Helger Lipmaa

Top links

Curriculum vitae:Publications


http://kodu.ut.ee/~lipmaa/ : <helger.lipmaa><at>gmail.com

I am a professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Tartu, Estonia, where I am a head of the Chair of Security and Theoretical Computer Science. I lead the cryptography group.

Research grants/projects:

Program Committees: FC 2020:PKC 2020:EUROCRYPT 2022 Past

Presentations: List of talks on YouTube (by me and my ex-groupmembers).

Teaching: Old and current students : Past teaching activities

Previous PhD students:

Cryptography/computer science : : Estonian, Finnish, Norwegian, and Latvian Computer Scientists

Hobbies:MSX - my high school hobby: Go

Varia : Fast AES Implementations (historic interest):

The first version of my homepage was created on Jun the 30th, 1994. Nowadays, I am not updating it so often.
