Animation - Multi-receive Pattern

Description.  A party X sends a request to another party Y. Subsequently, X receives any number of responses from Y until no further responses are required. The trigger of no further responses can arise from a temporal condition or message content, and can arise from either X or Y's side. Responses are no longer expected from Y after one or a combination of the following events: (i) X sends a notification to stop; (ii) a relative or absolute deadline indicated by X; (iii) an interval of inactivity during which X does not receive any response from Y; (iv) a message from Y indicating to X that no further responses will follow. From this point on, no further messages from Y will be accepted by X.

Case 1: The receiver decides to stop processing further messages.

The receiver (i.e. the "customer" in the animation) expects to receive any number of messages within a timeframe of 5 seconds. Any messages received after this period are discarded.
The animation does not show the first leg of the interaction where the customer sends a message to the supplier.

Case 2: The sender decides to stop sending further messages.

The sender (i.e. the "supplier" in the animation) sends three messages. The third message contains a flag indicating that no further messages are to be expected. In the animation, the last message appears in black colour whereas the other messages appear in blue.
The animation does not show the first leg of the interaction where the customer sends a message to the supplier.

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Site created and maintained by:
Alistair Barros, SAP, Brisbane Research Centre, alistair.barros at
Marlon Dumas, BPM Research Group, Queensland University of Technology, m.dumas at
Arthur ter Hofstede, BPM Research Group, Queensland University of Technology, a.terhofstede at
Part of a joint initiative by SAP and Queensland University of Technology, co-funded by Queensland State Government.
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