"Algebra ja tema rakendused" Käärikul/
Workshop "Algebra and its applications" at Kääriku
April 30 - May 2, 2010

"Algebra and its applications" is a series of annual workshops which brings together mathematicians and students from Estonia and other countries (Latvia, Finland etc.) who are interested in algebra or using algebra in their research. The workshops have taken place mainly in Estonia, but once also in Latvia. The next workshop in this series will be from April 30 to May 2 of 2010 at Kääriku. If you are interested in participating or wish to get more information, please contact Kalle Kaarli or Valdis Laan from the University of Tartu (kalle . kaarli at ut . ee, valdis . laan at ut . ee).

This year our workshop will take place in parallel with the first spring school of Estonian Doctoral School of Mathematics and Statistics, where the main speakers are Sydney Bulman-Fleming from Canada and Viktor Abramov from Tartu.

Teine teade/ Second announcement

Esimene teade/ First announcement

Osavõtjate nimekiri/ List of participants

Programm/ Programme

Teesid/ Abstracts

Grupipilt 1/ Group photo by Riivo

Grupipilt 2/ Group photo by Valdis

Rainise pildid/ Photos by Rainis

Kääriku Puhke- ja Spordikeskus/ The Venue

Info: 7 376 411, vlaan at ut ee, kaarli at ut ee

Previous workshops:

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.