Description. A
request is required to be routed to several
parties based on a routing condition. The routing order is flexible and
more than one party can be activated to receive a request. When the
parties that were issued the request have completed, the next set of
parties are passed the request. Routing can be subject to dynamic
conditions based on data contained in the original request or obtained
in one of the "intermediate steps".
Case 1
A customer's procurement service
sends a request to a supplier's sales service, which processes the
request (e.g. line items checking and invoicing) before relaying it to
its associated warehouse service. The warehouse service eventually
forwards a shipping order to a transport service, which then sends an
advance shipment notification the the customer's procurement service.
Case 2
Same scenario as above except
that due to a special condition in the original purchase request, the
warehouse service contacts the customer (not the transport service) to
notify that the goods are ready for collection. The customer then
appoints a transport service and sends a shipping order to it.
Subsequently, the transport service sends a pick-up notification to the
warehouse service.