Animation - Send Pattern

Description. A party sends a message to another party.

Case 1: Non-blocking send

The task that sends the message is completed after handing the message to the underlying communication infrastructure

Case 2: Blocking send

The task that sends waits until the message has reached its destination as indicated by an acknowledgment.

Case 3: Blocking send with fault

Same as previous case but a fault occurs and is propagated back to the sender. The case of "non-blocking send with fault" is similar to this one except that the execution does not block at the task where the message is emitted.

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Site created and maintained by:
Alistair Barros, SAP, Brisbane Research Centre, alistair.barros at
Marlon Dumas, BPM Research Group, Queensland University of Technology, m.dumas at
Arthur ter Hofstede, BPM Research Group, Queensland University of Technology,
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