About me |
Born on 27 March 1965 in Tallinn, Estonia.

Estonia is a small country in Northern Europe next to Finland, Sweden, Latvia and Russia. Estonia has 1.4 million inhabitants. Its capital is Tallinn. Estonia now forms a part of the European Union, as well as of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The Estonian language belongs to the Fenno-Ugric language group. It is related to Finnish and Hungarian but not to Russian or any other Slavic or Indo-European language.
Language skills |
Estonian - |
Mother tongue |
English - |
High level |
Russian - Intermediate level |
Finnish - |
High level |
German - Basic level |
Some major colleagues and research partners |
Research interests |
My reearch interests are agent-oriented analysis, modelling, simulation, and prototyping of complex sociotechnical systems, based on the following book by MIT Press:
Leon Sterling and Kuldar Taveter. (2009). The Art of Agent-Oriented Modeling. Cambridge, MA, and London, England: MIT Press.
For more information, please check the book homepage.
Other interests |
I am interested in (technological) innovation and promoting it in Estonia. Some of my thoughts about this topic are available here:
- An interview in 2010 for the Estonian innovation magazine (in Estonian)
- An interview in 2011 about distributed artificial intelligence by the weekly "Free Times" newspaper of Columbia, USA (in English)
- An opinion article in 2011 with a suggestion to consider the Australian example of funding higher education with a scheme for interest-free student loans supported by the government instead of "free" higher education (in Estonian)
- An opinion article in 2014 about the need for research in e-goverment in Estonia instead of continuing with an ad-hoc approach (in Estonian)
A news item (in English) and the Estonian TV news clip (in Estonian) in 2015 about a prototypical simulation system for professionals created in the EU FP7 CRISMA project to carry out computer-based trainings for coping with natural crises
A short opinion article in 2016 on how to bring Estonian e-government closer to people (in Estonian)
An opinion article in 2017 about the need to prepare good systems analysts instead of thousands of new programmers (in Estonian)
A TV clip in 2017 on the need for citizen-friendly proactive services of e-government (in Estonian) that was in the air on the Estonian Morning TV program
An opinion article in 2017 with Professor Tanel Kerikmäe on how to grant ethical and law-abiding nature of artificial intelligence
A TV clip in 2018 on Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain technology for the Estonian main TV news program (in Estonian)
An interview in 2018 for the information technology portal "Geenius" about how cryptocurrencies work (in Estonian)
An article in 2018 in the portal of the Estonian National Broadcasting Company about three ways how to achieve faster Estonian-speaking artificial intelligence (in Estonian)
An article in 2018 in the newspaper of the City of Tallinn "Pealinn" on how can a cell phone with artificial intelligence help its owner (in Estonian)
A video clip and interview in 2018 for the information technology branch of the "Delfi" newsportal about how artificial intelligence impacts our lives (in Estonian)
A radio program in 2018 on artificial intelligence and transhumanism (in Estonian)
A radio program in 2019 with Regina Sirendi on artificial intelligence for proactive public services (in Estonian)
An opinion article in 2019 in the Estonian business daily newspaper on how to prepare ideal software developers (in Estonian)