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Estonian Cryptography

Best Cited Papers

This list is based on Google Scholar, and has been manually extracted on 01.07.2013 (with comparison with numbers on 15.09.2008, 05.10.2009 and 12.06.2010, 21.07.2011, 05.11.2012 if possible).

  1. Bart Goethals, Sven Laur, Helger Lipmaa, Taneli Mielikäinen, On Private Scalar Product Computation for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining]: the paper broke all previously proposed protocol to compute private scalar product, and proposed a new secure protocol. Because private scalar product is central in many PPDM protocol, this paper has been quite influential. ICISC 2004, (88 - 135 - 161 - 190 - 226 - 254) citations.
  2. Helger Lipmaa, An Oblivious Transfer Protocol with Log-Squared Communication]: at this moment the most efficient protocol for oblivious transfer (the task to privately query one element of the database). As OT is a very important primitive, the paper has again be very influential. ISC 2005, (65 - 91 - 114 - 132 - 162 - 180) citations.
  3. Ahto Buldas, Peeter Laud, Helger Lipmaa, Jan Villemson, Time-Stamping with Binary Linking Schemes]: the first important paper of the research group. We proposed a new, secure, time-stamping scheme. Crypto 98 (one of the two annually most important publishing venues), (92 - 112 - 115 - 113 - 133 - 142) citations.
  4. Sven Laur, Kaisa Nyberg, Efficient mutual data authentication using manually authenticated strings. CANS 2006 (? - ? - 71 - 122 - 130 - 139) citations.
  5. Helger Lipmaa, Phillip Rogaway, David Wagner, Comments to NIST Concerning AES-modes of Operations: CTR-mode Encryption]: the paper recommended to standardize the CTR mode (NIST followed our recommendation). AES Modes Workshop 2000, (84 - 83 - 88 - 100 - 125 - 138) citations.
  6. Helger Lipmaa, N. Asokan, Valtteri Niemi, Secure Vickrey Auctions without Threshold Trust]: the scheme was much more efficient than existing schemes for e-auctions. Some of the defined subroutines are also used in e-voting protocols (in particular, the used range proof has been influential). Financial Cryptography 2002, (64 - 71 - 80 - 90 - 120 - 129) citations.
  7. Peeter Laud, Semantics and Program Analysis of Computationally Secure Information Flow]: a very influential paper about computationally secure information flow. ESOP 2001, (75 - 92 - 104 - 114 - 123 - 129) citations.
  8. Helger Lipmaa, Guilin Wang, Feng Bao, Designated verifier signature schemes: attacks, new security notions and a new construction: we pointed out that many previous papers on DVS were faulty, and gave a new definiton. ICALP 2005 (? - ? - 68 - 80 - 102 - 113) citations.
  9. Helger Lipmaa, Shiho Moriai, Efficient algorithms for computing differential properties of addition. In FSE 2001. (? - ? -? - 77 - 88 - 108) citations.
  10. Ahto Buldas, Peeter Laud, Helger Lipmaa, Accountable certificate management using undeniable attestations] together with journal version Eliminating Counterevidence with Applications to Accountable Certificate Management]: new ideas on how to securely implement certificate revocation. Original paper was published at the most important general security conference ACM CCS 2000. Only three of the papers from there were invited to a journal (Journal of Computer Security, 2002). (75 - 92 - 97 - 102 - 104 - 107) citations.
  11. Helger Lipmaa, On diophantine complexity and statistical zero-knowledge arguments. In ASIACRYPT 2003. (? - ? - ? - 70 - 102 - 106) citations
  12. Peeter Laud, Symmetric encryption in automatic analyses for confidentiality against active adversaries], IEEE SP 2004, (65 - 78 - 90 - 92 - 99 - 104) citations.
  13. Dan Bogdanov, Sven Laur, Jan Willemson. Sharemind: A framework for fast privacy-preserving computations. In ESORICS 2008. (? - ? - ? - ? - 76 - 102) citations.
  14. Kazumaro Aoki, Helger Lipmaa, Fast Implementations of AES Candidates]: paper described world's fastest implementations of AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) candidates, and as such probably had great influence in the final selection of AES. Many of the described implementations are still world fastest more than 5 years later. AES Candidate Conference 2000, (64 - 72 - 80 - 84 - 91 - 93) tsiteeringut.
  15. Michael Backes, Matteo Maffei, Dominique Unruh. Zero-knowledge in the applied pi-calculus and automated verification of the direct anonymous attestation protocol. IEEE SP 2008 (? - ? - ? - 68 - 90) citations.
  16. Edith Elkind and Helger Lipmaa. Hybrid voting protocols and hardness of manipulation. In ISAAC 2005. (? - ? - ? - 63 - 72 - 80) citations.
  17. Helger Lipmaa. Verifiable homomorphic oblivious transfer and private equality test. In Asiacrypt 2003. (? - ? - ? - 59 - 69 - 79) citations.
  18. Peeter Laud. Secrecy Types for a Simulatable Cryptographic Library. In ACM CCS 2005. (? - ? - ? - ? - 63 - 67) citations.
  19. Peeter Laud. Handling Encryption in an Analysis for Secure Information Flow. In ECOOP 2003. (? - ? - ? - ? - 62 - 67) citations.
  20. Ahto Buldas, Helger Lipmaa, and Berry Schoenmakers. Optimally Efficient Accountable Time-Stamping. In PKC 2000. (? - ? - ? - ? - 60 - 64) citations.
  21. Helger Lipmaa. Secure and Efficient Time-Stamping Systems. PhD thesis, 1999. (? - ? - ? - ? - 56 - 60) citations.

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