conference on Phonon Physics and the Sixth International
Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter (21-25 Aug. 1989, Heidelberg,
FRG), Eds. S.Hunklinger, W.Ludwig, G.Weiss, London: World Scientific, Vol.1,
558-560, (1989).
M.Croci, T.Irngartinger, M.Pirotta, V.Palm, T.Plakhotnik,
W.E.Moerner, A.Renn, U.P.Wild, “Single molecule spectroscopy: measurements
of spectral shifts and fluorescence images”, In: Spectral Hole Burning
and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications (24-26 Aug. 1994,
Tokyo, Japan), OSA Technical Digest Series, 15, 38-41, (1994).
O.Ollikainen, V.Palm, K.Rebane, “Fluorescence Excitation
Spectra of Single Impurity Molecules of Terrylene in n-Decane”, Proc.
Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 46, 4, 273-280, (1997).
V.Palm, “Interferometry of Single Molecules“, In: Biannual
Report 2000/2001, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Tartu,
25-29, (2002).
V.Palm, M.Pärs, A.Loot, M.Rähn, V.Hizhnyakov, “On mesoscopic effect of spectral
modulation and its potential influence on hyperspectral SNOM imaging results”, Book chapter in:
Microscopy and imaging science: practical approaches to applied research and education,
Ed. A. Mendez-Vilas, Badajoz (Spain): Formatex Research Center, Vol.7, ISBN13 9788494213496,
610-619, (2017).
Avaldatud konverentside teesid
Conference Abstracts
А.А.Гороховский, Я.В.Кикас, В.В.Пальм,
Л.А.Ребане, “К вопросу о выжигании провалов
в спектрах органических молекул в стеклах”,
Тезисы III Всесоюзной конференции 'Лазеры
на основе сложных органических соединений
и их применение', сентябрь 1980, Ужгород,
276-278, (1980).
А.А.Гороховский, Я.В.Кикас, В.В.Пальм,
Л.А.Ребане, “Особенности выжигания провала
в спектрах органических молекул в стеклообразных
матрицах”, Тезисы докладов Всесоюзного
совещания по люминесценции, посвященного
90-летию со дня рождения акад. С.И.Вавилова,
март 1981, Ленинград, 210, (1981).
L.A.Rebane, A.A.Gorokhovski, J.V.Kikas, V.V.Palm, “Zero-phonon
line broadening in crystals and glasses by hole burning method”, Abstracts
of The 1981 International Conference on Luminescence, July 20-24, 1981,
Berlin (West), 4-5, (1981).
А.А.Гороховский, В.В.Пальм, “Особенности
выжигания провалов в низкотемпературных
спектрах примесных молекул в зависимости
от места внутри неоднородно уширенной
полосы“, Тезисы Всесоюзного совещания
по молекулярной люминесценции и её применениям,
1982, Харьков, 71, (1982).
А.А.Гороховский, В.В.Пальм, “Фотохимическое
выжигание провала и сужение линии фосфоресценции
на T1<-->
S0 переходе пирена в твердотельных
матрицах: исследование механизмов дефазировки”,
Тезисы докладов V Всесоюзного совещания
по фотохимии, февраль 1985, Суздаль, 235,
А.А.Гороховский, В.Х.Корровитс, В.В.Пальм,
М.А.Труммал, “Выжигание провала в спектре
примеси в аморфных полимерных матрицах
при температурах до 50 мК”, Тезисы докладов
24-го Всесоюзного совещания по физике низких
температур, сентябрь 1986, Тбилиси, 3, 110-111,
A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.H.Korrovits., V.V.Palm, M.A.Trummal,
“Temperature broadening of holes in impurity spectra in polymeric matrices
at low and ultralow (to 0.04 K) temperatures”, Abstracts of all-union
symposium with international participation ‘Modern methods of laser spectroscopy
of molecules in low-temperature media’, May 19-21, 1987, Tallinn,
25-26, (1987).
A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.V.Palm, “Homogeneous broadening of
phosphorescence lines of pyrene in crystalline and glassy matrices”,
Abstracts of all-union symposium with international participation ‘Modern
methods of laser spectroscopy of molecules in low-temperature media’,
May 19-21, 1987, Tallinn, 27-28, (1987).
A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.V.Palm, “Excitation spectrum of resonant
fluorescence in the region of the purely electronic line of an impurity
in glass”, Abstracts of all-union symposium with international participation
‘Modern methods of laser spectroscopy of molecules in low-temperature
media’, May 19-21, 1987, Tallinn, 29-30, (1987).
А.А.Гороховский, В.Х.Корровитс, В.В.Пальм,
М.А.Труммал, “Дефазировка примесей в органических
стеклах в области 0,04 - 1,5 К методом фотовыжигания
провалов”, Тезисы 3-го Советско-американского
симпозиума ‘Лазерная оптика конденсированных
сред’, июнь 1987, Ленинград, 24, (1987).
А.А.Гороховский, Г.С.Завт, В.В.Пальм,
“Фотоиндуцированная спектральная диффузия
в примесных органических стеклах: изучение
методом выжигания провала”, Тезисы докладов
семинара ‘Лазерная спектроскопия сложных
молекул', 26-28 апреля 1988, Таллинн, 32-33, (1988).
A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.V.Palm, “Application of an optical
filter based on photochemical hole burning for the measurement of resonant
fluorescence spectra in impurity organic glass”, Abstracts of the
Fifth symposium on optical spectroscopy, Sept.1988, Eisenach, GDR,
SOS-P 96, (1988).
A.Gorokhovskii, R.Kaarli, V.Palm, H.Sõnajalg, “Optical
filters based on spectral hole burning: applications for resonance fluorescence
measurement and optical pulse shaping”, Abstracts of the 4-th International
Conference on Unconventional Photoactive Solids, Oct. 15-18, 1989, IBM
Almaden Research Center, 88, (1989).
A.A.Gorokhovskii, G.S.Zavt, V.V.Palm, “Optical heating
of dielectric glasses: hole-burning study”, Phonons’89, the Abstracts
of Third International Conference on Phonon Physics and Sixth International
Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, 21-25 Aug. 1989, Heidelberg,
FRG, 165, (1989).
A.A.Gorokhovskii, G.S.Zavt, V.V.Palm, A.L.Stolovich, “Hole-burning
study of optical heating in low-temperature glasses”, Summaries of
papers presented at the Persistent Spectral Hole- Burning: Science and
Applications Topical Meeteng, Sept. 26-28, 1991, Monterey, California (Technical
Digest Series, Vol.16), 294-297, (1991).
V.Palm, L.Rebane, “H2-octaethylporphin in amorphous
polystyrene matrix: spectral hole burning and spectral diffusion”, Abstracts
of The 5-th International Conference on Unconventional Photoactive Solids
- Symposium on Molecular Systems, Oct. 13-17, 1991, Okazaki, Japan,
314-319, (1991).
Я.Кикас, Е.Малкин, В.Пальм, А.Суйсалу,
“Флуктуации однородных ширин бесфононных
линий в примесных спектрах разупорядоченных
сред”, Тезисы докладов Второй Всесоюзной
конференции по физике стеклообразных твердых
тел, 12-15 ноября 1991, Рига - Лиелупе, 188, (1991).
V.Palm, L.Rebane, “H2-octaethylporphin in amorphous
polystyrene matrix: spectral hole burning and spectral diffusion”, Abstract
Book of the 1992 Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, April
27 - May 1, 1992, San Francisco, California, V1.11, (1992).
V.Palm, K.Rebane, A.Suisalu, “Linewidth-study in single
molecule fluorescence excitation spectra of pentacene in p-terphenyl”,
Abstracts of 4th Nordic-Baltic Workshop on Photochemistry,
August 22-24, 1993, Tartu, Estonia, (1993).
M.Croci, V.Palm, W.E.Moerner, U.P.Wild, “Spectral shifts
of single-molecule resonances in solids”, Abstracts of 130. WE-Heraeus-Seminar
‘Optical Spectroscopy and Magnetic Resonance on Single Molecules’,
30 May- 1 June, 1994, Bad Honnef, Germany, (1994).
T.Plakhotnik, W.E.Moerner, V.Palm, U.P.Wild, “Analysis
of saturation behavior of single molecules in solids: collection efficiency
and orientation of emission dipole moment”, Abstracts of 130. WE-Heraeus-Seminar
‘Optical Spectroscopy and Magnetic Resonance on Single Molecules’,
30 May- 1 June, 1994, Bad Honnef, Germany, (1994).
V.Hizhnyakov, J.Kikas, An.Kuznetsov, A.Laisaar,
V.Palm, P.Reineker, “High pressure narrowing of zero-phonon lines in
polymer glasses at different temperatures”, Abstracts of International
Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condenced Matter
(ICL’96), August 18-23, 1996, Prague, Czech Republic, o4-2, (1996).
V.Palm, K.Rebane, “On the role of spectral diffusion in
single-molecule spectroscopy”, Abstracts of the 6th International
Meeting on Hole Burning and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications
(HBRS’99), September 18-23, 1999, Hourtin, France, P5, (1999).
V.Kiisk, V.Palm, A.Suisalu, I.Sildos, “Peculiarities of
SHB in the 637 nm line of N-V defect in diamond”, Abstracts of the
6th International Meeting on Hole Burning and Related Spectroscopies: Science
and Applications (HBRS’99), September 18-23, 1999, Hourtin, France,
P25, (1999).
V.Palm, “Simplified optical assembly for single-molecule
spectroscopy”, Proceedings of the International School of Atomic and
Molecular Spectroscopy, 18th Course ”Spectroscopy of Systems with Spatially
Confined Structures”, A NATO Advanced Study Institute, Erice-Sicily,
Italy: 15 - 30 June, 2001, 33, (2001).
V.Palm, “Simplified optical assembly for single-molecule
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on
Spectroscopy of Systems with Spatially Confined Structures (Erice, Sicily,
Italy, 15 - 30 June 2001), Ed. B.Di Bartolo, Kluver Academic Publusher,
The Netherlands, 708, (2002).
M.Pärs, V.Palm, “Single-molecule
spectroscopy of terrylene in incommensurate matrix of biphenyl”,
Abstract book of The 4th Nordic-Baltic SPM Workshop, Tartu, Estonia,
May 29-31, 2002, 55-56, (2002).
V.Palm, M.Pärs, “High resolution laser spectroscopy of
incommensurate solids: terrylene in biphenyl”, Abstracts of the Workshop
on Advanced Optical Materials for Information Storage and Processing, Tartu,
September 26-28, 2002, 3, (2002).
V.Palm, M.Pärs, J.Kikas, “Hole burning and single-molecule
spectroscopy of terrylene in incommensurate biphenyl”, Proceedings
of the 8th International Meeting on Hole Burning, Single Molecule, and
Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications (HBSM’03), July 27-31,
2003, Bozeman, Montana, USA, 69, (2003).
I.Sildos, V.Kiisk, V.Palm, “Persistent spectral hole burning
in Mn-doped Al2O3 ceramics”, Proceedings of
the 8th International Meeting on Hole Burning, Single Molecule, and Related
Spectroscopies: Science and Applications (HBSM’03), July 27-31, 2003,
Bozeman, Montana, USA, 72, (2003).
M.Pärs, V.Palm, J.Kikas, “Selective spectroscopy of
terrylene in incommensurate matrix of biphenyl”,
ICL'05 Abstracts, July 25-29, 2005, Beijing, China
, TUE_P_P_104, (2005).
V.Palm, N.Palm, “Terrylene-doped biphenyl monocrystals
for single molecule optical spectroscopy”, Technical Digest of the
20th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO XX):
Challenging Optics in Science & Technology, Changchun, China,
21-26 August 2005, 0602-89, 322, (2005).
V.Palm, N.Palm, M.Pärs, J.Kikas, “Terrylene-doped biphenyl
monocrystals for single- molecule spectroscopy”, Technical Program
of the 11th International Workshop on "Single Molecule Spectroscopy
and Ultra Sensitive Analysis in the Life Sciences", Berlin, September
21-23, 2005, 72, (2005).
V.Palm, M.Pärs, J.Kikas, M.Nilsson, S.Kröll, “Time
resolved single-molecule spectroscopy of terrylene in
incommensurate biphenyl”, Abstracts of the 9thInternational Conference on Hole Burning, Single Moleculeand Related
Spectroscopies: Science and Applications (HBSM 2006), 24-29 June 2006,
Aussois, France, B18, 111, (2006).
M.Pärs, V.Palm, N.Palm, J.Kikas,
“Peculiar features of spectral diffusion in terrylene-doped monocrystalline biphenyl.”,
Abstracts of the 9th
International Conference on Hole Burning, Single Molecule
and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications
(HBSM 2006), 24-29 June 2006, Aussois, France, O19, 81, (2006).
M.Pärs, V.Palm, J.Kikas, “Fluorescence intensity
correlation spectroscopy investigation of a blinking
terrylene molecule in incommensurate biphenyl crystal”,
Technical Program of the 12th
International Workshop on "Single Molecule
Spectroscopy and Ultrasensitive Analysis in the Life
Sciences", Berlin, September 20-22, 2006, 67, (2006).
A.Laisaar, An.Kuznetsov, V.Palm, M.Pärs, J.Kikas,
“Optical study of terrylene molecules in crystalline biphenyl:
Effects of pressure and temperature on the luminescence spectra”,
Book of Abstracts & Schedule, 44th
European High Pressure Research Group (EHPRG) Meeting, Prague, September 4-8, 2006,
P-03-08, 51, (2006).
M.Pärs, V.Palm, M.Rähn, N.Palm, J.Kikas,
“Single-molecule study of dynamical processes in terrylene-doped
biphenyl single crystals at liquid helium and room temperatures”,
Book of Abstracts, 16th International Conference on
Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids (DPC 07),
17-22 June 2007, Segovia, Spain, 180, (2007).
V.Palm, M.Pärs, M.Rähn, R.Jaaniso, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Coherence length of photons transmitted by a subwavelength aperture”,
Book of Proceedings, International Commission for Optics ICO 21 - 2008 Congress:
Optics for the 21st Century, Sydney, Australia, 7-10 July 2008, 123, (2008).
M.Pärs, M.Rähn, V.Palm, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Mesoscopic spectral modulation of light transmitted by a subwavelength aperture”,
Book of Abstracts, 2nd Bilateral Estonian-German Workshop “Strong Nonlinear Vibronic
and Electronic Interactions in Solids”, Cottbus, Brandenburg, Germany, May 21-23, 2009, 24, (2009).
J.Kikas, V.Palm, M.Pärs, A.Suisalu, U.Visk,
“Modulated molecular crystals: incommensurate and ferroelastic domain structures”,
Book of Abstracts, 2nd Bilateral Estonian-German Workshop “Strong Nonlinear Vibronic
and Electronic Interactions in Solids”, Cottbus, Brandenburg, Germany, May 21-23, 2009, 27, (2009).
M.Pärs, V.Palm, J.Kikas,
“Terrylene Single-Molecule Linewidth Distribution in Incommensurate Biphenyl Versus Distributions in Amorphous Hosts”,
Abstract Book of the 17th International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States
of Solids (DPC '10), June 20-25, 2010, Argonne, USA, 39, (2010).
M.Rähn, M.Pärs, V.Palm, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Mesoscopic spectral modulation of light transmitted by a subwavelength aperture”,
Program and Abstracts of ICOOPMA 2010, the Fourth International Conference
on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications,
August 15-20, 2010, Budapest, Hungary, A-0174, 159, (2010).
M.Rähn, M.Pärs, V.Palm, V.Hizhnyakov, L.Dolgov,
“Mesoscopic spectral modulation of light transmitted by a subwavelength aperture”,
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Bio-Photonics: Spectroscopy, Imaging, Sensing,
and Manipulation (Erice, Sicily, Italy, 02 - 17 July 2009), Eds. B.Di Bartolo,
J.Collins, Springer, Netherlands, 367, (2011).
V.Palm, M.Rähn, M.Pärs, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Observation of surface plasmons in metal-coated tapered fiber terminated by a subwavelength aperture”,
Book of Abstracts, Programme, 3rd Bilateral Estonian-German Workshop “Strong Nonlinear Vibronic
and Electronic Interactions in Solids”, Cottbus, Germany, June 13-15, 2011, 45, (2011).
V.Palm, M.Rähn, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Observation of surface plasmons in an Al-coated SNOM tip”,
Abstracts Book, 22nd General Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO-22): Light for the
development of the world, 15-19 August 2011, Puebla, Mexico, 2285121, 96, (2011).
V.Palm, M.Rähn, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Excitation of surface plasmon polaritons in a SNOM tip”,
META'12, 3rd International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 19-22 April
2012, Paris - France, II-5, 39, (2012).
V.Palm, M.Rähn, J.Jäme, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Excitation of surface plasmons in Al-coated SNOM tips”,
Technical Summaries, SPIE Optics + Photonics Conference, 12-16 August 2012, San Diego, USA,
8457-101, 56, (2012).
M.Rähn, V.Palm, J.Jäme, I.Sildos, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Generation of surface plasmon polaritons in SNOM tips”,
Abstracts of “Quantum Nano-Optics Workshop: Bridging Nano-Optics and Quantum Optics”,
10-11 September 2012, Barcelona, Spain, (2012).
V.Palm, M.Rähn, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Excitation of surface plasmon polaritons in a SNOM tip”,
Program & Abstracts, 5th International Conference “Singular Optics 2012”,
September 16-21, 2012, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 59, (2012).
V.Palm, M.Rähn, J.Jäme, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Frequency-dependent excitation of surface plasmon polaritons in Al-coated SNOM tips”,
Abstracts of META'13, the 4th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals
and Plasmonics, March 18-22, 2013, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 163, (2013).
V.Palm, M.Rähn, J.Jäme, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Excitation of surface plasmon polaritons in Al-coated SNOM tips”,
Book of Abstracts, IV International Symposium on Strong Nonlinear Vibronic and Electronic
Interactions in Solids, 1-3 May 2013, Tartu, Estonia, 55, (2013).
V.Palm, M.Rähn, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Observation of surface plasmons in metal-coated tapered fiber terminated by a subwavelength aperture”,
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Nano-Optics for Enhancing Light-Matter Interactions
on a Molecular Scale: Plasmonics, Photonic Materials and Sub-Wavelength Resolution (Erice, Sicily, Italy,
3-18 July 2011), Eds. B.Di Bartolo, J.Collins, Springer, Netherlands, 439-440, (2013).
V.Palm, M.Pärs, J.Kikas,
“Observation of a single terrylene molecule participating in transient spectral hole burning process in
incommensurate crystal of biphenyl”,
Abstract Book of the 18th International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids
(DPC '13), August 4-9, 2013, Fuzhou, China, 228, (2013).
V.Palm, A.Loot, M.Rähn, J.Jäme, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Light propagation in metal-coated SNOM tips: experiment and numerical simulations”,
Program & Book of Abstracts, V International Symposium on Strong Nonlinear Vibronic and Electronic
Interactions in Solids, 1-3 May 2015, Tartu, Estonia, 75, (2015).
V.Palm, A.Loot, M.Rähn, J.Jäme, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Plasmonic effects in SNOM tips: experiment and numerical simulation”,
Conference Book, 12th International Conference on Hole Burning, Single Molecule and Related Spectroscopies:
Science and Applications (HBSM 2015), August 24-27, 2015, Tartu, Estonia, P-13, (2015).
A.Loot, V.Palm, V.Hizhnyakov,
“Numerical simulation of light propagation in metal-coated SNOM tips”,
Book of Abstracts, International Conference
“Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies 2017”,
Tartu, Estonia, April 24-27, 2017, P92, 165, (2017).
Muud publikatsioonid
Other Publications
V.V.Palm, “Investigation of the zero-phonon lines of impurities
in organic glasses using the technique of spectral hole burning”, Cand.
Sci. theses, Inst. of Physics of the Estonian SSR Acad. Sci., Tartu,
149, (1988) (in Russian).
V.V.Palm, “Investigation of the zero-phonon lines of impurities
in organic glasses using the technique of spectral hole burning”, Abstr.
of Cand. Sci. theses, Inst. of Physics of the Estonian SSR Acad.
Sci., Tartu, 16, (1988) (in Russian).
K.K.Rebane, A.A.Gorokhovskii, J.V.Kikas,
J.I.Malkin, V.V.Palm, “A method for registration of the internal stress
field”, SU Patent No.1530946, (1989) (in Russian).