
Seminar looduse kirjutamisest

Kohustuslikud loengumaterjalid:

Armbruster, Karla 1998. Creating the World We Must Save: The Paradox of Television Nature Documentaries. Writing the Environment: Ecocriticism and Literature. Toim. Richard Kerridge, Neil Sammells, London: Zed, lk 218-238.

Berthold-Bond, Daniel 2000. The Ethics of "Place", Reflections on Bioregionalism. Environmental Ethics 22, lk 5-24.

Buell, Lawrence 1995. The Environmental Imagination. Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture. Cambridge and London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press - ptk 8: Place, lk 252-279.

Cloudsley, Tim 1995. Ideas of Nature in the European Imagination. History of European Ideas 20(1-3), lk 333-340.

Friday, Jonathan 1999. Looking at Nature through Photographs. Journal of Aesthetic Education 33(1), lk. 25-35.

Howarth, William 1996. Some Principles of Ecocriticism. The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology. Toim. Cheryll Glotfelty, Harold Fromm. Athens: University of Georgia Press, lk 69-91.

Kull, Kalevi 1998. Semiotic Ecology: Different Natures in the Semiosphere. Sign System Studies 26, lk 344-371.

Lyon, Thomas 1996. A Taxonomy of Nature Writing. The Ecocriticism Reader. Landmarks in Literary Ecology. Toim. Cheryll Glotfelty, Harold Fromm. Athens: University of Georgia Press, lk. 155-169.

Manes, Christopher 1996. Nature and Silence. The Ecocriticism Reader. Landmarks in Literary Ecology. Toim. Cheryll Glotfelty, Harold Fromm. Athens: University of Georgia Press, lk 15-29.

Maran, Timo; Tüür, Kadri 2001. Lühikene eesti looduskirjanduse lugu. Vikerkaar 10, lk 60-66.

Masing, Viktor 1970. Teaduse tutvustamine trükis - selle astmed ja vormid. Eesti Loodus 11, lk 642-648.

Soper, Kate 2000. The Idea of Nature. The Green Studies Reader. From Romanticism to Ecocriticism. Toim. Laurence Coupe. London: Routledge, lk 123-126.

Soovituslikud loengumaterjalid:

Annist, August; Roos, Jaan; Käis, Johannes 1940. Eesti populaarteaduslik kirjandus. Kuidas see on arenenud ja mida pakub see praegu. Tartu: Eesti Kirjanduse Selts - ptk "Eesti populaarteaduslik kirjandus iseseisvusajal", alajaotus "Loodusteadused", osad I-III, lk 132-149.

Evernden, Neil 1996. Beyond Ecology. Self, Place and Pathetic Fallacy. The Ecocriticism Reader. Landmarks in Literary Ecology. Toim. Cheryll Glotfelty, Harold Fromm. Athens: University of Georgia Press, lk. 155-169.

Hautala, Hannu; Luhta, Jorma; Rautavaara, Arno; Rinne, Veikko; Suominen, Teuvo 1981. Luonnonvalokuvauksen käsikirja - ptk. Mikä on luonnonvalokuva 10-13, Weilin+Göös.

Hoffmeyer, Jesper 1998. The Unfolding Semiosphere. Evolutionary Systems. Biological and Epistemological Perspectives on Selection and Self-Organization. Toim. Gertrudis Van De Vijver, Stanley N. Salthe, Manuela Delpos. Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, lk 281-93.

Maran, Timo 2003. Loodusest, fotost ja kunstist. Cheese 3, lk 30-33.

Meeker, Joseph 1996. The Comic Mode. The Ecocriticism Reader. Landmarks in Literary Ecology. Toim. Cheryll Glotfelty, Harold Fromm. Athens: University of Georgia Press, lk. 155-169.

Merchant, Carolyn 1990. Nature as Female. The Death of Nature. Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution. San Francisco: Harper, lk 1-41.

Murphy, Patrick D. 1995. Literature, Nature and Other. Ecofeminist Critiques. Albany: State University of New York Press. - ptk. 2: Ground, Pivot, Motion: Ecofeminist Theory, Dialogics, and Literary Practice, lk 19-30.

Ruskin, John 2000. Landscape, Mimesis and Morality. The Green Studies Reader. From Romanticism to Ecocriticism. Toim. Laurence Coupe. London: Routledge, lk 26-31.

Randviir, Anti 2000. Loodus ja tekst. Tähenduslikkuse tekitamine. Tekst ja loodus. Toim. Timo Maran, Kadri Tüür. Tartu: EKS, lk. 135-147.

Uexküll, Jakob v. 1982. The Theory of Meaning. Semiotica 42(1), lk 25-82.

Tüür, Kadri 1997. Kirjandusökoloogia võimalikkusest. Keel ja Kirjandus 9, lk 628-629.