Animation - Relayed Request Pattern

Description. Party A makes a request to party B which delegates the request to other parties (P1, ..., Pn). Parties P1, ..., Pn then continue interactions with party A while party B observes a "view" of the interactions including faults. The interacting parties are aware of this "view" (as part of the condition to interact).

Case 1: Without fault

A customer sends a request to an agency which relays the request to two contractors. The contractors then interact with the customer (messages denoted by blue circles) while keeping the agency informed of these interactions (messages denoted by green circles).
In the terminology of the pattern description, party A = customer, party B = agency, P1 =Contractor 1 and P2 = contractor 2.

Case 2: With fault

Same scenario as above but the interaction with one of the contractors results in a fault. Both the agency and the customer receive an error message from this contractor (denoted by a red circle).

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Site created and maintained by:
Alistair Barros, SAP, Brisbane Research Centre, alistair.barros at
Marlon Dumas, BPM Research Group, Queensland University of Technology, m.dumas at
Arthur ter Hofstede, BPM Research Group, Queensland University of Technology, a.terhofstede at
Part of a joint initiative by SAP and Queensland University of Technology, co-funded by Queensland State Government.
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