Kultuuri mõõtmise süstematiseerimine:
Ajakohased kultuuri mõõdikud riigi ja regiooni tasandil

Kaasa, A.; Welzel, C. (2023) Elements of Schwartz’s Model in the WVS: How Do They Relate to Other Cultural Models? Cross-Cultural Research, 57(5), 431−471

Minkov, M.; Sokolov, B.; Tasse, M. A. A.; Jamballuu, E.; Schachner, M.; Kaasa, A. (2023) A Transposition of the Minkov-Hofstede Model of Culture to the Individual Level of Analysis: Evidence from Mongolia. Cross-Cultural Research, 57 (2-3), 264−293

Kaasa, A.; Starodubska, M. (2023) Kui sarnased on "vennasrahvaste" väärtusruumid? Sirp (36−37) 26.05.2023

Soloviov, V.; Kaasa, A. (2023) Mediators of the relationship between national culture and innovation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 27 (3/4), 269-288

Kaasa, A., Minkov, M. (2022) Are Different Two-Dimensional Models of Culture Just a Matter of Different Rotations? Evidence From the Analysis Based on the WVS/EVS. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53(2), 127-156

Minkov, M.; Kaasa, A.(2022) Do dimensions of culture exist objectively? A validation of the revised Minkov-Hofstede model of culture with World Values Survey items and scores for 102 countries. Journal of International Management, 28(4), 100971

Minkov, M., Kaasa, A., Akaliyski, P., Schachner, M. (2022) A “Harsh” Culture, Alcoholism, Climate, and Social Hardship Explain National Differences in Suicide Rates. Comparative Sociology, 21, 43−63

Minkov, M.; Kaasa, A. (2022) Do religions account for important cultural differences? An analysis across 100 religious groups in 27 African Countries. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 29(4) 938-962

Minkov, M.; Sokolov, B.; Tasse, M.A.; Schachner, M.; Kaasa, A.; Jamballuu, E. (2022) The Big Five and Big Two personality factors in Mongolia. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1−7

Akaliyski, P.; Minkov, M.; Li, J.; Bond, M. H.; Gehrig, S. (2022) The weight of culture: Societal individualism and flexibility explain large global variations in obesity. Social Science & Medicine, 307, ARTN 115167

Soloviov, V. (2022) Re-examining the links between cultural values and innovation. Economics & Sociology, 15 (2), 41−59

Soloviov, V. (2022) Linking regional autonomy–embeddedness value orientation and innovation. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 11, 18

Kaasa, A.; Andriani, L. (2022) Determinants of institutional trust: the role of cultural context. Journal of Institutional Economics, 18(1), 45-65

Kaasa, A,; Baldegger, R, (2022) Entrepreneurship and Culture: What Determines the Differences Within Switzerland? The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 31 (3), 546−574

Mickiewicz, T.; Kaasa, A. (2022) Creativity and security as a cultural recipe for entrepreneurship. Journal of Institutional Economics, 18 (1), 119−137

Hellerma, J., Kaasa, A. (2021) Intervjuu: Ettevõtlust soodustavad loovus ja turvatunne. Novaator

Steinmark, E.; Kaasa, A. (2021). Anneli Kaasa: My hypothesis is that different theories just group the same cultural elements in somewhat different ways. AcademiaNet News

Kaasa, A. (2021) Merging Hofstede, Schwartz, and Inglehart into a Single System. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 52(4), 339-353

Minkov, M., Kaasa, A. (2021) A Test of the Revised Minkov-Hofstede Model of Culture: Mirror Images of Subjective and Objective Culture across Nations and the 50 US States. Cross Cultural Research, 55(2-3), 230-281

Minkov, M., Kaasa, A. (2021) A test of Hofstede's model of culture following his own approach. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 28(2), 384-406

Minkov, M., Kaasa, A., Welzel, C. (2021). Economic Development and Modernization in Africa Homogenize National Cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 52(8-9), 801-821

Akaliyski, P.; Welzel, C.; Bond, M.; Minkov, M. (2021) On "Nationology": The Gravitational Field of National Culture. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 52 (8-9), 771−793

Kaasa, A.; Minkov, M. (2020) Are the World's National Cultures Becoming More Similar? Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 52(7-8), 531-550

Harrik, A.; Kaasa, A.; Allik, J. (2020) Intervjuu: Maailma kultuurid astuvad ühte jalga, kuid erinevas tempos. Novaator

Kaasa, A. (2020) Kas maailma kultuurid muutuvad järjest sarnasemaks? Postimees, Arvamus ja Kultuur, 4, 07.11.2020

Kaasa, A. (2020) Kultuur ja viirus. Postimees (14) 20.04.2020

Vadi, M., Kaasa, A., Varblane, U. (2020) Ei me ette tea ... või siiski teame? Sirp (35-36) 24.04.2020

Arrak, K.; Kaasa, A.; Varblane, U. (2020) Regional Cultural Context as a Determinant of Entrepreneurial Behaviour: The Case of Germany. Journal of Entrepreneurship, 29(1), 88-118

Kaasa, A. (2019) Determinants of individual-level social capital: Culture and personal values. Journal of International Studies, 12(1), 9-32