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Estonian Cryptography


The next list containts all senior and most of the junior cryptographers who are originally from Estonia OR are currently in Estonia. While the list of employers sounds confusing (if you are not from Estonia), most of the listed people collaborate closely. (Compare it with the French system if you will. ENS/CRNS/INRIA/Paris 8/DCSSI...)
People with PhD's
Ahto Buldas Cybernetica AS, senior researcher (0.5); University of Tartu, professor (0.25); Tallinn Technical University, professor (0.5) DBLP
Emilia Käsper Google, SwitzerlandDBLP COSIC
Peeter Laud Cybernetica AS, senior researcher; University of Tartu, professor (0.5) DBLP/Publications
Sven Laur University of Tartu, lecturer DBLP/Publications
Helger Lipmaa Cybernetica AS, senior researcher; Tallinn University, professor (0.3) DBLP/Publications
Margus Niitsoo Researcher, U Tartu DBLP
Märt Saarepera Guardtime DBLP
Ilja Tshahhirov Tallinn Technical University DBLP
Dominique Unruh University of Tartu, professor DBLP
Jan Willemson (aka Jan Villemson) Cybernetica AS, senior researcher DBLP/Publications
People with MSc
Arne AnsperCybernetica ASDBLP
Dan BogdanovPhD student, U Tartu; Cybernetica AS
Meelis RoosCybernetica AS; University of Tartu, lecturer (0.5)DBLP
Bingsheng ZhangUniversity of Tartu

See how those people are cited in comparison with other Estonian computer scientists. A list of our best cited papers is given here.

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