Besides algebra, the topics will include the usage of algebraic methods in computer science, topology, geometry etc. All participants will be offered an opportunity to present a talk. Those who wish to give a talk are asked to send a title, short abstract and the duration of the talk.
The workshop will take place at the Koke guesthouse ( in South-Estonia between Rõuge and Haanja, 90 km south of Tartu. The event starts on Friday afternoon and ends on Sunday afternoon. The participation fee is approximately 1300 Estonian crowns (85 euros) and it covers accommodation (mostly in 3 bed rooms) and all meals. A limited number of participants can be accommodated in a single room for the participation fee 1700 crowns (we ask to inform about such wish in advance).
Please let us know if you wish to participate in the workshop and also please feel free to inform your possibly interested colleagues about the workshop. For the further information please contact vlaan at ut ee or kaarli at ut ee .
Kalle Kaarli
Valdis Laan