Spreadsheet Basics
Selecting Cells
- Selecting Cells
- Selecting a Column or Row
Copying and Moving Cells
- Copying Cells
- Copying a Row or Column
- Moving Cells, Rows, or Columns
Adding Rows and Columns
- Add a Row
- Adding a Column
Resizing Rows and Columns
Adding and Renaming Worksheets
- Adding a Worksheet
- Renaming a Worksheet
Opening and Saving Spreadsheets
- Open a Spreadsheet
- Save a Spreadsheet
- Adding a Function to the Spreadsheet
- Referencing Funtions
Sorting Records
- Sort Ascending/Descending Buttons
Inserting Graphics
- Insert Graphics
- Resizing the Graphic
- Moving the Graphic
Creating Charts
- AutoFormat Chart
- Choose Chart Type
- Choose Variant
- Choosing the Labels
- Finished Chart
Copy a Chart to Writer
- Paste in Writer
- Copied Chart
Printing and Page Format
- Page Preview
- Page Format
- Page Orientation
- Page Margins
- Headers/Footers
- Printing