version: 2025-02-27
since Jan 2023 | Lecturer in Digital Linguistics Center for Digital Humanities, Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, University of Tartu, Estonia |
Aug 2019 - Dec 2022 | Visiting Lecturer in Digital Humanities Center for Digital Humanities and Information Society, Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, University of Tartu, Estonia |
Jul 2016 - Jun 2019 | Principle Investigator Syntactic patterns in Pite Saami: A corpus-based exploration of 130 years of variation and change Freiburg Research Group in Saami Studies, Skandinavisches Seminar, Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany DFG-funded linguistics research project |
Jan 2016 - Jun 2016 | Principle Investigator / Lexicographer The Pite Saami Lexicography Project Freiburg Research Group in Saami Studies, Skandinavisches Seminar, Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany Lexicographic and orthographic work on the Pite Saami language |
May 2015 - Oct 2015, Dec 2015 | Guest Researcher Freiburg Research Group in Saami Studies, Skandinavisches Seminar, Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany Linguistic work on the Pite Saami language (lexicography, syntax, documentation) |
Nov 2015 | Research Assistant Skolt Saami language technology project, University of Helsinki, Finland, and Skolt Saami Museum, Neiden, Norway Lexicographic and transcription work for Skolt Saami |
Feb 2013 - Apr 2015 | Researcher (Postdoctoral Fellow) Documentation and Lexicography of Semi-Nomadic and Sedentary Pite Saami Lifestyles Freiburg Research Group in Saami Studies, Skandinavisches Seminar, Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany Digital linguistic documentation of the Pite Saami language |
May - Oct 2012 | Researcher Från kust til kyst – Áhpegáttest áhpegáddáj Universitetet i Tromsø, Norway Linguistic description of the Pite Saami language |
Oct 2011 - Apr 2012 | Research Assistant Mávsulasj: Spoken Lule Saami Documentation Project Universitetet i Tromsø, Norway Documentary linguistics consultant; presentation of project lexical data |
June 2006 - Mar 2008 | Student Research Assistant Kola Saami Documentation Project Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany Fieldwork on phonological structures in Kildin Saami, annotation of recordings |
Oct 2003 - Aug 2004 | Student Research Assistant AUTOTYP typological database project Institute for Linguistics, Universität Leipzig, Germany Researching phonological and grammatical word domains in a variety of languages |
Mar 2025 - Feb 2030 | Center for Digital Text Scholarship (DigiTS) Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, University of Tartu, Estonia €2,499,692 from the European Commision's Horizon Europe funding program for research and innovation for an ERA Chair project Co-Applicant (together with Liina Lindström (lead applicant) and Maciej Eder) Head of the "Digital Humanities Education and Support" work packages |
Jan 2023 - Dec 2025 | Methodological Excellence in Data-Driven Approaches to Linguistics (MEDAL) Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, University of Tartu, Estonia €1,498,888 from the European Commision's Horizon Europe funding program for research and innovation and UK Research and Innovation for a Twinning consortium project Co-Applicant (together with Virve Vihman (lead applicant) and colleagues from Tartu, the University of Birmingham (UK), the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (NL) and Radboud University (NL)) Member of the Steering Committe, Head of the "Administration and Management" work package |
Jan 2023 - Dec 2024 | Center of Estonian Language Resources Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Estonia €102,000 from the Estonian Research Council; project led by Prof. Mark Fišel Senior research staff member, National Coordinator for CLARIN ERIC Estonia |
Jul 2016 - Jun 2019 | Syntactic patterns in Pite Saami: A corpus-based exploration of 130 years of variation and change Freiburg Research Group in Saami Studies, Skandinavisches Seminar, Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany € 308,995 from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) Principle investigator |
Jan - Jun 2016 | The Pite Saami Lexicography Project Freiburg Research Group in Saami Studies, Skandinavisches Seminar, Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany NOK 260,000 from the Saami Parliament of Norway and Duoddara Ráfe Pite Saami Center Principle investigator |
Feb 2013 - Apr 2015 | Documentation and Lexicography of Semi-Nomadic and Sedentary Pite Saami Lifestyles Freiburg Research Group in Saami Studies, Skandinavisches Seminar, Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany £ 114,093 from the Hans Rausing Endangered Language Project Principle investigator; Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship |
June 2008 - July 2011 | The Pite Saami Documentation Project Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany £ 64,748 from the Hans Rausing Endangered Language Project Principle investigator; Individual Graduate Studentship |
Apr 2008 - May 2013 | PhD in General Linguistics (magna cum laude) Department of General and Comparative Linguistics, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (through July 2010 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Dissertation: ‘A Corpus-based Grammar of Spoken Pite Saami’ |
Apr 2002 - Mar 2008 | Magister Artium in General Linguistics (final grade: 1,1 = “very good”) Institute for Linguistics, Universität Leipzig Master’s Thesis: “Syllable Structures and Stress Patterns in Kildin Saami” |
Aug 1993 - May 1998 | Bachelor of Arts in English Literature/German Studies (magna cum laude) Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, USA |
*Wilbur, Joshua, 2014. A grammar of Pite Saami. Studies in Diversity Linguistics 5. Berlin: Language Science Press.
(download list of errata)
*Wilbur, Joshua. Forthcoming. "Bidumsáme tjállemvuoge birra: A review of the official Pite Saami orthography".
*Wilbur, Joshua and Michael Rießler. 2022. "Working with language data: Practical, technical and scientific considerations". In Frank Brisard, Sigurd D’hondt, Pedro Gras and Mieke Vandenbroucke (eds.), Handbook of Pragmatics: 25th Annual Installment. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 3-19.
*Wilbur, Joshua. 2021. "Pite Saami Metaphony". In Linguistic Minorities in Europe Online. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
*Partanen, Niko, Michael Rießler and Joshua Wilbur. 2021. "Envisioning digital methods for fieldwork in the Arctic". In M. Lehtimäki, A. Rosenholm and V. Strukov (eds.), Visual Representations of the Arctic: Imagining Shimmering Worlds in Culture, Literature and Politics. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature. London: Routledge. 313-339.
Wilbur, Joshua. 2020. "Pite számi irodalmi szövegek". In J. Domokos (ed.), Alkotni csodára vágyva: kortárs számi művészeti fejlemények. Budapest: Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem and L'Harmattan Kiadó. 147-152.
Blokland Rogier, Niko Partanen, Michael Rießler and Joshua Wilbur. 2019. "Using computational approaches to integrate endangered language legacy data into documentation corpora. Past experiences and challenges ahead". In Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages. Vol. 2. Honolulu: Association for Computational Linguistics. 24-30.
*Wilbur, Joshua. 2019. "ELAN as a search engine for hierarchically structured, tagged corpora". In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop for Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages (IWCLUL 2019). Tartu: Association for Computational Linguistics. 90-103.
Wilbur Joshua. 2018. "Pite Sámi Literary Texts". In J. Domokos (ed), "Čálli giehta olla guhkás" A writing hand reaches further: Recommendations for the improvement in the Sámi literary field. Helsinki: Yhdenvertaisen kulttuurin puolesta ry.
*Wilbur, Joshua. 2018. "Extracting inflectional class assignment in Pite Saami: Nouns, verbs and those pesky adjectives". In T. A. Pirinen, M. Rießler, J. Rueter, T. Trosterud (eds), Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop for Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages (IWCLUL 2018). Helsinki: Association for Computational Linguistics. 156-170.
*Gerstenberger, Ciprian, Niko Partanen, Michael Rießler and Joshua Wilbur. 2017. "Instant Annotations: Applying NLP Methods to the Annotation of Spoken Language Documentation Corpora". In T. A. Pirinen, M. Rießler, T. Trosterud, F. M. Tyers (eds), Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages: Proceedings of the Workshop. ACL Anthology. St. Petersburg, Russia: Association for Computational Linguistics. 25-36.
Rießler, Michael and Joshua Wilbur. 2017. “Documenting endangered oral histories of the Arctic: A proposed symbiosis for endangered language documentation and oral history research, illustrated by Saami and Komi examples”. In E. Kasten, K. Roller, Joshua Wilbur (eds), Oral History meets Linguistics. Fürstenberg: Verlag der Kulturstiftung Sibirien. 31-64.
Kasten, Erich, Katja Roller and Joshua Wilbur. 2017. “Introduction”. In E. Kasten, K. Roller, Joshua Wilbur (eds), Oral History meets Linguistics. Fürstenberg: Verlag der Kulturstiftung Sibirien. 7-11.
Wilbur, Joshua. 2017. “The Pite Saami Lexicographic Backbone: From a FileMaker Pro Database to Published Digital Results”. In M. Fedina (ed), Электронная письменность народов Российской Федерации: Опыт, проблемы и перспективы [Electronic Written Language of the Peoples of the Russian Federation: Experience, Problems and Perspectives]. Syktyvkar: ГОУ ВО КРАГСиУ. 299-308.
Wilbur, Joshua. 2016. “Stavningsregler” [orthographic rules]. In Joshua Wilbur (ed), Pitesamisk ordbok samt stavningsregler, Samica 2. Freiburg: Universität Freiburg. (continuously updated web version)
Bengtsson, Nils Henrik, Marianne Eriksson, Inger Fjällås, Eva Karin Rosenberg, Gry Sivertsen, Valborg Sjaggo, Dagny Skaile, Peter Steggo and Joshua Wilbur. 2016. “Pitesamisk ordbok” [Pite Saami dictionary]. In Joshua Wilbur (ed), Pitesamisk ordbok samt stavningsregler, Samica 2. Freiburg: Universität Freiburg.
*Gerstenberger, Ciprian, Niko Partanen, Michael Rießler and Joshua Wilbur. 2016. “Utilizing Language Technology in the Documentation of Endangered Uralic Languages”. Northern European Journal of Language Technology. Special Issue on Uralic Language Technology. Vol. 4. (T. A. Pirinen, T. Trosterud, F. M. Tyers (eds)). 29-47.
*Blokland, Rogier, Marina Fedina, Ciprian Gerstenberger, Niko Partanen, Michael Rießler and Joshua Wilbur. 2015. “Language Documentation meets Language Technology”. In T. A. Pirinen, F. M. Tyers, T. Trosterud (eds), Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages. Septentrio Conference Series 2. Tromsø: The University Library of Tromsø.
Wilbur, Joshua. 2015. “Pitesamisk språk – en introduksjon”. In L. M. Skarvik (ed), Pitesamiske stedsnavn i Salten. Drag: Báhko forlag.
*Wilbur, Joshua. 2014. “Archiving for the community: Engaging local archives in language documentation projects”. In David Nathan & Peter K. Austin (eds), Language Documentation and Description, vol. 12: Special Issue on Language Documentation and Archiving. London: University of London. pp. 85-102.
Wilbur, Joshua. 2013. A corpus-based grammar of spoken Pite Saami (PhD thesis). Kiel: Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
*Valijärvi, Riitta-Liisa and Joshua Wilbur. 2011. “The past, present and future of the Pite Saami language: Sociological factors and revitalization efforts”. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 34. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. 295-329.
Wilbur, Joshua. 2011. “Think Globally, Archive Locally: Opportunities and Challenges in Working with Local Archiving Institutions”. In D. Nathan (ed), Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Documentation and Archiving. London: School of Oriental and African Studies. 51-58.
Rießler, Michael and Joshua Wilbur. 2007. “Documenting the endangered Kola Saami languages”. In T. Bull, J. Kusmenko, M. Rießler (eds), Språk og språkforhold i Sápmi. (Berliner Beiträge zur Skandinavistik 10). Berlin: Humboldt-Universität. 39-82.
Kasten, Erich, Katja Roller and Joshua Wilbur, eds. 2017. Oral History meets Linguistics. Fürstenberg: Verlag der Kulturstiftung Sibirien.
Wilbur, Joshua, ed. 2016. Pitesamisk ordbok samt stavningsregler [Pite Saami dictionary and orthographic rules], Samica 2. Freiburg: Universität Freiburg.
Wilbur, Joshua. 2014. "The Sony NEX-VG30 video camera: a review for use in language documentation". Language Documentation & Conservation 8. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. 100-112.
Wilbur, Joshua. 2007. Review of W. Labov, S. Ash and C. Boberg: The Atlas of North American English: Phonetics, phonology, and sound change. English Language and Linguistics 11.1: 227-234.
Wilbur, Joshua. 2008. Syllable Structures and Stress Patterns in Kildin Saami (MA thesis). Universität Leipzig.
Wilbur, Joshua. 1998. Burning a Discovery of Grace: History and Fiction as Abstracting, Introducing, Narrating, Multiplying, and Identifying Postmodern Canada (BA thesis). Westminster College.
Wilbur, Joshua, Peter Steggo, Olve Utne, Nils-Henrik Bengtsson, Marianne Eriksson, Inger Fjällås, Eva-Karin Rosenberg, Gry Helen Sivertsen, Valborg Sjaggo and Dagny Skaile. 2024. The Pite Saami Lexical Database. Version 1.0. Center for Estonian Language Resources. DOI: 10.15155/z0p6-k519.
Pite Saami: documenting the language and culture Endangered Languages Achive; SOAS, University of London, Great Britain |
Pite Saami, Pan-Saami Language Archive The Language Archive, Max-Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen/Netherlands |
Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analyzers for Pite Saami in collaboration with Sámi Giellatekno Universitetet i Tromsø, Norway |
Development and maintenance of the lexical database and web interface for Bidumsáme Báhkogirrje • Pitesamisk ordlista • Pite Saami lexical database Website hosted by the Center of Estonian Language Resources Download the dataset (v1.0 from 2024-05-13 – see here for bibliographic reference). |
National Coordinator |
for CLARIN ERIC Estonia and Member of CLARIN National Coordinators' Forum (since Dec 2022) |
Chair |
of the Pite Saami Standardization Committee; supported by Sámi Giellagáldu at the Norwegian Saami Parliament (June 2024-March 2027) |
Steering Committee Member |
for the project Methodological Excellence in Data-Driven Approaches to Linguistics (MEDAL) (2023-2025) |
Supervisor |
for MA and BA theses at the Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, University of Tartu, Estonia in the past, also for MA and BA theses at the the Faculty of Philosophy, Universität Tübingen, Germany, and the Faculty of Philology, Universität Freiburg, Germany |
Researcher |
in the Freiburg Research Group in Saami Studies (until 2022) |
Co-Editor |
of the book series Samica (ISSN: 2199-6229); with Thomas Mohnike and Michael Rießler. |
Advisory Board Member |
for the MA program Estonian and Finno-Ugric Languages (EFUL), University of Tartu, Estonia | for the project Measuring Effectiveness – A study on changes in minority language use and perception due to revitalisation efforts, with evidence from North Frisian (for the project duration) |
Consultant/co-organizer |
for Sámi Contemporary: A Symposium about Minorities and Identities at the Nordic Embassies in Berlin (22 Sept 2015) |
Organizer |
for 5th Saami Linguistics Symposium (SAALS-5), University of Tartu, Estonia (22-23 September 2022, together with Helen Türk, Merit Niinemägi) for Unlocking the potential of digital language archives, Arctic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference, online (25 June 2021, together with the Endangered Languages Archive) for 3rd Saami Linguistics Symposium (SAALS-3), the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany (19-20 October 2017, together with Michael Rießler, Tim Feist, Flore Picard) for Language Documentation, Corpus Building and Corpus-Based Studies: PhD Workshop on Methods in Language Documentation and Description, Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany (20-21 July 2016, together with Michael Rießler) for Applying Documentary Linguistics (Junior Researcher Conference), the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany (22-23 November 2013, together with Michael Rießler) for Orthography and language technology: opportunities and challenges for Pite Saami (workshop), Arjeplog, Sweden (14-15 May 2011) |
Collaboration |
on Pite Saami language technology with Sámi Giellatekno, Universitetet i Tromsø, Norway |
Technical advisor |
for the project From gesture to speech: multimodal analysis of spoken Estonian, University of Tartu, Estonia for the project Interdisciplinary Corpus of Seto, University of Tartu, Estonia |
Supervision |
of student assistants in the Freiburg Research Group in Saami Studies |
Ad hoc reviewer |
for grant proposals: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) |
for book proposals: Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press | |
for paper submissions: Studies in Diversity Linguistics, Studies in Language Companion Series, Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics, Linguistica Uralica, Language Documentation and Description, and others | |
for various linguistics, digital humanities and other related conferences | |
for the Arctic Indigenous Languages and Revitalization project maps | |
Expert linguistics consultant |
for Indigenous Rights and the Global Politics of Resource Extraction: The Case of Mining in Sápmi, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala, Sweden |
2024 Award |
University of Tartu Language Award 2024 as part of the collaboration (led by Mark Fišel) between the Institute of Computer Science and the Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics |
2022 Conference |
Institutional support funding €2,535 from the University of Tartu |
2018 Scholarship |
Ontario-Baden-Württemberg Faculty Mobility Program €2,400 from Universität Konstanz and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Science, Research and the Arts |
2014-16 Publication |
Pitesamisk ordbok samt stavningsregler (Pite Saami dictionary and orthographic standard) €5,500 from Arjeplog Municipality (Arjeplog, Sweden) for production/publication costs |
22-23 Nov 2013 Workshop |
Applying Documentary Linguistics the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany €8,000 from FRIAS Conceived of, applied for and organized the workshop (with Michael Rießler) |
14-15 May 2011 Workshop |
Orthography and Language Technology: Opportunities and Challenges for Pite Saami Arjeplog, Sweden €11,000 from Nordforsk and the Saami Documentation and Revitalization Network Conceived of, applied for and organized the workshop |
1996-97 Scholarship |
Rotary International Academic-Year Ambassadorial Scholarship $19,000 from Rotary International |
Digital Data in the Humanities undergraduate/graduate student seminar |
Corpora in Linguistics Research graduate student seminar |
Corpora and Language Technology for Finno-Ugric Languages graduate student seminar |
Open Science: what, why and how? "Junior researcher luncheon" (lecture and workshop) |
Language Technology and Comprehending Unfamiliar Texts "Master Student weekend" (lecture and workshop) |
Pite Saami Structure Course undergraduate/graduate student seminar |
Documentary Linguistics graduate student seminar |
MEDAL Summer School in Corpus Linguistics, 19 June 2023, Tartu University, Estonia |
Creating rich annotations for media files using ELAN graduate student seminar |
introduction to documentary linguistics (graduate student seminar) |
Syntaktische Strukturen in den Sprachen Nordeuropas introduction to syntax based on the languages of northern Europe (bachelor seminar) |
Morphologie der nordeuropäischen Sprachen introduction to morphology based on the languages of northern Europe (bachelor seminar) |
Saami Research Colloquium research colloquium on various topics relevant to Saami linguistics (with Michael Rießler) |
Strukturkurs Pitesaamisch phonological and structural aspects of Pite Saami (bachelor seminar) |
Einführung in die Morphologie anhand der Sprachen Nordeuropas introduction to morphology based on the languages of northern Europe (bachelor seminar) |
Dokumentationslinguistik und Sprachtechnologie: Theorie und Praxis von angewandter Forschung in den "Digitalen Sprachwissenschaften" bachelor/masters seminar on the theories and practices of documentary linguistics and language technology (with Michael Rießler) |
Fieldwork methodology course Courses on documentary linguistics, recording techniques, and ELAN |
Seminarium om Språkdokumentation (Seminar on language documentation) week-long introduction to theoretical and practical aspects of language documentation |
ELAN: a linguistic annotation tool for audio/video media workshop for PhD students |
Pite Saami Fieldwork tutorial two week course on linguistic fieldwork methods |
Sprachdokumentation im nordeuropäischen Raum (Language documentation in Northern Europe) undergraduate seminar on the theory and practices of language documentation |
2008-2019 | Pite Saami (Uralic, Sweden; 29 months for various Pite Saami projects) |
July 2007 | Ter Saami (Uralic, Russia; for Kola Saami Documentation Project) |
Oct-Nov 2006 | Kildin Saami (Uralic, Russia; for Kola Saami Documentation Project) |
Sep-Dec 2004 | Manang-Gurung, Manange (both Tibeto-Burman, Nepal; internship and field trip with Prof. Kristine Hildebrandt) |
Invited lectures & presentations ⇡ | |
23 November 2023 | The role of digital and analogue linguistics research in supporting the critically endangered Pite Saami language Les rencontres du Sápmi (Session inaugurale), Université de Caen Normandie, France |
1 June 2022 | Pite Saami language attrition: a case study lecture in the e-learning course on language attrition (REMODUS), online |
21 May 2021 | Working with consultants: experiences from Pite Saami fieldwork lecture for the linguistic fieldwork workshop, Community of Practice in Uralic Studies (COPIUS), online |
30 Oct 2020 | Exposing Beginners to Digital Data Digital Competencies in the Humanities Workshop, Center for Digital Humanities and Information Society, University of Tartu, Estonia |
6 Oct 2020 | Language Technology for Critically Endangered Languages: Opportunities for Linguistics and Society TÜling lecture series, Institute for Estonian and General Linguistics, University of Tartu, Estonia |
11 July 2019 | Pite Saami: eine Kleinstsprache in Nordskandinavien Lecture class on the Pite Saami language, Skandinavisches Seminar, Universität Freiburg, Germany |
10 July 2019 | Nordens urfolksspråk: De samiska språken och deras ställning Seminar on the Saami languages, Skandinavisches Seminar, Universität Freiburg, Germany |
7 May 2019 | Digital Approaches to Fieldwork and Grammatical Description The Uppsala Language Documentation Group, Uppsala University, Sweden |
28 Mar 2019 | Fieldwork and Grammaticography in a Digital World plenary lecture at Descriptive Grammars and Typology Conference: The challenges of writing grammars of underdescribed and endangered languages, University of Helsinki, Finland |
22 Nov 2018 | Utterance-final weakening: A discourse-level prosodic feature in northern Scandinavia Linguistics Colloquium, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada |
8 Nov 2018 | Automatic Syntactic Parsing: Corpus Creation for Pite Saami Linguistics Reading Group, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada |
10 Oct 2018 | Prosodic Structures in Two Saamic Languages (with Michael Rießler) Linguistik Kolloquium, Universität Bielefeld, Germany |
30 Nov 2017 | Minderheitensprachen in Skandinavien: das Beispiel des (Pite)Saamischen Lecture class on minority languages in Scandinavia, Skandinavisches Seminar, Universität Freiburg, Germany |
30 Nov 2017 | Traditionswelten und Überlebensstrategien der Samen im hohen Norden Europas Evangelische Akademie Meißen, Germany |
22 Nov 2017 | Incorporating Pite Saami: Combining Lexicography, Morphophonology, Syntax in Automatic Corpus Creation Linguistik Kolloquium, Universität Bielefeld, Germany |
27 Nov 2016 | Die Saamen: Das indigene Volk des hohen Nordens Stuttgarter Buchwochen, Stuttgart, Germany |
29 Oct 2016 | Pitesamiskt ordboksarbete: på papper och på skärm Samisk språk - fortid og nåtid, The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, Norway |
3 Oct 2016 | Pitesamisk ordbok samt stavningsregler Samiska kulturveckan, Arjepog, Sweden |
4 Dec 2015 | Oral Histories in Endangered Language Corpora (with Michael Rießler) Oral History meets Linguistics, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Freiburg, Germany |
14 Apr 2015 | Searching for Pite Saami: Language endangerment and documentary linguistics UWC Robert Bosch College, Freiburg, Germany |
9 Apr 2015 | Language Revitalization and the Saami Languages Département d'études scandinaves, Université de Strasbourg, France |
21 Jan 2015 | Die Sprachenlandschaft Arjeplogs Skandinavisches Seminar, Universität Freiburg, Germany |
5 Oct 2014 | Det pitesamiska språket: dokumentation och beskrivning Samiska kulturveckan, Arjepog, Sweden |
20 Jun 2013 | Das Schwedische im Pitesaamischen: Kontakt-bedingter Sprachwandel in einer bedrohten Minderheitensprache Skandinavisches Seminar, Universität Freiburg, Germany |
13 Oct 2012 | Swedish Influence on Pite Saami Nordic Collaboration on Language Variation Studies (N'CLAV) workshop, Arjeplog, Sweden |
16 Feb 2012 | Språkdokumentation och det pitesamiska språket Lule Saami Language Conference, The Saami Education Center, Jokkmokk, Sweden |
19 Jan 2011 | Software and Documentary Linguistics Guest lecture in field work methods course; LOT Winter School 2011; University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
Conference presentations ⇡ | |
6 Nov 2024 | Utterance final weakening in Pite Saami (and beyond?) 6th Saami Linguistics Symposium (SAALS-6); University of Helsinki, Finland |
17 Mar 2022 | The usefulness of “small data” in capturing syntactic change in an under-documented endangered language Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 2022; Uppsala University, Sweden |
23 Oct 2020 | From Research to Revitalization: Fighting Language Endangerment with Digital Humanities Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 2020; National Library of Latvia, Riga, Latvia |
14 Nov 2019 | Bidumsáme tjállemvuoge birra: A critical review of the new Pite Saami orthography 4th Saami Linguistics Symposium (SAALS-4); Uppsala universitet, Sweden |
16 Aug 2019 | Integrating language technology into work with spoken corpora (with Niko Partanen & Michael Rießler) Research Data and Humanities, University of Oulu, Finland |
27 Feb 2019 | Using computational approaches to integrate endangered language legacy data into documentation corpora: Past experiences and challenges ahead (with Rogier Blokland, Niko Partanen and Michael Rießler 3rd Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages, University of Hawai’i Mānoa, Honolulu, USA |
27 Sep 2018 | Automatic linguistic annotation of spoken Pite Saami 6th Estonian Digital Humanities Conference; Tartu, Estonia |
08 Jan 2018 | Extracting inflectional class assignment in Pite Saami: Nouns, verbs and those pesky adjectives 4th International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages; Helsinki, Finland |
29 Sep 2017 | Utterance-final weakening: A discourse-level prosodic feature in Pite Saami Second Workshop on Uralic Prosody; Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary |
16 Mar 2017 | The Pite Saami lexicographic backbone: From a FileMaker Pro database to published digital results Electronic Writing of RF Small Peoples: History, Issues, and Perspectives; Syktyvkar, Russian Federation |
9 Apr 2016 | Towards a Pite Saami lexicography: Creating a dictionary from a community-driven wordlist Dictionary Journal Workshop; Institute for Linguistics, Universität Leipzig, Germany |
10 Mar 2016 | Bidumsáme Báhkogirrje: Challenges and Opportunities in Producing Pite Saami Lexicographic Materials Aktasne II: New concepts, theories, and methodologies on Saami studies; Department of Language Studies, Umeå universitet, Sweden |
18 Aug 2015 | A critical evaluation of past, current and future approaches in Uralic language documentation (with Rogier Blokland, Niko Partanen, Michael Rießler) International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies; Oulu, Finland |
16 Jan 2015 | Language Documentation meets Language Technology (with Richael Blokland, Marina Fedina, Ciprian Gerstenberger, Niko Partanen, Michael Rießler) 1st International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages; Tromsø, Norway |
22 Aug 2014 | Nordisk dialektologi och samisk språkdokumentation: Icke-nordiska språkmaterial som källa för nordisk dialektologi Tionde nordiska dialektologkonferensen; Mariehamn, Finland |
24 Sep 2013 | Flexionsklassen der pitesaamischen Nomen: eine allgemeinlinguistische Einteilung 21. Arbeitstagung der Skandinavistik; Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany |
3 May 2013 | Das phonologische Wort: Universalität und Gegenbeispiele PhD oral examination presentation; Institut für Skandinavistik, Frisistik und Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft; Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany |
19 Apr 2012 | Pite Saami under Swedish Rule(s): Bilingualism and contact-induced change in an endangered minority language 11th International Conference of Nordic & General Linguistics; Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany |
18 Nov 2011 | Think Globally, Archive Locally: Opportunities and challenges in working with local archiving institutions Workshop on Language Documentation and Archiving; Language Documentation & Linguistic Theory 3; School of Oriental and African Studies, London, Great Britain |
14 June 2011 | Hard-Core Phonology: Dismantling the Pite Saami Consonant Center Leiden Summer Phonology Workshop; Universiteit Leiden, the Netherlands |
28 May 2011 | Einblicke in den Alltag einer bedrohten saamischen Sprachgemeinschaft Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany |
6-8 Apr 2011 | Creating Future Legacy: the Documentation of Five Endangered Saami Languages (with Kristina Kotcheva) Workshop on Saami Language Legacy; Uppsala universitet, Sweden |
9-10 Oct 2010 | Reindeer terminology and lexicographic tools in the Pite Saami Documentation Project Workshop on Dictionary of Reindeer Terminology; Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany |
30 Nov-1 Dec 2009 | Endangered Saami language archives (with Michael Rießler, Kristina Kotcheva) Sources of Sami Culture and History: New Challenges; Stockholms universitet, Stockholm, Sweden |
19-20 Nov 2009 | The Morphosyntax of Pite Saami Adjectives 2nd Saami Linguistics Symposium; Universitetet i Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway |
28-29 Feb 2008 | Documenting the endangered Pite and Ume Saami languages Saami Documentation and Revitalization Workshop; Universitetet i Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway |
26-27 Nov 2004 | Observations on varieties of Gurung spoken in the Lower Manang District Conference of the Linguistic Society of Nepal; Tribuvan University, Katmandu, Nepal |
17-18 Feb 2004 | Using Speech Analyzer Linguistic Field Methods Workshop; Institute for Linguistics, Universität Leipzig, Germany |
Poster presentations ⇡ | |
8 Jan 2019 | ELAN as a search engine for hierarchically structured, tagged corpora 5th International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages; University Tartu, Estonia |
23 Jan 2017 | Instant Annotations: Applying NLP Methods to the Annotation of Spoken Language Documentation Corpora (with Ciprian Gerstenberger, Niko Partanen, Michael Rießler) 3rd International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages; Norwegian University Center, St. Petersburg, Russia |
28 May 2011 | The Pite Saami Documentation Project: Einblicke in den Alltag einer bedrohten saamischen Sprachgemeinschaft Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2011; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany |
9-14 May 2011 | The Pite Saami Documentation Project: Impressions of an Endangered Saami Language Community Endangered Languages Week 2011; School of Oriental and African Studies, London, Great Britain |
9-14 Aug 2010 | Documentation of Saami languages at DoBeS and ELAR (with Michael Rießler, Kristina Kotcheva) 11th International Congress for Fenno-Ugric Studies; Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba, Hungary |
Association for Linguistic Typology
Foundation for Endangered Languages
Gesellschaft für bedrohte Sprachen (Society for Endangered Languages)
The ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics) Special Interest Group on Uralic Languages
Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries
Estonian Society for Digital Humanities
European Association for Digital Humanities
languages | English - native German - nearly-native Swedish - fluent Estonian - intermediate Pite Saami - intermediate speaking and extensive structural knowledge Other Saami languages - extensive structural knowledge Norwegian, Dutch, French, Russian - basic comprehension and/or structural knowledge |
technical skills |
Scripting - python, shell, XSLT, JavaScript Structured data and database design - using SQL, XML, json, Filemaker Pro Statistical analyses - using python, R Versioning and collaboration - using git and svn Website design - HTML, CSS, PHP Document creation - LaTeX, Microsoft Word, Open Office Acoustic phonetic analyses - using Praat Language documentation - using a variety of microphones, audio recorders and video cameras Linguistic annotation - ELAN, Toolbox, Transcriber Video editing, DVD design - using Final Cut, DVD Studio Pro | (work) (personal)
Bidumsáme Báhkogirrje (Pite Saami lexical database)
The Pite Saami Documentation Project
my Estonian Research Information System (ETIS) page
my ORCID ID 0000-0003-2228-5951
Skiing the backcountry (telemark-style)
en route to Geigelstein (Germany) with Wilder Kaiser (Austria) in the background
Skiing the backcountry (telemark-style)
atop Bundstock (Switzerland) with Bluemlisalp Glacier in the background
Backpacking in the wilderness
atop Chaiser Stuehl (Switzerland)
jumping on Toomemägi, Tartu (Estonia)
at Vooremägi "Northshore", near Tartu (Estonia) [photo by 2rikko]
Urban telemark skiing
downtown Tartu (Estonia) [photo by 2rikko]
Winter in general
on Renberget, Arjeplog (Sweden)