Dear students
In December and January, Institute of Computer Science of Tartu University will be visited by prof. Nguyen Dinh Thuc from the Faculty of IT,University of Science,
National University of Ho Chi Minh City ( Prof. Nguyen visits us as a NordSecMob scholar, having been awarded a scholarship by the European
As a part of his stay, prof. Nguyen will teach a course called "Advanced cryptography and Applications" (MTAT.07.021, 2EAP) during the last three weeks of the
semester (starting November 30th). The course nicely complements our own cryptography courses, putting more emphasis to areas that we cover less. The course will
cover the cryptanalysis of asymmetric primitives (both public-key encryption and signatures), it will cover symmetric encryption primitives in more detail than
offered in "Cryptology I", and maybe the most interesting part will be cryptographic primitives and protocols for low-power devices, e.g. mobile phones or wireless
sensor networks.
The course is open for registration in ÕIS. I suggest the course for master and doctoral students (but also to third-year bachelor students). In particular, I
suggest it to students having already passed the course "Cryptology I". The lecture times of the course (Mon 10-12, Wed 12-14, Thu 14-16 and Dec. 4th 12-14) have
been chosen to not coincide with the times of (most) other master level courses offered by Institute of CS in this semester.
In addition to giving the course, prof. Nguyen can also be approached for
thesis topics.