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<< Working with Text Formatting Slides Wrapping Up >>

Slide transition
Here you can select cross-fade effects and the speed of slide transition for the current slide. In drawing view, choose Slide Show - Slide Transition from the menu bar and it will bring up a dockable window that allows you to customize each slide.

Slide Transition Dialog Box
  • Effects - this is where you select an effect for cross-fading from one slide to another
  • Speed - define the speed of the change from one slide to the next in this list field. You can choose between slow, medium or fast.

The Extras icon allows you to define additional options for the slide transition. For example, you can choose between automatic or manual transition, or you can assign a sound to be played at each slide transition. In slide view, you may format the slide transition of each slide by clicking on the slide you wish to format and using the effect toolbar that is conveniently available near the top of the screen when you are in slide view.

Effect Dialog Box

Master slide
Change the style of all slides in the presentation by formatting the properties on the master slide. This is especially useful if you are creating slides from scratch, because it each slide will be consistently formatted. In drawing view, select Master View on the bottom left corner of the screen.

Master View Button

Master View

Format this slide just as you would format a regular slide by formatting text and lists, and adding background patterns and effects. Many of the formatting options can be accessed by highlighting the text in the master view and right clicking on the text. This will bring up a menu with a list of formatting options to choose from. When you are done formatting the master slide, click on slide view button (which is to the right of the master view button) to return to the normal drawing view.

Slide View
<< Working with Text Formatting Slides Wrapping Up >>

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