Professor Kuldar Taveter
About Education Publications Career Teaching Contact




University of Tartu
Professor in Information Systems
Head of the Chair of Software Engineering

Institute of Computer Science

Courses taught:

Tartu, Estonia, EU


Requirements Engineering



University of Tartu
Associate Professor in Information Systems
Head of the Chair of Software Engineering

Institute of Computer Science

Courses taught:

Tartu, Estonia, EU


Software Project

04/2016-05/2016 Shanghai University for Science and Technology
Visiting Professor, funded by Shanghai Foreign Talent Scholarship
awarded by Shanghai Municipal Government

School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Course taught:

Shanghai, P.R. China

Agent-Oriented Modelling and Multiagent Systems  


University of Tartu
Visiting Professor in Agent-Based Simulations
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics

Research project:

Tartu, Estonia

01/2011-08/2011 University of South Carolina
Fulbright Scholar funded
by United States Department of State

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Mentor: Professor Michael N. Huhns
Columbia, South Carolina, USA


Swinburne University of Technology
Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Health, Arts and Design

Co-supervising PhD students

Melbourne, Australia



Tallinn University of Technology
Professor in Software Engineering,
Head of the Research Group of Socio-Technical Systems

Department of Software Science
School of Information Technologies

Courses taught:

Tallinn, Estonia, EU


Software Engineering (in Estonian)


Agent-Oriented Modelling and Multiagent Systems



University of Melbourne
Research Fellow
Department of Computing and Information Systems

Mentor: Professor Leon S. Sterling

Main research project:
  • New methods for modelling and prototyping - a project devoted to working out for the company Jeppesen an aircraft turnaround simulator for airports
Melbourne, Australia


VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland,
Business area of knowledge-intensive products and services
(formerly VTT Information Technology)
Research Scientist
Research Field of Information Systems, eBusiness Research Group

Main research projects:

  • Plug-and-Trade B2B Electronic Commerce, a project led by me,
    for overview, please see Agile Engineering of B2B Automation Systems;
  • Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce and Data Mining, continuation of the Plug-and-Trade B2B Electronic Commerce, a project led by me;
  • Multilingual Knowledge Based European Electronic Marketplace, EU FP5 project;
  • BRief driven Intelligence retrieval and Extraction For Strategy (BRIEFS);
  • Technologies for Multilingual WWW Material Production
    (WEBTRAN, for more information, please contact Aarno Lehtola);
  • Tools of Information Retrieval and Organization,
    for overview, please see SARI - A System for Semantical Information Retrieval.

Espoo, Finland





Tallinn University of Technology
Part-time Assistant Lecturer
Faculty of Information Technology,
Department of Informatics

Some courses taught:

Tallinn, Estonia


Intelligent Agents and Their Programming in Java
(Fall 1998)

Tallinn, Estonia

Object-Oriented Programming (Spring 1997)  
Programming with Data Structures (Fall 1996)  
Software Reuse and Reengineering (Fall 1993)  


Aeteci Finantsvara, Ltd (now Profit Software Ltd)
Systems' Analyst
Performed systems' analysis on how could intelligent agents and multi-agent systems be applied in insurance software systems. As a result, worked out a basic architecture for agent-based insurance software systems. Present research interests took rise from that.

Tallinn, Estonia



Vikersoft, Ltd.
Software Engineer
Participated in the design and implementation of an environment for programming in COBOL on PCs and workstations for North American markets. The main novely of the environment lied in the list-based structure of its virtual machine which enabled incremental compilation. Besides this participated in the development of an information system for the Air Navigation Services Centre of Southern Finland.

Tallinn, Estonia



Institute of Cybernetics, Estonian Academy of Sciences (now Tallinn University of Technology)
Software Engineer
Department of Systems' Software
The research work was dedicated to experimental comparison of the LL and LR parsing methods. In addition, participated in the design and implementation of a virtual machine for Ada, and implementation of compilers from Ada subset and Turbo Pascal into the programming language C.

Tallinn, Estonia

© Kuldar Taveter 2018