Günter Pilz, Austria, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

Equations over universal algebras: some old and new surprises

Solving equations is in the center of algebra and has induced several new number systems and algebraic structures. In the variety of commutative rings with identity, any solution of a polynomial equation p = 0 is also a zero of any polynomial in the ideal (p) generated by p; hence we might speak of "the zero of an ideal". Let us call an equation (or a system of equations) over a ring R "sovable" if there exists an extension ring S which contains a solution of this equation (of these equations). Hence x^2+1=0 is solvable over the reals. A version of the Nullstellensatz answers the question when a polynomial equation p=0 over R is solvable in this sense: this is the case iff (p) has zero intersection with R. So p = 2x+1 = 0 is not solvable over the integers modulo 4 since p^2 = 1. If we leave this well-known (?) variety, we face lots of surprises. For instance, x^2+1=0 has uncountably (!) many solution in the Hamiltonians. If A ¾ B, an equation which is solvable over A need not (!) be solvable over B, and every system of equations in a variety has either no solution, or precisely one, or the number of solutions exceeds every given cardinal in a suitable extension - a dramatic contrast to the case of fields.