Animation - Request with Referral Pattern

Description. Party A sends a request to party B indicating that any follow-up response should be sent to a number of other parties (P1, P2, ..., Pn) depending on the evaluation of certain conditions. While faults are sent by default to these parties, they could alternatively be sent to another nominated party (which may be party A).

Case 1: Single referral without fault

A customer's procurement service sends a request with a purchase order to a supplier's order processing service. This request instructs the supplier to use a given transport service so the supplier eventually sends a shipping order to this transport service. Eventually, the transport service sends a shipment notification directly to the customer's procurement service.
In the terminology of the pattern description, party A = customer, party B = supplier, and there is only one party P = transport service.

Case 2: Single referral with fault

Same as in the previous scenario, except  that a fault occurs in the supplier service due to an error in the purchase order. As a result, the supplier sends back an error message to a communication port designated in the customer's request.

Case 3: Multi-referral

Same as the first case, but there are now two transport services because the order includes goods with different transportation requirements. The supplier service sends a shipping order to each of the transport services, and each of these transport services sends a shipment notification back to the customer.

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Site created and maintained by:
Alistair Barros, SAP, Brisbane Research Centre, alistair.barros at
Marlon Dumas, BPM Research Group, Queensland University of Technology, m.dumas at
Arthur ter Hofstede, BPM Research Group, Queensland University of Technology, a.terhofstede at
Part of a joint initiative by SAP and Queensland University of Technology, co-funded by Queensland State Government.
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