Departure: May 10, 9:00 Vanemuise 46 Programm pdf formaadis | Program in pdf format Üritust rahastab projekt "Ülikoolide koostöö doktoriõppe edendamisel“
Aftermath: ammm ... the statistics has spoken again (fig left).
Videos of the talks. Files are largish, but will do the job.
The average level this year seemed a bit higher than previously. Possibly this can be ascribed to the forced 'homework'.
There was not awfully much commercialisation plans in these talks. Which is OK.
Not to give up - I bumped onto a Science podcast from September 2023, which has some nice words about the world of science and business. Starting like this:
"Scientists and entrepreneurs may appear to come from separate worlds. One spends time in the lab designing experiments and writing papers, while the other focuses on developing marketing strategies and generating sales. Yet they have more in common upon further inspection, both create and test hypotheses and develop solutions to problems."
Listen the podcast Here. The episode starts at minute 21:30
It also has a full verbal transcript.
... on arendada teaduskommunikatsiooni oskusi, treenida doktorante esitama oma tööd ja eriala reaalteaduste haridusega tavakuulajale:
Esinejad saavad soovi korral koolituse eest 2 EAP mõne järgneva eest:
PK.1712 Loodusteaduste doktorantide esinemisoskuste koolitus-seminar I (EMÜ)
LOLO.00.064 Loodusteaduste doktorantide esinemisoskuste koolitus-seminar I (TÜ)
LOLO.00.067 Loodusteaduste doktorantide esinemisoskuste koolitus-seminar II (TÜ)
Ettekandele järgneva arutelu fookuses on:
Oma doktoritöö teema võib ju tunduda kuitahes igav, aga nüüd tuleb seda esitleda kui maailma kõige põnevamat ja elu edasiviivamat.
Teised doktorandid peavad tundma kadedust -- just seda oleks ma ise teha tahtnud! Siht on valdkonna doktorantide koostöö arendamine, tulevase teadlaskonna ja ühiskonna ning meedia sidususe suurendamine.
... is to give a short presentation of your PhD project so that people outside your area will comprehend, and feel it's cool. Your talk should be:
The talk should not exceed 7 min + there will be sufficient time for feedback and personal coaching.
Those who deliver a talk can get 2 ECTS for one of the following:
PK.1712 Workshop-seminar: how to give a popular science talk I (EULS)
LOLO.00.064 Workshop-seminar: how to give a popular science talk I (UT)
LOLO.00.067 Workshop-seminar: how to give a popular science talk II (UT)
The feedback focuses on:
Elizabeth Murchison: Fighting a contagious cancer
Note, there is no hurry, it is understandable and interesting. Just in 15 minutes.
Hints how to build up a talk: | How to exploit pauses and silence: |
Write out a 7-minute draft speech by the 30th of April .. and send to me by e.mail.
Then, create a slide deck to support the talk and send in the slides by the 5th of May to Kalle Olli.
The last week is for rehearsal. Do not wing it, yet the goal is not to sound scripted.
To stay authentic, you must practice in bursts with breaks and write the script in a conversational tone of voice and use shorter sentences.
Please do not start preparing your talk by designing slides. Focus on a few points per slide. Audiences can't read and listen to you at the same time. Use high-quality photos. You may draw on a whiteboard or flipchart.
All of you will receive feedback. Many of you might feel uncomfortable because of it.
You do not have to agree with it, yet you can't dismiss it as a knee-jerk reaction.
Do not rationalize it away to feel better about yourself. Instead, say "thanks for the feedback" and ask more questions to get more feedback data.
Ööbimine ja head söögid kohapeal, ise ei pea maksma.
Akadeemilisel olijate eest doktorikool ei maksa, sry :(
Nii esinemiseks kui kuulamiseks registreeru ASAP:
Food will be given, housing is reserved, you do not have to pay.
Unfortunately students on academic leave cannot be covered :(
Be fast to register: